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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. Ehm, it is much harder for you (with your current reset advantage) to be target, especially until 7 days of blacklist pass, because your higher chances for target are only from people with 20rr+ and for the rest only if they pass the reset intervals and get you as normal (random) target.

      But you also get easier targets for quests as you get to random targets more easily.

      Fingers crossed for you! I think I saw you as target once in logs, not sure though :p.

    2. 17 hours ago, KostisPoutou said:

      1. i have to agree with 1 box per LM. 2 boxes was too much.. i mean in one week u get easy one OP set and with some luck 2nd set with 1 good opt.  LM could also change with stages. i mean.. at 1st stage can give anc items that are important for start. at mid stage can give exc items with 2-4opt (like weapons dropped from dark elves) and in late stages can give exc 380 items. i mean at the time that rusu and some other guys made exc 380 sets rest server hasnt even finish anc sets..

      2. about this 1 spot system and erohim.. im not sure.. i guess some guys gonna log like 4-5 alts and gonna have like 15anc items per day. or maybe u cancel  /lot command for alt. and what about jog? low chance in this exp spot? that means it will not drop even 30jog per day. how guilds would be able to make 1LM per day or fix gates/status?

      3. about cs system.. it works pretty nice so far.. i mean at least till last cs.. when squadron won again and it was like 16 vs 40 (2 guilds). but i guess that happened cause of aRF with high dmg that target many char at same time and none could register seconds. idk if its possible or if u just suggest the same thing, but it would be fair and nice that after 1 guild win cs and keep lot for 1 week, in the next cs this guild gonna have a little less % points after killing.. i mean when u kill guild master u r taking 80points.. well the guild that won last cs can take 75 points. and if this guild win again cs then next time less % points. like 70points for killing enemy gm etc etc. so it will be harder and harder to keep castle for many weeks.

      u can also fixing some things every week (speaking for reset server) for  example this 1,5sec cool-down on healing.. at 1st CS it was nice idea cause none could die.. but in last 2-3cs it was no more needed.. it has to be balance in cs too. i mean ok there are full tanky dls and they are made just for cs and i respect players who did that. but still even these dls must be able to die when none def them and 2-3 parties attacking them. from the other side players here have to learn that spamming agil and vit cant work when u want to kill a tank.. so u have to force them to make builds for specific reasons.. i mean there is no build or char that can be immortal and tanky and killing vit dls in the same time.


      thats my opinion and my suggestions

      1. The only advantage of those boxes is that they help players to "bypass" normal farm until socket. For either the good players or later, for new guild people.
      There is close to 0 difference (on PvP especially) between a 380 DD HP/DD REF set vs BoK1/2/3/4/5 set DD HP/DD REF. Yea, when lucky enough to get DD REF HP it is a difference, but pretty hard to get that based on options rates (which are lower for good options). Except of that, the advantage is simply skipping endless farm to get those 2 opt items for a character, nothing else. 

      2. There won't be any LOT spots, so no point for the /grant function to exists. Erohim will basically replace the "24/7 alt farm on LoT spots", for those same amount of ancients (or lower) than spots would make in one day. As I said on the "Extra" part, there will be 2-4 mobs spawning random in LoT that will 100% drop JoGs. Guilds must give duties to players daily who farm them to have the JoGs needed.

      3. That's exactly what handicap system will try to assure (in one way or another), making it harder and harder for the same Guild to keep the CS multiple weeks.

      15 hours ago, RedBuLL said:

      @ADMIN too many changes are not good. Not all the players join here to read the infos. In my opinion you should change few things:

      1. 1 box/day at LM

      2. handicap in points for consecutive CS won.

      3. rewards for losers.

      In my opinion its a bad idea to make a spot in lot with much more exp. +5% exp its enought if u still do it.


      ofc, probably they won't be changed during current edition unless everyone wants it

      The new rewards system won't be live on current edition, most probably, but they will be on next editions/projects for sure.

      +5% exp is not attractive at all, as you don't have neither Gens bonus exp or mercenary bonus exp on LoT, so any value under +20%/+25% is not enough advantage to surpass gens bonus/merc bonus in LoT.

    3. Hello,

      As in my opinion current Merc is kinda done with all the current possible improvements and fixes, I would like to move on with my to-do list and the next thing that I'll start working on soon is the CS System V2.

      I have many ideas noted for it, but I would like to open a discussion topic about it where you can come with your own ideas or feedback related to what I'll show you, so I can work from start with everything in my mind without remaking things after some work.

      There are 2 big aspects that will be reworked:

      1. CS System

      I'm thinking about limits of getting points (like guilds under xx points can't feed kill points in throne room).

      Personal kills & points gained for the team for killers (showing top 3 globally every 3-5 minutes and also when you /info the player).

      Handicap in points (starting with - points for each consecutive CS won).

      Making statues/gates useful for Defenders if they choose to repair them.

      Other gameplay improvements that I may think of.

      2. Rewards System

      I am planning to totally rework how CS rewards does work (ofc, probably they won't be changed during current edition unless everyone wants it).

      CS rewards will be now "challenges" for the guild.

      Firstly, there will be only ONE spot in LoT, that won't drop ancients. This spot will be the first challenge, which I'd like to call it the "Apple of Discord". The spot will give +25% EXP compared to any similar spots from server (yet to be decided if for high level or low level). It will test how well a guild can manage such spot for the best gain.

      Secondly, Erohim will have its own invasion, one time per day, at known hour, in the evening. It will no longer have his current reward. Instead, it will give 2/3 ancient items (directly to players inventory) for each member that participates into its kill. It will also have a short duration (time span to kill him). It will test how well a guild can organize to get enough people in time so it can die before invasion is over.

      Thirdly Senior Mix will continue with its GM Boxes, but back to only 1 per MIX. It will test how well a guild can contribute for their important players to gear. But, because Senior will have only 1 box per Mix, the rest of 7 Boxes will be split to the rest of CS participants, along with 3 extras.

      Each participant at CS can get boxes based on its points accumulated at CS, and for every x points, from the SHARED boxes poll. If nobody does gain at least 1 extra box, the 3 ones will go to the CS winners, if at least 1 participant will get 1 GM box, those extra 3 will be removed and not added to winners. So basically, there will be 7 boxes for the rest of participants except of winners and if no guilds get at least 1 box from those 7, winners will get 3 extra boxes, else they won't.

      This will motivate players to participate at CS for both rewards and to reduce the opponents power with 3 extra boxes.

      Extra: Also, JoGs will drop only with a low chance on the EXP spot, but will have 100% chance to drop from 2 or 3 random mobs from LoT with 30-60s respawn in random places on map. There must be a "farmer" guy for the guild,  no? 

      Looking forward hearing your opinions and ideas for the incoming system :)

    4. Release date: 12.12.2019 at 17:37 - There will be a small server restart. Reconnect is not guaranteed!

      Congrats to mafyMu3rTe and AlmightySM for finishing Stage 3!

      Note: Make sure to update client as well!


      • [UPDATED] EXP on Stage 3 (20rr) is now 63.75% (since yesterday).
      • [UPDATED] Stage 2.1 (15rr) is removed (same exp like on 16,17,18 rr etc. - since yesterday).
      • [UPDATED] Newbies boost applied:
        • Exp for 1-5rr is now 300% and static, like on 0rr (instead of dynamic +150%).
        • Exp for 6-10rr is now +150% from + 70%.
        • Exp for 11-14rr is now +70% from + 25%.
        • Exp for 15-19rr is now +25%.
      • [UPDATED] Released Socket Items drop from Raklion mobs.
      • [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 27000.
      • [UPDATED] Released Old Box 5.
      • [UPDATED] Released Medusa.
      • [UPDATED] Released Selupan.
      • [UPDATED] Limit of items on market per day raised to 25 items/day.
      • [UPDATED] Balgass HP has been increased.
      • [UPDATED] PvP damage on CC, Gens, Arena Tournament, Duel & IT has been increased with 5-20%.
      • [UPDATED] Removed Ale from shops & drop.
      • [UPDATED] Potion of Soul:
        • Attack speed increase is now + 10 (from +20).
        • Duration is now 45 seconds (from 2 minutes).
      • [UPDATED] Scroll of Quickness attack speed increase reduced from + 40 to + 30.
      • [UPDATED] Scroll of Battle (EDR/CRIT) increase reduced from + 15% to + 12%.
      • [UPDATED] Scroll of Strength (EDR/CRIT) increase reduced from + 10% to + 8%.
      • [ADDED] Raid Deaths (deaths during raids) counter on Gens Rankings (deaths were registered since around 1 week ago).
      • [ADDED] Quest Deaths (deaths as targets or hunters during quests) on Mercenary Rankings (deaths will start registering after patch).
      • [UPDATED] You can no longer enter Gaion Event during Invasions.
      • [UPDATED] Quiz Questions to match current changes & added few new questions. 
      • + Other small fixes/adjustments/improvements.

      Mercenary things:

      • [UPDATED] Now Mute will remain active when there are 2 characters with quest active in the same time (on same IP), after the first one does finish/fail it.
      • [FIXED] Black List to work correctly.
        • Previously: Only quest targets that were killed in quest were added to Black List and only for the hunter.
        • Currently: Now when hunter finish a quest (repel or kill) both hunter and target will be added into blacklist for both of them.
        • This means that you won't encounter in 7 days people that either targeted you and succeeded/failed or you targeted them and succeeded/failed.
          • Blacklist will start counting from now (previous black list is deleted).
      • [UPDATED] Now mercenaries under 10 resets won't get targets from Swamp.
      • [ADDED] Hunt Assurance Feature
        • Now if you start a quest and you get a target with higher level than you (so, most probably, that stays into a map where you don't have access yet) your level will be adjusted to target level (if it is normal class) or target level +- 20 (depending on class).
        • The maximum level set is 380, if you already have 380+ no changes will be made.
        • This will make sure that you have access to them no matter where they are.
        • The level will be back to normal if you relog, fail quest, win quest, etc.
          • Note: Your level will be set up with -2 levels compared to what you had (but don't worry, when you'll kill few mobs you'll get 2 levels instantly).
          • Note2: Experience acquired is not kept (after setting back the level you'll have 0 EXP).
          • Note3: When there is a quest retry ongoing you'll have to get kill few mobs to get to original level before retrying quest (to make sure you don't lose 2 levels).

      RF Changes:

      • [FIXED] ARF being incredible strong at PvP compared to how it was presented - FOR PVM - and being much better than VRF.
      • Changes:
        • PvM DSR increased (on VIT build you just need around 2-4k agi and some good items and you'll get mostly misses & low damage on higher mobs).
        • DEF from AGI changed from AGI/5 to AGI/6.
        • PvP DSR changed from Level*3 + AGI/6 to Level*4 + AGI/10.
        • Speed changed from AGI/40 to AGI/50.
        • PvP ASR changed from Level*1 + AGI/1 to Level*5 + AGI/7.
        • PvM ASR changed from Level*3+((AGI*2)/3)+(STR/3) to (Level*1)+(AGI/8)+(STR/15)
        • Skill % dmg cap from AGI raised to 1200% from 1000%.
        • Dark Side damage is now 30% damage on PvP.
        • Dark Side PvM is raised with 30%.
        • Lowered stuck rate.
        • Higher damage from VIT.
        • Higher PvP damage with Chain.
      • Objectives:
        • Have the VRF as intended for PvP (with less power on PvM/Hunt than ARF) but a beast on PvP.
          • That would mean effects like high misses on PvM, lower misses on PvP (vs most builds).
          • Getting more easily to DSR value on PvM (with some AGI) to not die easily.
          • Give a lot of damage (especially vs low PvP DSR builds) and get a lot of damage in PvP, like a real glass cannon.
        • Have the ARF as intended for PvM (with only decent power on PvP) but a beast on PvM after mid-game.
          • That would mean effects like lower DEF from AGI, higher misses on PvP.
          • 30% damage on PvP.
          • Lower speed gain.
          • Higher PvM DPS.
          • Higher scaling up to 1200% skill damage.
      • Note: Starting from today (12.12) until 19.12 all RF's have ONE FREE stats rebuild that they can use.
        • You can rebuild by using command /rebuild!
    5. Yes, currently blacklist isn't working correctly, it was implemented just for quest target initially, tried to modify it during "live time" to work for all cases (for both target and hunter) but I accidentally broke it.

      It will work correctly when I finish the few improvements I'm working on, as the current blacklist won't be saved anyway.

    6. If you want safe AFK you stay on non-pvp maps, that's what they are designed for, if you wish to stay AFK on Battle Maps you do it on your own risk, but with a lower risk compared to Mercenary, while gaining enough EXP boost that is matching the risk.

    7. Release date: 29.11.2019 at 00:15 - Stage patch is up and no restart is needed.

      Congrats to mafy, Trompeta and Atenea for finishing Stage 2.1!


      • [UPDATED] Stage 2.1 exp (15rr) is now 63.75% instead of 21.25%.
      • [UPDATED] Stage 2 is now removed (exp on 10rr is now normal, like 9rr, 8rr, etc.).
      • [UPDATED] Newbies boost applied:
        • Exp for 1-5rr is now +150% from +100%.
        • Exp for 6-10rr is now +70% from + 25%.
        • Exp for 11-14rr is now +25%.
      • [ADDED] Released GGD's (Vulcanus & Raklion).
    8. I used to play CS on a Romanian server with 150-200 chars online (Rere4Fun), without any special CS system or rewards (the old last 5 mins register crown) and where MS from SM was 85% so almost no chars dying at CS except support chars.

      And guess what, there were constantly 3-4 alliances coming at CS to have fun (alliances with 2-4 guilds each) and endless fights.

      The 80% of servers where I played there were only 2 classes for PvP & PvM (BK and DL or BK and RF), the rest being useless (AE), support classes (SM/SUM) and "just for fun" classes (MG). And people playing (including me) were just having fun, without endless complaints.

      Years ago I was incredibly excited just to participate at a GM Event, with trash rewards, just to have fun and see my name on the screen if winning/qualifying, and share some good talks with the GM and rest of participants.

      Current playerbase doesn't enjoy anymore this game, either full AFK and casual and complaining that active players are ahead (even with our boosts for them), either full competitive and drama queens, never satisfied, that thinks having big virtual balls still matters in almost 2020, for such game.

      I used to work with passion and enjoy watching what our ppl do, gameplay, strategies, etc. Now I work for the already invested almost 4 years and for the sacrifices I made during them, but with close to 0 passion (except loving to improve the weakest game I ever played), at least in the current circumstances, that I pray to change on 2020/2021 when S14 will be released with a new playerbase.

      Gud luck.


    9. Release date: 28.11.2019 at 17:35 - Patch will be up after the full maintenance. It will take around 5~15 minutes, reconnect may work but it is not guaranteed!

      Note: This patch is standalone and not related to the stage mini-patch (because stage isn't over in time). The stage patch will be released after stage is over, without downtime.


      • [FIXED] Explosion blade having lower damage than Beuroba (lower tier item).
      • [FIXED] Summon working on Karutan1, Relics & Tarkan even if no goldens alive.
      • [FIXED] IT Warns not correctly deleting old participants since last patch, giving free warns for old participants every IT when they are not there.
        • Note: Accumulated warns from the bug were deleted daily.
      • [UPDATED] Removed STUN from Ice Walkers & Push from Giant Mammoths (Raklion).
      • + Other small fixes/improvements/adjustments.

      Gens System BETA is over, a reset is made and it is starting officially along with the next changes:

      • [UPDATED] From now you can join guilds with different gens compared to your char.
        • Note: Killing Guild Mates during RAID won't give you any points.
      • [FIXED] Gens Ranks from website to show real Rang based on Points & Gens rank (Officer, Knight, etc.)
      • [ADDED] Raid kills counter on website gens ranking, showing total 'valid' (on unique targets) kills during RAIDs .
      • [UPDATED] Gens switch time is now 6 hours instead of 12 hours.
      • [UPDATED] There are now 3 RAIDS instead of 2.
        • RAID1: 20:45 (from 21:00).
        • RAID2: Random hour/minute between 01:00 and 07:59.
        • RAID3: Random hour/minute between 10:00 and 16:59.
      • [UPDATED] RAID duration is now 20 minutes instead of 30.
      • [UPDATED] RAID default points per kill raised from 20 to 40.
      • [UPDATED] RAID dynamic points formulas will go up/down with 3 points per reset difference instead of 2 points.
      • [UPDATED] Now if you are killed during a RAID, you will lose points based on your Reset:
        • Points lost = 5 + (ResetCount*3)
      • [UPDATED] If you are killed during a RAID you won't be able to gain points from the Killer if you kill him back.
        • Avoiding abuses where people would agree to kill each-others for points.
      • [ADDED] Gens Rewards:
        • At the end of each month, the players with most gens points (and not only) will be rewarded.
        • The Gens reset will happen at the 30th day of each month, at 23:50 (everyone that is part of Gens will get disconnected-reconnected). After this disconnect you will be able to get your reward for the previous month.
        • You will be able to take your reward for previous month anytime until the next Gens reset.
        • There is also a gens contribution reset at the same time.
        • In order to take your reward you'll have just to click the Gens NPC for your gens familly. It has a global cooldown of 4 seconds between rewards. Global cooldown means if Player A gets reward now, the others can get the reward 4 seconds later.
          • Gens Rank Rewards:
            • 1st place from Varnert & Duprian:
              • 3x OB5 & 3x OB4 (assuming that OB5 will be unlocked until next month rewards).
              • HoF Badge.
            • 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian:
              • 3x OB5 & 2x OB4.
            • 3rd place from Varnert & Duprian:
              • 3x OB5 & 1x OB4.
            • 4th place from Varnert & Duprian:
              • 2x OB5 & 2x OB4.
            • 5th place from Varnert & Duprian:
              • 2x OB5 & 1x OB4.
          • There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~30 players from Varnert & Duprian:
            • 2x OB4.
        • So, choose your gens carefully! If one gens is lower populated you have more chances to get in top there!


    10. A client update has been added into Launcher, please make it!

      Lilium set & stick got a replace with a "custom" lilium set/stick, because the original ones couldn't accept harmony (internally they were still considered socket items).

      Whoever has Lilium items (old) please equip them, go to crywolf and write /replace for each of them, to have the new ones.


    11. Hello,

      Phoenix edition has reached its deadline and due to the amount of players left active there is no point in keeping it online longer than it was granted.

      I am personally proud of what Phoenix achieved, born from NonReset mistakes it reached a very high quality level for its first edition, a quality that wasn't touched on any of our previous projects, in my opinion. It was also the server with the least problems. The only (bigger) downside it had was the population, it barely reached 580+ online but it was really stable in terms of population (some good months without getting lower neither bigger). But it is understandable, it was a pretty new concept that was hard to understand without playing it (non reset fans were afraid of the optional resets while reset fans were afraid of non reset stats), judging from advertisements and on first view, without reading info.

      It wasn't perfect, but it was really good, and due to your honest feedback across its life-time, we expect the next edition to be even greater!

      The 2nd edition will start somewhere between February and April, in 2020.

      As for now, Phoenix will be closed tomorrow (22.11.2019) between 20:00 and 23:00.

      HoF has been updated: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3047-hof-edition-22-march-2019-22-november-2019/

      Thanks to everyone that took part in this project and especially to those that kept playing it on the long run!

    12. Release date: 20.11.2019 at 01:00 - Updates are up and no restart is needed.

      Note: You need to update the Client via Launcher!


      • [FIXED] Current EXP not being correctly replaced after IT stats are gone.
      • [FIXED] Killing the first mob on IT still giving level-up, causing sd restore, no matter the exp gained.
      • [UPDATED] You are no longer able to add more than 7000 VIT at Illusion Temple.
        • Exception: RF
        • Damage at IT was also reduced with 12%.
      • [UPDATED] Illusion Temple mats have been removed from drop.
        • From now you can drop Illusion Temple Ticket (with 1 entry) at mobs over level 90 with a very low chance.
        • IT ticket from OB4 will now have 16 entries instead of 10.
          • Note: Current normal IT invitations will be auto-deleted when you click on NPC, you can't use them anymore.
        • This is made in order to make the new IT redirection system more user-friendly, encouraging all levels to be populated without extra effort of having different IT invitations.
      • [UPDATED] Elite Mana Potions (Dopple) replaced with (Medium) Mana Potions that were boosted to 85% mana restore.
        • Mana Potions have been removed from shops.
        • This is made because Elite Mana Potions were not automatically used when mana was low, being useless for PvM (their only goal).
          • Whoever has Elite Mana Potions can PM me for replace.
      • [FIXED] Move to swamp requiring 400 level instead of 380 as written.
      • [FIXED] Zen cost for move being much lower compared to what it is written.
      • [UPDATED] IT damage decreased with 12% to match the new max VIT limit.
      • + Other fixes related to IT system.
    13. New:

      • [FIXED] CC7 dropping rare sets ancient variants (Warrior/Drake, etc.)
      • [FIXED] IT mobs giving exp, causing level-up and sd-restore.
      • [FIXED] DL command being set to 0 on IT stats change, will be set to 300 now.
      • [UPDATED] IT mobs have been boosted in HP, DEF & DMG to match 15rr stats.
      • [UPDATED] Sign of Dimensions droprate slightly raised.
      • [UPDATED] At today's CS everyone will have an antidote effect constantly during entire CS (like you would spam Antidote). This is the only CS with such effect.
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