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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. 1 hour ago, Spawn said:

      In race event, your spawn decides in 90% who will win. If you take a position from left to right>>> 2 > 3 >then 1 have the most chances to win, the rest have almost no chance to win. The entire race is decided at the first corner.

      I suggest to spawn all ppls in one point with "transparency" (like u eliminated from OSGM)

      Fair point, will be kept in mind for the rework.


      Here I can't understand you, I always point out a specific problem and try to offer a solution to it. And PPLS calls me a cryyy just because they wanted to insult me.

      And lets be honest, all that situations start from u. I started discussion about ARF, alone vs all Squadrons and u i try to change something, i comming with arguments, frames, but u dont listen me, Squadron just use that situation in her favor, some ppls from my guild get BAN becouse they tired of asking you and at one point started insults u. And what is final ? u finaly make a changes but I was still left cryууу in your eyes because I tried to make the game enjoyable for everyone

      The difference between pointing out a problem and crying is mostly related to the attitude of how you present the problem.

      I am not an irrational guy and I proved it in many different scenarios so far. Remember when you were reporting bugs like PvP invasion respawn and so on and you were approaching me (or Gion) like "Hi man, there might be a problem with X or Y, I have a screen/video with Z, can you check?" and I was immediately reproducing it on test-server and fixing it as well as thanking you for your report. Difference between back then and your closer past is the attitude. An attitude offended by anything like we, as staff, are your deadliest enemies and we want only the worse for our *own* project.

      The things I will always hate / ignore / not care about are crying (translated into shitty/immature way of presenting a problem OR considering that you are a "victim", when in reality you are just a consumer of our work, good or bad, you take it or you leave it), suggestions/solutions that are meant to help ONLY targeted individuals and/or groups, and not the server / gameplay as a whole and, of course, being asked to do UNFAIR things.


      Yes, my English is not very good, I'm struggling to formulate a sentence that would be understandable to everyone. But since other languages are forbidden here, I try.

      Eu voi rămâne acelaşi CRYYY decât voi fi orb la unbalanced sau voi folosi un avantaj necinstit în favoarea mea. Dar, din moment ce nu pot schimba nimic, voi termina jocul meu în acest stadiu decât să joc mai departe știind că totul este în zadar.

      I still don't understand (probably it is my problem), but anyway, Christmas is coming, we should all strive to be better as individuals, and I'm trying as well, so I'll pass this discussion that is out of the topic's subject.

    2. 16 hours ago, Spawn said:

      1. if the characters received "transparency" as after being eliminated from the event and everyone started the race from 1 point it would be much fair

      if you think pointing out problems is crying, I'd rather stay the same person than be blind, do something to my advantage or will playing without reason if nothing doesn't change .

      1. I don't understand the part with 1 point, but the reworked Golden Race will feature random buffs/debuffs, NPCs as obstacles during race and more laps. This will make sure that it is just another fun & luck event, where everyone has equal chances.

      There is a big difference between pointing out problems (WHICH WE BEG PEOPLE TO DO) and crying. And keep in mind that I wasn't the one calling you CRYYYYY instead of DIEEEEE, players did, this should say more than I should.

      I also don't understand (the english meaning) of: "I'd rather stay the same person than be blind, do something to my advantage or will playing without reason if nothing doesn't change .".

      6 hours ago, Juri said:

      Currently i think server is in a good state as it is. Only Rage Fighter seems to be a bit too powerful. I only have two things to add:
      - on next edition don't prevent trading of rare items if there are such - this can be easly exploited via transfer character
      - consider finally switching to some newer season? I think Season 8 could be a cool, some new things, but not like totally new, Season 6 feels kind of old when you consider there is already 15 seasons in mu and 16 is upcoming - here i think it's a good idea to create some kind of poll maybe if players actually want this

      Well when there will be socket items JoC will have a little more purpose, so i think it's okay as it is.

      But actually some auction house where people could bid themselves for any item put by players could be interesting idea. And not's so hard to do like:

      When player adds a item to auction house he sets what he accepts like creds(maybe max 1000 here?)/chaos/bless/soul/harmony etc as well as how many credits he value each jevel. This way it can be easy calculated when people makes a bid. I think it would be cool idea to have as additional thing to market. Maybe cost a lot more zen, like 100-200kk(and increase it in case it's too low when server ages) so you don't put like some garbage items there.

      Also good be a good for a economy, that players decide how much they want to pay for item.

      I could write a separate suggestion topic if Staff would like to consider this idea.

      1. On next edition it won't be possible (again) to move them to vault. We gave the possibility to put them in vault last year because people wanted more space, but apparently people just look for abuses.

      2. OldSquad will never be higher than Season 6. That's "OldSquad" about. But as I stated a lot until now, we will have in the close future a separate S15-S16 project for those that are interested in, separated from OldSquad.

      There was an auction some time ago, but was removed, was very buggy, we don't plan for similar feature especially not on website.

    3. 46 minutes ago, Princess PornStar said:

      Congratulations to Admin and his team for setting up the server. Everything is great for me.
      I just wanted to suggest two things:
       1st - It seems to me that the race should be removed from  OGSM.
      It is not normal for the same person to win a completely random contest again  and agian and again.
       2nd - I suggest you make something like an auction or a gambler for JoCreations. Atm JoC are useless and auction/gambler can help with economy.

      PS: What u think to add 380 weap to drop from Selupan/Medusa with like 5% rate ? 

      1 - It is a good point that we've thought about so far, that it should be just another "fun & luck" event like the rest. So we're currently turning it off as it will be reworked in the very close future into a new version that will feature such fun & luck characteristic.

      2 - Not sure about it but if you have an idea of such implementation you can create a dedicated suggestion topic and we'll see if it can be done / it is worth being done.

      PS - We're thinking about it, we'll see.

    4. 14 hours ago, Spawn said:

      I don’t like exe drop mechanism from Boxes, ppls dress in 2op items in  +- first stage and after goldens lost a lot of their value. IMHO better will be if all items will drop 100% with 1opt and luck and 1-5% without luck and 2opt . First set for example will give 10def, last set 200(if we talk about 30res)

      Finally you can use your brain for constructive things apart from crying, nice.

      I like this idea.


      Bosses HP bar will be nice if he will be hide, it's more interesting when u cant prognosis when Boss fall.

      Also interesting point, thought it's either disabled for all monsters or for none, and I believe there are a lot of people that like to see HP bar of mobs outside of bosses.

    5. Doppelganger is inteded to be like this because, compared to imperial which everyone should be able to finish it in a party, Doppelganger is an Event designed mostly for TOP guilds, which really need / use those consumables to min-max their performance on important events. So it's nice in our vision to be a bit more challenging than other events.

      Though it may see a small nerf (10-15%) in terms of MOBS HP.

    6. Doppelganger event has been released!

      Quote from updated info:


      15. Doppelganger Event:
      - You can join only 2 times per day (3 with VIP PRO) with the same character.
      - The player is required to be in a party. Everyone from party must have at least 250 level & at least 5 rr in order to join the event.
      - Everyone from party must have event invitation (Dimensional Mirror - obtained from 5x Sign of Dimensions) in order to enter event.

      - It doesn't have any cooldown.
      - Drop Rate of invitation pieces is low and can be dropped from monsters level 90+.
      - Event is medium, you need a decent party to finish it.
      - Duration: 6 minutes (starts directly after you join).
      - Doppelganger is the most precious Event in terms of consumables:
      Antidotes - 50 pots per stack.
      Elite SD Potions - 9 per stack, 15% SD Recovery.

      Scroll of Quickness: Increase the attack speed by 40.
      Scroll of Wrath: Increase the damage by 200.
      Scroll of Wizardry: Increase the wizardry damage by 200.
      Duration: 3 hours.
      Scroll of Defense: Increases the defense by 250.
      Scroll of Health: Increases the HP by 1500.
      Duration: 12 hours.

      Elite Scrolls:
      Scroll of Battle: +12% CRIT Damage.
      Scroll of Strength: +8% EDR.
      Duration: 1 hour.

      Elixir of Strength: +1000 STR
      Elixir of Agility: +1000 AGI
      Elixir of Vitality: +1000 VIT
      Elixir of Energy: +1000 ENE
      Duration: 6 hours.
      Can't be stacked.

      Doppelganger Rewards:
      2 random items from normal scrolls and potions, 40% chance for Elixir as extra reward, 15% chance for Elite Scroll as extra reward.
      Note: Reward is individual, everyone has the same chances for same reward, make sure to have space!


    7. DS is designed to be a KS fight, not an "everyone has its guaranteed safe-afk spot for 20 minutes".

      Its original iteration from Webzen didn't had any single "spot", everyone was ks-ing each other for the same amount of monsters. We did balanced it so there's both KS & personal spots. Nothing else will be changed there, it's a fight and an event in the end.

    8. It is not technically possible to restore the SD.

      But should be clear that you should always have some small sd pots on you if you want to fight with 100% sd, especially that you control when you start the challenge.

    9. Rejected, newbies interested into *total fair* catch-up mechanic should wait & follow Wormhole.

      We already do more than we should, for newbies, from all points of views (starting from exp boosts, restrictive pvp, non-pvp events, fairness gaps and so on).

      Again, follow model next time.


    10. The following changes are up from now:

      • [UPDATED] Now there's no longer a pause between Imperial Event rounds or the first minute standby of the event.
        • Note: This means that once you enter you can directly start the event (without waiting 1 minute) as well as after each gate the timer starts directly and you can continue the event without waiting the extra minute.
      • [UPDATED] Now the Imperial Event will be *officially* over ONLY when you kill all monsters (not only the boss monster from last round).
        • Note: This is available for the records only, rewards are still given when the bosses does die. 
      • [UPDATED] Maximum time per round on Imperial Event reduced from 10 minutes to 7 minutes.
      • [UPDATED] Medics HP & Bosses HP from Imperial Event slightly buffed.
      • [FIXED] Liliputans from Imperial not correctly despawning from the Event.
      • [UPDATED] Now if you start the event before the day is over (like at 23:5x+) and finish it after the new day has started, the record will be registered for the previous day not for the day you finished it.
    11. Release date: 24.11.2020 at 17:30 - There will be a small server restart.

      Congrats to OneWar, Snook and Venom for finishing the Stage 2.1!


      People that progressed through Stage 2.1 can use /stagereward to get their reward based on the progress, after the Patch is up!

      Make sure to update the client via Launcher / Manual patch after it will be up.


      • [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 20 resets.
      • [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 2.1 (15rr) is now removed. 15th reset does have the same exp table like 14th reset.
      • [UPDATED] 3rd Newbies EXP boost added:
        • 0rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-350).
        • 1rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-360).
        • 2rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-370).
        • 3rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-380).
        • 4rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-390).
        • 5rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400).
        • 6rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400).
        • 7rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400).
        • 8rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400).
        • 9rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400).
        • 10rr: +200% EXP 
        • 11rr: +200% EXP 
        • 12rr: +150% EXP 
        • 13rr: +100% EXP.
      • [UPDATED] Released Sign of Dimensions in drop (mobs level 90+) - for Doppelganger.
        • Note: We're going to release Doppelganger Event either tonight at 00:00 or tomorrow, we are a bit late with it.
      • [UPDATED] Droprate of Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul & Jewel of Life slightly nerfed across all maps, keeping the tier drops the same.
      • [UPDATED] Illusion of Kundun has been buffed. It will also drop any ancient tier now.
      • [UPDATED] Released GGDs.
      • [ADDED] Banned Build at CS will now also be shown on website -> Castle Siege.
        • Note: Maximum time to ban a build on Sunday reduced from 16:45 to 16:00.
      • [FIXED] Some of the items that got their level modified in previous patches (like kundun / kb / etc.) were still having the initial level on client-side, showing wrong CM rates when being used.
      • [FIXED] Change Race to correctly return the ML Points.
      • [UPDATED] Vote now requires at least 4 resets.
      • [UPDATED] Selling items on Market now requires at least 3 resets.
      • [UPDATED] Now you can sell characters on Character Market that have at least 8 resets.
      • [UPDATED] Now you can no longer sell Small Wings/Capes on Market.
      • [UPDATED] Now you can no longer get a Target on Mercenary Quest that is already being targetted for Quest by another mercenar.
      • [UPDATED] Now Event Entries will reset at 00:00 instead of 22:59.
      • [UPDATED] Now after each CS Erohim will be buffed in terms of DEF & HP (no matter who is winning).
      • [UPDATED] Now Reset Fruits will reset 600 points per fruit instead of 210.
      • [UPDATED] Reset Fruits have been removed from Old Boxes 1 & 2.
      • [ADDED] Character Lock System V2:
        • Now it will also prevent the locked character to move items (from vault, character equipment / inventory / store, etc.)
        • Now after you use /lock for the first time it will work like this:
          • The permissions will no longer be disabled when you use /lock, basically nothing will happen in that moment.
            • This means that you won't have to use /unlock every time you relog char / move from (to) gens-maps, etc.
          • Now, every time you LEAVE ACCOUNT (select server, x game, dcfriend, etc.) there will be an auto-lock on your account, as long as the /lock was used at least one time.
          • The password from the auto-lock is the same password you used last time for the /lock.
          • After your account is logged off, the next time you (or someone else) does enter it, it will firstly have to /unlock the account in order to further use it (no matter if you/he change server, relog, etc.).
        • This improvements are meant to help with the following things:
          • Improve the quality of life for those that use /lock (so they have to /unlock the character only when they leave account instead of every time they warp to other servers, etc.)
          • Provide high level of security for your account (so people that disconnect you & want to steal your things they must first pass the /unlock password).
        • Note: From now on, if you choose to use this system (which is highly recommended for those that share their account/pass with others) you will have 95% security to your in-game things.
          • The only things that can't be protected with /lock are the items from main-vault (which can be accessed / moved / stealed from website). Everything else (extra wares, equipment, store, inventories, etc.) are protected.
          • So in order to bring it to 100% make sure to not store VERY IMPORTANT items on your main-vault (ware 0), while using the new /lock.
        • Note2: All the existing locks have been removed. If you choose to use this new system you have to use /lock again.
      • [ADDED] Live Stream notice during CS.
        • Note: If there will be a Live Stream ongoing during CS it will be announced (with link) every time Teams Score / TOP3 Killers / TOP3 Stampers is announced globally.
        • Note2: If there is no Live Stream ongoing it will also announce that Live Stream is OFF, on the same moments.
      • + Other small fixes / adjustments / improvements. 


      The following changes will be up tonight at 00:00 (so it won't affect the current day ranks) - except of statues reward which will be up from now.

      • [UPDATED] Now there's no longer a pause between Imperial Event rounds or the first minute standby of the event.
        • Note: This means that once you enter you can directly start the event (without waiting 1 minute) as well as after each gate the timer starts directly and you can continue the event without waiting the extra minute.
      • [UPDATED] Now the Imperial Event will be *officially* over ONLY when you kill all monsters (not only the boss monster from last round).
      • [UPDATED] Maximum time per round on Imperial Event reduced from 10 minutes to 7 minutes.
      • [UPDATED] Medics HP & Bosses HP from Imperial Event slightly buffed.
      • [UPDATED] Now statues from Imperial Event have a chance to drop Jewel of Chaos as well.

      Dynamic Characters Balance tweaks

      Based on the Council's feedback for 10-15rr & our own view related to chars, this are the following tweaks for Stage 2.1:

      In order to reduce the "gap" between high level chars and lower level chars into events / challenges, all characters except RF (that will gain Level*5 ASR Level*3 DSR) will now gain Level*0.5 PvP ASR & DSR. The difference will be made in terms of AGI, which was also tweaked across all chars.


      • [UPDATED] Nerfed Chaotic damage by 45%.
      • [UPDATED] Buffed PvM damage by 6%.
      • [UPDATED] Buffed Fire Scream damage by 10%.
      • Note: We've been witnesses to DL domination since 5rr. His time is over for now and we may touch him again later on. The biggest problem on DL was that usually chaotic was bugged so we've made the balance around Fire Scream. Apparently chaotic is working up to 80% of its potential (probably the balance-load of double servers helped) so this was the main reason of such insane damage.
      • Note2: What we want from DL is to have 2 type of gameplay on PvP, the higher-risk higher-reward that's based on Fire Scream (getting closer for full dps) and a weaker but safer option with Chaotic when kiting / waiting SD to be burnt and then switching to Fire Scream as finisher. After this changes, Chaotic is just a bit worse than FS, in terms of DPS (Damage*hits per second).


      • [UPDATED] Increased damage taken from rest of classes on PvP by 5%.
      • Note: We're keeping the small part left of the damage buff she received but we're increasing the damage she takes, to preserve the glass-cannon identity that we want for her.


      • [UPDATED] Reduced damage taken from rest of classes on PvP by 6%.
      • Note: BK currently needs a bit of help to stay alive in PvP, we may remove this buff later on.


      • [UPDATED] Nerfed PvP damage done to BK, RF & MG by 8%.
      • [UPDATED] Buffed PvP damage done to SM, DL, SUM by 10%.
      • Note: The highest DPS that AE can put on PvP depends on her close-range position, so we're nerfing the cases where she basically don't need to do anything to profit from the max dps (vs melees) and buffing the cases where she actually needs to position herself to profit from max dps (vs ranges).


      • RF is currently over performing but it is as we wanted him to be, until at least next stage when we'll start looking at him. It is his time to shine.
    12. 5 hours ago, Chukundah said:

      after that , it comes down to stats + items , i dont want ur invitations for anything , what i said is not a lie , if u have better gear+stats and a good macro settings on ur gaming mouse u can perform better than someone that dont have

      Those that depend on macros to play BK will never play it at its full potential, and if you as player can't pass a macro level on combo you shouldn't play BK at all.

      What is actually a macro?

      It is a registered sequence of keys pressed either by keyboard or mouse, or both, that goes on an repeat loop, based on the speed and etc. you initially set.

      Why it sucks compared to *good* player skills?

      • If you get "stucked" (which always happens on PvP, the moment your character stops from attacking by having a "hurt" animation) your macro will continue its sequence and combo will fail (as you are stucked, can't get out those skills) -> combo fails. If player skill is involved -> player does stop the combo sequence during the stuck moment and continue after it -> Combo succeeds.
      • If you get stunned (by BK mace ML, sleep, ice arrow, etc.) your macro sequence will continue but your skills won't -> combo fails. If player skill is involved you can control it, either restart it if you don't have time or finish the remaining skills -> Combo succeeds.
      • If you get "pushed" by either other skills (earthquake, lightning, other bk/mg weapon skills) or even by your own weapon skill (cyclone/etc.) - your character will move a bit before continuing the actions you put him to do - your macro sequence will continue but your skills won't -> combo fails. If player skill is involved, you can control it, same story.
      • If you miss the cyclone skill (purely "MISS", due to ASR/DSR PvP) - your macro sequence will continue but combo won't work as 1st skill missed. If player skill is involved then you do another cyclone until you don't miss so your combo can work.

      And so on, just the most important aspects where macro sucks, which are in most of cases. The only actual use for such macro where it does help is on PvM or stationary targets that doesn't attack back.

      5 hours ago, Spawn said:

      this offer is only valid for him or any person who eats it   ? :D

      Especially for him, but for anyone that thinks he can beat good (even if rusty) BK skills with a "macro", and only with a macro. I don't neglect people's actual real skill on BK, as I know very few BKs, but for sure I know that any decent BK can beat a macro and I'm personally up to prove it anytime, and I'm sure Gion is up as well, not sure if Legion wants / have the time but he's another good BK I trust on the job.

    13. 2 hours ago, Chukundah said:

      as long every BK has a gaming mouse to create macro and adjust whit in game speed , everyone can be "OP" whit bk 👍

      I invite you to create any macro you want and then choose a duel with either me, gion or legion on same build / items / and so on as you choose (2 chars cloned). If you lose you're out from this community if you win I give you 5000 credits. Normal duel first to reach 10 points. Let me know if you agree so we can set it up and stream it as well, if you don't then just never post anything as you're talking more than playing.

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