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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. On 4/16/2020 at 3:16 PM, Spawn said:

      This is similar to the situation with the ARF on the last server. When the admin's until the last moment claimed that the ARF is in order and a lot of people just abandoned the server

      I never said that it is normal for a RF to almost 1 hit 20 persons AoE in throne room while not dying, better look for our replies about it (that doesn't exist) instead of trash-talking.

      But, in the current case, it is normal for a MG to burst other chars 1v1 while dying pretty quick if bursted. You don't have enough dd and ddi in early game to outsustain the MG burst.

    2. Hello,

      Today at around 13:30 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll do a scheduled maintenance on our servers as we're continuing the fight with the attackers, trying out new things, to hopefully get rid of the small disconnects that are still happening from time to time.

      This means that both Inception & Phoenix will be down for around 20~40 minutes.

      Auto-reconnect may not work so make sure to be online in order to reconnect!


    3. Items on Phoenix are default, and they are perfect for low stats server (~3k points).

      You can't compare items defence with Inception that does have ~50k points. The reason why they're buffed there.

    4. On our server Valiant is tier4 item (BoK4) and Thunder Hawk is tier5 item (BoK5). Items tiers can be seen on official info topic -> item tiers category.

      But I will check the normal mobs drop, may be a default drop where valiant is considered higher (by webzen) than thunder hawk.

    5. 23 minutes ago, Kaladin said:

      im not sure if you are aware, but pvp and non pvp invasions don't work as intended.

      "PvP Invasions: Free PK near Goldens (no penalty for killing), while killed player is respawning close to the golden" i am not sure about the penalty, but you definitely don't re spawn near the place you were killed.

      "Non PvP Invasions: Not possible to kill players during this Invasions, as long as there are still Goldens alive on that map, and 8 seconds after." Yes, you can very easy kill other players, right next to the golden mobs in fact, i've been killed many times during the hunt in "non-pvp invasion"

      Can you confirm that this is a bug ? or is this something that was left in information from Phoenix#1 and was forgotten to edit ?

      For #1, it does tell you left side in chat (with blue) if it could find good coordonates on respawn, if it didn't it respawned you on safe-zone. It tries 500 times to find right coords near golden, but it doesn't always find depending on golden zones. It works normally for me and it does announce me if it didn't find good coords for respawn.

      For #2, keep in mind that Mercenaries does bypass such non-pvp rule of the invasion, which means Mercenaries can kill each-others during non-pvp invasions.

    6. Hello,

      We're currently working on finding and stopping the root of the attacks we're facing.

      We'll for sure offer some compensations when we'll fully get rid of them.

      Until then, please be patient, we're doing our best, but it is not as easy as it sounds due to the new type of attacks we're encountering.


    7. Hello OldSquaders & New comers,

      Less than 15 hours remained for the grand opening of our second edition from the Phoenix server.

      The Server does start at 18:00 GMT+3 (Server Time) - watch website countdown.
      You will be able to make sure that client works, make parties, etc.

      The MOBS will spawn at 19:00 GMT+3 (after 1 hour). 

      Important Info:

      • !!!! Don't forget to choose the 'Phoenix' Server when you are logging on site, else you will be logged on Inception and you will be able to use the Inception services/options instead of Phoenix!!!
      • In order to use the SITE FUNCTIONS you need to ACTIVATE your ACCOUNT on EMAIL! (It takes 1-5 minutes to be sent).
      • You can make DL, MG, RF from level 1 since server starts if you get VIP, else you need level 150.
      • Don't forget that ENERGY ELVES are OUT OF GAME! Their buffs are useless on normal server.
        • Note: You can still play EE at CS where buffs works, but there you can adjust points with /rebuild command, only for the CS.
        • Note2: Also don't make TANK builds (VRF/VDL) as they can be used "for free" at CS via /rebuild, only for the CS.
      • Don't forget that EXP STARTS REALLY LOW and does get HIGHER as you progress in Levels.
        • Note: The same things does apply for mobs on spots, starts from 4 and gets to 7-8 on highest maps.
      • You have access to OFF-Attack for up to 5 hours (no auto-pick).
        • VIP is boosting its duration/adds auto-pick.
      • Except of Golden Budges & BoK+1 goldens, all goldens are disabled so they won't disturb you in the early stages.
        • Note: They will be released progressively as people will be able to hunt them.
      • You can join Public Test Server anytime to check out anything you would like to know/test.
      • You can warp from SITE if you are PK - but it costs much more!
      • First CS will be held on 19.04.2020 (2 weeks after start).
        • Note: The rewards will be progressive, first CS will have no rewards except of Defenders status for the 2nd CS.
          • Each week will unlock a new reward at CS, last one being Senior Mix.
      • This is an 100% International Server, that means you MUST write in English ONLY on /post and Gens Chat.
        • If you won't do this you can get Muted / Warned and even Banned!
      • First GENS rewards will be delivered on 31 April, and they consist in OB3s & OB4s, numbers depending on your rank.
      • Mercenary Squad will be unlocked after Break 1 (level 280).
        • You will need at least level 250 to join Merc Squad, as well as to start a Merc Quest.
      • Professional VIP will be released after Break 2 (level 345).
      • Add luck from website will be unlocked after Break 1.
      • Until Break 1, you can only upgrade from website from +9 to +10, after Break 1 you can upgrade to +11, and after Break 2 to +12 as well.
      • Increase ADD Option from website will be unlocked after Break 1.
      • Wings Protector & Talisman drop from OB5 will be unlocked after Quest System is unlocked.
      • Up to 60-70% of content is adjusted/custom so you REALLY need to read all of our info in order to have a good time.

      Also, we want to share you some of the important topics and info that you MUST read for a full experience here:

      Bonus - Reporter's first topic for Phoenix: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3663-phoenix-2-bring-the-light/


      If you need any kind of assistance please contact us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/OldSquadMU - we will be there most of the time!

      OldSquad Team

    8. Hello,

      Test server for Phoenix is now up.

      Client can be downloaded from Downloads section.

      Note: Characters were moved from Inception's Test-Server to reduce your time, just adjust them for Phoenix's stats.

      Note2: Server is like 85% done, we're still working and we'll work until Friday, so expect some things to not be fully working.

      We would appreciate if you can bring feedback related to the PvM concept to make sure all chars are fine under the new EE settings, as well as the difficulty of the bosses/mini-bosses.

      Test server commands: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2921-phoenix-test-server-commands/


    9. We won't trash on 50% of our new system before it even got to be fully played from start.

      If there will be any changes to the CS system they will happen on the next Inception.


      After your statement regarding 380 items(not gonna be on phoenix), are we gonna have wings lvl4 ? If yes can you please tell us how are will we make them ?

      To be more clear,can you please tell us if 380 will not be available at all or will be but only non exe ?

      Only 380 non exc. weapons are ingame, those for W4 from Guild Master Box. Same W4 system but with non exc 380.

    10. 18 hours ago, Colossus said:

      A suggestion would be : The characters that are banned,sell them to other players for credits.This will help new players get 'competitive' characters .Same time ,the one that has been banned for bad language or for hack ,will be IP banned ,and some1 else can use his character(new player) .Or maybe make this available in mid-end game ,so in end game people start to compete more.

      We've discussed this internally some time ago when it was proposed first time but idea was rejected from multiple reasons.

      18 hours ago, Fane said:

      Are we gonna have Barnake Pad and Drake Vine ? 

      Know we didn`t have them on Inception.

      Yes, all ancients sets are available, the list can be found on official info topic.

    11. Hello OldSquaders,

      It is well known that we are experiencing darker times due to this COVID outbreak, so we kindly ask you to let us bring the light and give you some occupation while you're at home, more exactly let Phoenix bring the light with its second edition!

      Yes, you heard it well, our Project Phoenix is rising for its second edition, coming stronger than ever, with a lot of new fun systems for you to enjoy while you're staying home!

      Phoenix is featuring our CS V2 System, Mercenary Squad V2 System, End-Game Quest System, a new Progressive Gameplay and a bunch of other great things, to make sure you have a nice stay in our community!

      Prepare yourselves for another great journey brought to you by OldSquad Community!

      Grand Opening: 03 April at 18:00 GMT+2 (Mobs will spawn at 19:00 GMT+2).

      Full Info Topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2884-phoenix-official-information-everything-you-need-to-know/


      Test-Server for Phoenix will be opened to public with few days before launch!


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