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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. I don't mind free chat topics, but the idea of having all chars same on resistance / damage is wrong.

      Classes must look like following (for PvP):

      SMG: Medium to play at full potential, High burst damage, Low resistance.
      VRF: Easy to play at full potential, Medium damage, Medium resistance.
      ABK: Hard to play at full potential, Medium-High burst damage, Medium-High resistance.

      SM: Medium to play at full potential, Medium damage, High resistance.
      AE: Easy-Medium to play at full potential, Medium damage, Low-Medium resistance.
      DL: Easy to play at full potential, Medium-High damage, Medium-High resistance.
      SUM: Easy to play at full potential (normal PvP), Hard to play at full potential (Duel, CS): High burst damage, Low resistance.

      No PvP / Low-PvP, untouched builds:

      Then the difference between some "more similar" chars are in terms of other utilities (CS impact / roles, different events impact, buffs, etc.) and PvM / Hunt power.

      Our tweaks will always keep this details in mind, as the final result.

    2. 29 minutes ago, Phantomel said:

      DL is indeed a bit too much right now. He's not lacking damage nor survivability. You should really look a bit into it. Either make him tank and nerf his damage a bit more, either cut a bit from his defense. He also has a huge range on chaotic. I wasn't even seeing him on map with camera full zoomed out and I was somehow taking damage, plus that they have the horse skill in case things get close to them. Elves started falling of, but they are still op in PVM. The rf's started scaling and actually feel decent right now. Bk has his problems with his gap closer, and I dont think they are top pvp(as they should be, considering we're not getting any credits from DS tops, it still takes us A LOT to kill a golden, no chance of getting the statue in bc and so on). Antidotes are definitely a must, and some times they are not enough and can't compete with a good SM/MG/DL who can just kite us infinitely. Strike of destruction's rate of applying the debuff is next to zero, considering the low attack speed on it and the HUGE animation time. If you chase a DL you can't hit anything on it due to the fact that we dont have any slow and our gap closer has 2 range, and sm can just slow tp kite attack. Things are a bit easier with mg's if you have antidotes and get in their range. I didn't have a chance to pvp with summoners(close to me in terms of reset) so I can't share my opinion on them. That's just my two cents about pvp right now. Overall DL feels like the jack of all trades.


      L.E: I know some people will say that BK have huge damage, but come on guys, use your tools and dont stay in their melee range ^^

      ^ this is how a feedback should look like, when you're starting such topics, not some random rants that you are beaten by x or y (so nerf them) or that your character needs a "buff" because why not, it's free to ask for - be sure that they are ignored. So, take notes from this guy.

      About DL - It is indeed true that DL still overperforms in PvP at the current stage even after the latest nerfs from previous stage and for sure will be looked into again on the next stage patch.

      About BK - if people can't do 2-3 combos in a row, the character is a waste. If people can do 2-3 combos in a row (which sadly very few of current BK players can do it) they are ... hard to win against. BK is a character where mistakes can't happen (outside of bad rng of the combo hit-rate) if you want to get its full potential, even 1 missed combo can cost you your death. It is indeed the hardest character to play, gear & level, but it pays off a lot if you can master it, especially on team vs team events where buffs transforms it in a monster, hard to kill and hard to stay in its range.

      About VRF - It is the easiest to play melee character from the game, that does have DPS, gap closer & ice chance on a single skill (chain drive), compared to SMG which does use 3 different skills (cyclone - gap closer, ice skill - ice, fireslash - DPS) or BK that has to master its combo skills. Apart from this reason that it is too easy to play, he's biggest weakness for PvP is that he is fully depended on having cape level 3 (which is a huge upgrade from the level 2 cape, compared to rest of classes). More than that, he's the only melee that scales into mid-late game due to skill damage % on chain instead of the pure, constant damage of SMG/BK.

    3. 2 minutes ago, ICrit said:

      You just love to hate.. Got it, lol. The balance would be kept even if alts are involved, why, cause the alts are conditioned by the same system in the same way as the newbies.

      Uhm, that's a new thing to hear, putting up ALTS with w2/w3, exc sets, weapons, rings & so on versus REAL newbies with non-exc medal items means being threat in the same way, okie.


      Offtopic: that MG is not me :)

      Nickname doesn't matter, there's only one guy from Iasi with your way of "typing", MU connection & some IT knowledge, the same old ego that people who got to see it ran away. Not even mentioning the "corruption" level.

      So yea, hate is never "for free", don't get me wrong.

      Wish you the best.

    4. This is what a flex means, trying to shine with easy piece of codes that you don't have any idea if they are compatible with our emulator or not. Why Gion said that? Simple, we don't have direct source code access (which none of the respectable emulators does offer, lul), so we're limited enough to our lua extension. And, if you would even read what Gion referred to is the possibility to "make sure" that such feature would not be abused by alts / different connections from same person, but hei, why to read when we can just throw some random code and prove what we're made of.

      Unless you want to impress some other people from here go for it & continue, you may get some fans. If you do it for "us", you can stop and better focus on your "projects", if they still exist.

    5. 14 minutes ago, ICrit said:

      Just implement a system where the goldens do reduced dmg and take increased dmg to/from characters that are 'lower' while they do increased dmg and take reduced dmg to/from characters that are 'higher' based on the total number of points a player has (str+agi+vit+ene+lvl-up points);

      An example using lua script files and settings files from data folder or wherever you have them would be something like this:

      -- monsterDmg is the dmg the monster has assigned per file settings
      -- minPoints is a constant that you can come up with depending on what type of golden we\'re talking about (Eg: for golden + 1 the points a player would have at 1 or 2 resets)
      -- maxPercentage a safeguard to not punish your higher reseted players let\'s say 500% - you can also insert a maxPoints to check against
      -- player - the Player object stats table that contains str, agi, vit, ene, cmd and level up points
      def function getDmgDone(monsterDmg, minPoints, maxPercentage, player)
        local totalPoints = player['str'] + player['agi'] + player['vit'] + player['ene'] + player['cmd'] + player['lpoints']
        if (totalPoints < minPoints) then
          return monsterDmg 
          local percentage = minPoints * totalPoints / 100
          if (percentage > maxPercentage) then
            percentage = maxPercentage
        	return monsterDmg * percentage / 100
      -- The same function can be applied for defense of a monster against a player
      -- Eg function in case you want a maxPoints check also
      def function getDmgDone2(monsterDmg, minPoints, maxPoints, maxPercentage, player)
        local totalPoints = player['str'] + player['agi'] + player['vit'] + player['ene'] + player['cmd'] + player['lpoints']
        if (totalPoints < minPoints) then
          return monsterDmg 
          if (totalPoints >= maxPoints)
            return monsterDmg * maxPercentage / 100
          local percentage = minPoints * totalPoints / 100
          if (percentage > maxPercentage) then
            percentage = maxPercentage
        	return monsterDmg * percentage / 100
      -- For the dmg taken by the golden function you just change the monsterDmg with the player['dmg'] eg:
      def function getDmgTaken(minPoints, maxPoints, maxPercentage, player)
        local totalPoints = player['str'] + player['agi'] + player['vit'] + player['ene'] + player['cmd'] + player['lpoints']
        if (totalPoints < minPoints) then
          return player['dmg']
          if (totalPoints >= maxPoints)
            return player['dmg'] * maxPercentage / 100
          local percentage = minPoints * totalPoints / 100
          if (percentage > maxPercentage) then
            percentage = maxPercentage
        	return player['dmg'] * percentage / 100
      -- You are free to play with this code however you see fit and you could potentialy load the minPoints, maxPoints, maxPercentage variables from a settings files depending on the golden/monster in question 
      -- EG (based on whatever I think may be in the code):
      -- in a header file, or whatever kind of file is used to populate your C/C++ structures is used
      -- lobj->loadSpecialMonsterSettings('...whatever path'); // this function populates the structure/sub-structure/class/whatever with multiple instances of other sub-structures/sub-classed that hold the monsterID, the minPoints, the maxPoints and the maxPercentage [from the said settings file]
      -- .... here goes a lot of shit ton of code for whatever purposes and stuff ... and wherever/whenever it gets to the function that computes the dmg the  monster does/takes, right before they start or inside it wherever you see fit:
      -- .... code that's used before the call to the function to get monster dmg against player
      -- /* you can insert the mentioned above functions here like:
      -- here is the block of code that you would call in a way to compute that monster dmg modification
      -- if (lobj->SpecialMonsters->isSpecialMonster(lobj->monster->getId()) {
      --		char[] luaFunction = "getDmgDone2";
      --		Array<vector> functionArgs[6];
      --		Array<vector> playerTable = ['str' -> lobj->player->getStr(), 'agi' -> lobj->player->getAgi(), 'vit' -> lobj->player->getVit(), 'ene' -> lobj->player->getEne(), 'cmd' -> lobj->player->getCmd(), 'lpoints' -> lobj->player->getLvlUpPoints()];
      -- 		functionArgs['monsterDmg'] = lobj->monster->getDmg();
      -- 		functionArgs['minPoints'] = lobj->SpecialMonsters->getMinPoints(lobj->monster->getId();
      -- 		functionArgs['maxPoints'] = lobj->SpecialMonsters->getMaxPoints(lobj->monster->getId();
      -- 		functionArgs['maxPercentage'] = lobj->SpecialMonsters->getMaxPercentage(lobj->monster->getId();
      --		functionArgs['player'] = *playerTable;
      -- 		lobj->monster->setDmg(lobj->callToLuaFunction('..path to lua file', luaFunction, *functionArgs));
      -- }
      -- And that is end of the code of block
      -- you can use the block here before this return
      -- return lobj->monsterDmgDoneTopPlayer(lobj->monster->getDmg(), lobj->player, lobj);
      -- ..... other code or whatever .....
      -- double monsterDmgDone(monster, player, lobj) {
      -- 		or you could call that block of code here to compute the monster dmg modification
      --		... code bla bla ...
      -- 		or you could call that block of code here to compute the monster dmg modification
      --  	return whateverComputedMonsterDmg // you could use that block of code as a function and wrap the whateverComputedMonsterDmg in that function
      -- }


      Weird flex, mister Fr33. We know what things to do and how to do them here, but thanks for the "lua lesson".

      ONTOPIC: This is a hard server in the end, even though newbies does receive a lot of boosts, they must still work for what they achieve in game. After few resets goldens are easy anyway except of GGD's and BoK+5 which require way more resets to compete for them.

      In the end there's wormhole for newbies that want a "fair catch-up" mechanic in terms of goldens/bosses, etc.

    6. I'll clear this for you as I'm the only one that can respond to such "appeal".

      So, basically, what you did expected to happen after you fu**d 2 innocent people on soccer is to simply get 3 days ban on your SECONDARY char, ah?

      The ban is on "ALL CHARS", which means, all the chars you personally control, and if there was only one char to be banned, that would be your MAIN character of course, not your ALT.

      The difference between trying to join with multiple chars on IP vs not presenting at soccer after check-in is that on 1st case you could also get BAN on accounts/characters that are not even yours but you accessed them (like friends and so on). The 2nd is only for your PERSONAL characters, MAIN & ALTS.

      Better blame yourself for wasting others time instead of acting like an innocent here.

      Topic closed, you got your "appeal".

    7. Release date: 10.11.2020 at 19:45 - No server restart needed, only mobs restart.


      • [UPDATED] Now Warns given by players in IT are anonymously & silent - when you give Warn in IT it will no longer show to everyone who warned who and neither will notice the one warned.
      • [UPDATED] Suspicious Scrap of Paper (Imperial Event) droprate slightly raised.
      • [UPDATED] OSGM Events will now show the messages on all sub-servers instead of only on Server 1.
      • [UPDATED] Staying inside BWQ will now first try to move you in 5x5 range of her, only if it doesn't find valid coords it will move you to safe-zone.
        • Note: Messages added as well.
      • [ADDED] Imperial Guardian Weekly Championship.
        • There will be daily awards for best records on the event-clear.
        • In order to be eligible for daily records you need to finish the event IN AN UNIQUE FULL PARTY - which means you need to have 5 different classes in your party.
        • Every day from week will have its own record for that party / character that finished it.
        • Only the best record is registered on each day, which means a character that does the event 2/3 times per day will have only 1 record registered (the best one) with the best party. You don't have to do it with same parties. Record is individual.
        • At the end of each day (23:59) TOP10 best records will earn points (this means, every character with the same - best record as others will be registered on each position, TOP1, TOP2, etc. there can be 1-5 chars with same record at each position):
          • TOP1 = 6 points
          • TOP2 = 5 Points
          • TOP3 = 4 Points
          • TOP4 = 3 Points
          • TOP5 = 2 Points
          • TOP6-10 = 1 Point.
        • At the end of the week (Sunday at 23:59) all records are reset and there will be TOP3 rewards for TOP1~5 people with the most points (counting multiple people with same points at the same rank). Points are also reset at the end of the week.
          • Rewards:
            • TOP1: HoF Badge + 3x TOCA & 20x Jewel of Harmony.
            • TOP2: 2x TOCA & 15x Jewel of Harmony.
            • TOP3: 1x TOCA & 10x Jewel of Harmony. 
        • Note: Because we were a bit late with this new system, we'll have it on "BETA" until this Sunday's night. Rewards will start from this Monday.
      • [UPDATED] Now Medics from Imperial does have the highest HP from the encounter (except of the bosses), instead of the lowest.
        • Note: Make sure to isolate & focus them properly.
      • [FIXED] Gens Points for online time not being given back after the character left Mercenary Squad.
      • [UPDATED] Now you can no longer use /challenge while both Colloseums for Challenges are occupied.
        • Note: It will ask you to try again in few seconds and you'll be able to enter your own challenge when any of the 2 colloseums are empty.
      • [UPDATED] Maximum time to use /challenge raised from 5 minutes to 8 minutes.
      • [UPDATED] Now you can no longer move to other maps during IT, you are able to move again only after you relog your character.
      • [UPDATED] Now you will gain the Seal of Sustenance after entering IT, preventing you to gain exp until you relog your character.
        • Note: This should help (not guaranteed) in preserving your previous real level experience gained.
      • [UPDATED] Market History will now show the items in a sorted way, using the buy time.
      • + Other small fixes / adjustments / improvements.
    8. Hello,

      Exp boost is working correctly.

      Why you see the difference is because there are 2 types of experience tables across the resets.

      There's the linear exp (which is same exp rate for level 10-400), that's up to 4rr since the last boost.

      And there's dynamic upside exp (which all the resets except first 4 does currently have) that works in the following written way:

      • Starts with 35%/29.75%/24.5% for level 11-30 and it is increased with 10-15% every 20-60 levels up to 157.76%/134.09%/110.43% for level 381-400.
      • The exp points (where exp it is increased with 10/15% compared to previous level) are:
        •  Levels: 30,50,70,90,120,180,210,250,290,320,350,380.

      While at 0 resets and level 340, for example, you have 400% exp, at 6 resets and level 340 you currently reach up to ~238% exp that increases further up to level 400.

      The difference is that you start with way lower rate for level 1-300 that does increase, compared to constant same rate of exp.

    9. Release date: 04.11.2020 at 15:15 - There will be a small server restart.

      Congrats to mafy, RuSuLeTzZz and No1LiveEr for finishing the Stage 2!


      We still have few spots open in Council! We're encouraging you to apply for them if you're interested in constructive discussions about our project.
      Slots are closed only for this 2 guilds: HARDCORE & NEUTRAL.

      More info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3883-oldsquad-council/?do=findComment&comment=34402

      People that progressed through Stage 2 can use /stagereward to get their reward based on the progress, after the Patch is up!

      Feedback for Early-Game is now up, we're waiting your thoughts here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4084-early-game-feedback/

      Registrations for Soccer Night #5 here: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4081-soccer-night-5-07112020/

      Development for Arena Tournament V2 is going well, and it will probably be ready for tests starting from next week.


      • [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 15 resets.
      • [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 2 (10rr) is now removed. 10th reset does have the same exp table like 9th reset.
      • [UPDATED] 2nd Newbies EXP boost added:
        • 0rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-350).
        • 1rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-360).
        • 2rr: 350% EXP (constant level 1-370).
        • 3rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-380).
        • 4rr: 250% EXP (constant level 1-390).
        • 5rr: +150% EXP.
        • 6rr: +100% EXP.
        • 7rr: +50% EXP.
      • [UPDATED] Released Quest 3 (NPC can be found in Lorencia).
      • [UPDATED] Released Swamp access.
      • [UPDATED] Released Flame of Condor drop (Swamp & some events).
      • [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 16.000 instead of 8.000.
      • [UPDATED] IT stats on event can now be random between 1 and 20 resets.
      • [UPDATED] Maximum VIT at CS can now be 10000 instead of 5000.
      • [UPDATED] Released ML events (BC8, DS7, CC7).
      • [UPDATED] Released Old Box 3 & Old Box 4.
      • [UPDATED] Released Rare Items drop from Old Boxes.
      • [UPDATED] Released Imperial Guardian Event & Suspicious Scrap of Paper in drop (mobs over level 90).
        • Note: Weekly records championship & rewards will start from this Monday. More info at the end of the week.
        • Note2: We're waiting feedback about the current difficulty of the event. Keep in mind that it is made to be done in parties!
        • Reminder about rewards:
          • Bosses are rewarding 3 Jewels (B/S/Life) + 20% chance for Talisman of Chaos Assembly & 80% chance for the 4th Jewel. Sunday's last boss does have 100% chance for TOCA.
          • Final reward is delivered to each participant individually, no matter how many players are in the party (everyone gets same reward).
        • Optional objective: Kill the Statues and get 1~3 extra Jewels that anyone from party can pick up.
      • [UPDATED] Cursed Dragon has been buffed in terms of HP & DEF. Now it can also drop OB1~4.
      • [UPDATED] Released IT3, IT4 & IT5.
        • Note: Final IT Levels:
          • IT1: 1-4rr
          • IT2: 5-8rr
          • IT3: 9-11rr
          • IT4: 12-14rr.
          • IT5: 15+rr.
      • [UPDATED] Released Bloody Witch Queen.
      • [UPDATED] Droprate of Feather & Crest (Icarus) slightly increased.
      • [UPDATED] Mercenary Bounty is now on its final reward:
        • 88% chance for 1x Soul/Life/Chaos/Harmony/Gemstone/Creation.
        • 10% chance for IT Ticket/Antidotes/Doppelganger Scrolls.
        • 2% chance for TOCA/Flame of Condor. 
      • [UPDATED] Released Professional VIP.
      • [UPDATED] Released access to Chaos Machine (on website) from +11 to +12.
      • [UPDATED] Released Reset Skill Tree.
      • [UPDATED] Released Increase ADD Option.
      • [UPDATED] Released Character Market.
      • [UPDATED] Limit of Market items raised to 20 / day.
      • [UPDATED] IT NPC will also reject you & give you notice when you are part of a party - you need to leave party to join IT.
      • [FIXED] Next raid / quiz timer not being saved after a server refresh.
      • [FIXED] CS score global message not showing all teams.
      • [UPDATED] Duration of items staying on the ground after drop raised from 35 seconds to 40 seconds (Server1&2) & 45 seconds (CS Server).
      • [ADDED] Character score at CS (Kills & points contributed) when writing /info + name, apart from the personal score showed on /score only for the character.
      • [UPDATED] OSGM Weekly Events Rewards:
        • Consolation at events: 1x Jewel of Chaos + 5x OSP
        • 5th place at events: 2x Jewel of Chaos + 1x BoK+4 + 10x OSP
        • 4th place at events: 2x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+4 + 15x OSP
        • 3rd place at events: 3x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+5 + 20x OSP
        • 2nd place at events: 4x Jewel of Chaos + 2x BoK+5 + 30x OSP
        • 1st place at events: 4x Jewel of Chaos + 3x BoK+5 + 40x OSP
      • [UPDATED] Rewards for 2nd Gens Month:
        • First place from Vanert & Duprian:
          • 3x OB4 & 3x TOCA.
          • HoF badge.
        • 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian:
          • 3x OB4 & 2x TOCA.
        • 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian:
          • 3x OB4 & 1x TOCA.
        • 4th place form Vanert & Duprian:
          • 2x OB4 & 2x TOCA.
        • 5th place from Vanert & Duprian:
          • 2x OB4 & 1x TOCA.
        • There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~30 players from Vanert and Duprian:
          • 20x Jewel of Harmony

      Dynamic Characters Balance tweaks

      Note: Before sharing the next tweaks, I want to make sure that people understand this new system - the way this new tweaks system works is like a "META". We want to make it in a way that every character is better (or worse) at some point in game.
      This means basically that any change done at one of the stages can be anytime removed / changed or even buffed further more, on next stages, depending on needs at that current change. The final tweaks will be only those from 25rr stage. Until then, anything can change.

      Based on the Council's feedback for 5-10rr & our own view related to chars, this are the following tweaks for Stage 2:


      • [UPDATED] RF speed gain from agility slightly buffed.
        • Note: Starting from MID-game ARF needs to shine harder than ERF at PvM role, but he currently needs a bit of help to surpass ERF.
      • [UPDATED] RF ENE damage scaling (skill %) slightly nerfed.
        • Note: Same reason, needs a bit of "help" to get under ARF in terms of PvM starting from MID-game.
      • [UPDATED] RF PvP damage boosted with 5%.
      • [UPDATED] RF PvP damage taken from all classes boosted with 5%.
        • Note: This 2 changes should help a little to increase the chance of both other chars to kill VRF & for VRF to kill other chars, during MID-game.


      • [UPDATED] DL PvM damage increased with 6%.
      • [UPDATED] DL PvP damage nerfed with 8%.
        • Note: This 2 changes should help DL to be a bit better on things where he currently doesn't perform that well (PvM/Hunt) while making him a bit worse on things that he currently excels at (PvP).


      • [UPDATED] PvP damage nerfed with 4%.
        • Note: Small PvP nerf for AE, she's on a good spot currently but we feel like it is just a bit over the level she has to be, on PvP.


      • [UPDATED] Nerfed SUM's PvM & PvP damage with 11%.
        • Note: The last buff from Stage 1.1 did helped a lot so far, but SUM is starting to be a power house on her own, so we're cutting a big part from the previous buff.
    10. Hello,

      After Stage 2 is completed and after 40 days, it's safe to assume that the Early-Game of Inception is over and we're starting the Mid-Game.

      In order to offer you a "close to perfection" experience in our community servers we require your honest and constructive feedback, so we can know where to work more or what to exploit more in future.

      So, if you want to contribute for your own satisfaction, please let us know in this topic what you liked, what you didn't liked, what you would change/modify/adjust and anything else may help us to help you in future.

      The feedback should be related to: progression (items/exp-wise), events, features, drops, economy, newbies experience, etc. for the EARLY-GAME, if you have any suggestions for the things you didn't like they are welcomed.

      If you don't have anything that you didn't like (which is hard to believe) you can focus on what you liked the most (and what can be made even better).

      Anyone that come with a solid feedback (not 1-2 propositions wrote in a fast manner) will receive 150 credits as a small reward for your time and contribution - leave character name in topic.

      Note: Feedbacks are accepted (for reward) until next Wednesday at 23:59.


    11. Quote
      • Pershing22 Oct 12:08  
        Human and his trashtalk cry 😂
      • photo-thumb-1.jpg
        ADMIN22 Oct 2:18  
        @Hvman Funny, I see only one relog at 21:22:55, exactly what you had to do.
      • n2a-99e977e7f0ac5016e2ccd088f929b5108e94
        Hvman21 Oct 21:23  
        Fixed it with the 2nd sw apparently.
      • n2a-99e977e7f0ac5016e2ccd088f929b5108e94
        Hvman21 Oct 21:22  
        @ADMIN i'm tried to enterd IT, i was in a party and till i left it went full, but now i'm level 131 in Elbeland.

      This is about IT.

      About password, I agree it was my bad, I was thinking and talking about /re auto, not /re auto password. /re auto + password will prevent it only from people with /re auto + your password, you will still get normal requests from rest of players, just like you would had /re on.

      Only /re auto and /re off works, as written by NPCs.

    12. 12 minutes ago, Hvman said:

      Maybe it is a "common bug", which i hardly believe so, given that i play s6 for 10 years already and never encountered it, but it's still not the players fault. You could've said "it's a commong bug that we cannot solve, please read the message in game and keep /re on  /re off be4 joining"

      Try to be a bit diplomatic next time. We live to learn and we learn to live.

      I doubt you played enough S6 servers where many of BC/DS levels are full, and ~30-40 people AFK-ing near NPCs to join. You can never experience it when you're the only one entering the BC/DS or, when nobody is close to you when you do so, basically 0 requests.

      I would link you some oldie topics from other ex s6 servers (that are now on higher versions) with the same problem, but ehm, I don't really care if you "believe it" or not, you can also do a research yourself.

      P.S I can't be diplomatic with a guy that I catch lying for 2nd time, just to not look stupid. You didn't even had /re auto activated (which would prevent it as well), just like you didn't made "2 switches" to fix your "IT BUG". You kinda forget that I can see whatever you did no matter what you try to type here to make you look like a "victim".


    13. 5 minutes ago, Wigle said:

      As a newcomer to this server i first got the impression Hardcore were the toxic ones (which many of their stupid players are) and Purge were made up of the "nicer" good players, but now  im not so sure anymore given Purge's comments/actions here and ingame. 

      As a new player here you should know that both guilds (and by extent, all guilds) have both good people and toxic / bad people. Some hide it better, some not.

    14. 6 minutes ago, BALR said:

      Seems both members of Diamond and Hardcore dont see it the same way as theire GMs parties and ADMIN


      ps1 (2).png

      I repeat, I guess my english is not that good for people to understand what I am talking about.

      I can't grant for ANYONE except GLOWA (which was the only guy you cried on post about) that helped some or the others.

      If holding switch FROM hardcore (giving PURGE free points on the most important moments) in the last 10 minutes & reaching 1600+ Switch time across CS is not clear enough for Glowa that HE/SHE played for himself/herself then I guess you all played different CS'es.

      But hey, in the end, ANTI-GAME IS FREE! How you deal with people ingame will return to you, asked by other teams or not, everyone gets what they deserve.

      "Good players adjust, bad players make excuses".

    15. 2 minutes ago, Chukundah said:

      stop hating on me , cause i didnt even post once accusing whoever was there, u saw who was and has a very distinct name of mine.

      Cheers . 🤡


      The spam on post from your guild ... , you (the guild) were spamming about this guy

      I think you intentionally don't read what I type.


    16. 1 minute ago, Chukundah said:

      for u to be posting just about glowa , for sure u didnt the same as me about other 2 players.

      Please re-read what I typed:


      Hopping in just to "deny" such rumor that especially Glowa "helped" HARDCORE

      The spam on post from your guild that "Glowa is helping HC" it's all I came to clarify about. I didn't mention other names, that's all I saw during CS that is 100% true, maybe others did something, maybe not, you were spamming about this guy, which did nothing wrong except of trying to win for his OWN guild, at least a GM Box.

      Sure, ending here.

    17. 10 minutes ago, Chukundah said:

      ur co-worker Gion was online same as u in that time that he said that , and as i far seen when some of u are online and ppl post some shit like that there is instant punish whitout needing to come on forum.

      why have u banned 0bito for him posting fuck this server? i though it wasnt ur role handling player report x)

      just some ppl here are more special than others , and ones more hated than others that u cant stand or want to listen, dnt bother typing the contrary because the way u answer to certain ppl and solve thing and accept things its clearly in the eyes of everyone whos not blind

      ur also a bit confused about whats going on in game to be coming posting and talking about what hapenned this cs, the last one , and whats been happening trough the days , because its not ur role , its reporter role.

      stick whit " ur role " that is updating server and making it better which u doing great , not being ironic

      also maybe next time u update something test it before u launch to not having "crying" players getting excuses that they lose cause of this or that

      You should stop making you look worse than already, it's a shame.

      I never muted anyone, that's Gion's job. I don't care about your own fights with each-other, I care only about server / staff, so the moment someone trash server or us he's out, simply as that, and that are the only cases where I personally interact with players, except of hacking/bug-exploit, as Gion don't even have access to do what I do in such cases.

      It is nothing hidden that I like some people more than others and that I hate some people, this doesn't mean that I ever did something unfair.

      On almost every CS I am ONLINE for entire CS, and watch it either on stream or directly live, from all points of views from all guilds, just for my "PERSONAL FUN", I enjoy watching the fights. So be sure I'm not "confused", I see whatever you see, and even things you can't see.

      For people that never used "BM" stun before, asking me on private how it works (before the CS) or if they can test it on test-server, it is way too much to put this as an excuse. Yea, it was a bug, which everyone had it, so equal chances, nothing to cry for.

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