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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. 3 hours ago, Spawn said:

      you're wrong my friend, in other MOBA games you have a slim chance of getting against another Guild or even more player. Here we have at least one opponent from another Guild in each competition. I think the idea of a video with abuse is a good idea.

      That's not completely true, based on the game & playerbase.

      The players you encounter in your games, especially where it matters (ranked games) are in your MMR range. Which means, you have a very high chance to play with the same players a lot of games.

      And yes, speaking from experience not just "technical" point of view.

      This is exactly what I personally did, reporting people that I didn't like for "nothing", so I won't get with them in team again, and they got suspended in the end:


      This is one of the many examples where I consecutively reported the same players for things they didn't, just because they couldn't behave accordingly.

    2. Release date: 25.10.2020 at around 13:30 - No server restart will be needed, only monsters restart.


      We do have few more slots open for Council!
      More info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3883-oldsquad-council/?do=findComment&comment=34402


      • [UPDATED] Now when you have a mercenary quest active and you die from other sources in Karutan2, you will be respawned at the start of Karutan2, to not lose your quest.
      • [UPDATED] Now you can no longer attack mercenaries during their merc quest while they used /qwarp, unless you are their target, just like they can't attack other targets during /qwarp.
      • [UPDATED] Improved some of the mercenary quest messages.
      • [FIXED] Lilium items asking for more stats than it is showing.
      • [FIXED] Announcement when the Derkon from Atlans does die not showing up.
      • [UPDATED] BC & DS NPCs will now send a global NPC message to everyone around when someone clicks them, with a cooldown of 6 seconds, to spread the info about /re off and /re auto before joining, to avoid black window bug.
      • [UPDATED] Now you no longer get PK status if you kill your mercenary quest target during the quest. Also if the target does repel you it won't gain PK status.
      • [FIXED] Move restrictions by feet from Tarkan1 -> Tarkan2 & Aida1 -> Aida2, either asking for more level than needed or not asking at all.
      • [UPDATED] Large Mana Potions will now restore 70% of mana instead of 40%.
      • [UPDATED] Small Mana Potions will now restore 30% of mana instead of 20%.
      • [FIXED] Permission to drop items not being added back in the zone where the invasion monster died (even after the normal 8+ seconds), as well as being removed for others in that zone even if the monster died.
      • [UPDATED] Removed messages related to permission removed / added back during invasions.
      • [FIXED] Warping from Challenge zone to Gens-Maps / Crywolf deleting you 100/150 Mercenary Points, even if the challenge was completed.
        • Note: From now you'll get a Seal of Sustenance during challenge, it will be removed when it is over.
      • [UPDATED] Now instead of the *MAX 5 mobs killed during /qwarp" feature you will receive a Seal of Sustenance after you use /qwarp, preventing you from getting experience until the quest is over (won/lost/expired/cancelled).
      • [UPDATED] Calendar from ingame to match the new GMT winter change.
        • Note: Update the client via Launcher to have it.
    3. 8 minutes ago, Juri said:

      On MOBA it's diffrent though - if you will get reports for nothing then it doesn't really mean anthing - system just ignores it most of the time, falsely reporting people in mobas can get you actually banned, so i think it could be good to move into this direction.

      Wrong. If you believe companies like valve or blizzard does check hundreds of game reports (15-60m each) for such things to "verify" if the reports are valid or not, you know it wrong.

      If you do a simple research of how does this system works you'll find this:

      When a player gets reported it is flagged and gets through an algorithm, then if he gets reported by other people as well, in different games, in a short period of time, for the same reason, his flag will be updated until it reaches a point where he gets banned.

      There is close to 0 human interraction in the report systems, everything has a machine behind.

    4. You live by the sword you die by the sword.

      You can both guilds be banned at IT by warning eachother for nothing, or you can both stop it and use your ONLY available warns to ban actual real trolls.

      System is exactly the same as on big MOBA games. Nothing gonna be changed about it, maybe only harder punishments periods.

    5. Hello,

      Because the average online players of the last ~10 days in a 24 window is 0.5, we took the decision to end its suffer and shut it down 1 month earlier than granted, as there is simply "0.5" interest in it and we do prefer to have our website look better for newcomers.

      Phoenix had a great evolution compared to its first edition, it was way better and had the highest record of online players from our community. Sadly we were a bit unlucky with it, having some bigger technical problems in the first weeks, that caused many players to reconsider it, so its active life time was cut more than expected.

      We are still happy about it, and we expect it to be even better when it will come back.

      The 3rd edition will start somewhere between March and April, in 2021.

      As for now, Phoenix has just been closed.

      HoF has been added: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4056-hof-edition-03-april-2020-24-october-2020/

      Thanks to everyone that took part in this project and especially to those that kept playing it on the long run!

    6. First to make level 400:
      ME: hypeBeast
      BK: RuSuLeTzZz
      SM: Snook
      SUM: BabaJaga
      DL: mafy
      MG: Makiavelli (first to make level 400 from server)
      RF: Alex

      Break1 unlockers: Cristian, mafy, Makiavelli
      Break2 unlockers: mafyMakiavelli, RedBuLL

      First to get 10 resets:
      ME: Milva (8rr & level 350)
      BK: october (first & only to make 10rr and level 400 from server)
      SM: ZbrojnyJas (9 rr & level 400)
      SUM: RuSuLeTzZz (8rr & level 400)
      DL: Azir (9 rr & level 400)
      MG: ncux (9rr & level 400).
      RF: 5GSP0RT (9rr & level 400)

      Total Accounts: 39324
      Total Characters: 8553
      Record Online: 851


      Final Ranks of the Edition

      Normal Top:


      PvM Rankings:


      Mercenary Squad:


      Blood Castle:


      Devil Square:


      Chaos Castle:


      Castle Siege:



    7. One more fix & a small improvement has just been added, for the Merc Squad:

      • [FIXED] Mercenary Quest targeting normalization being started from -2 -> +2 resets range instead of 0rr and then -1 -> +1 resets range. Now it should look correctly starting from 0rr difference, for a target.
      • [UPDATED] Now the Mercenary Quest targeting normalization will use the following table:
        • It will look for 10 times for target with same reset like you (from 5 times).
        • It will look for 15 times for target with -1 -> +1 reset compared to you (from 6 times).
        • It will look for 20 times for target with -2 -> +2 resets compared to you (from 7 times).
        • It will look for 25 times for target with -3 -> +3 resets compared to you (from 8 times).
        • It will look for 30 times for target with -4 -> +4 resets compared to you (from 9 times).
        • It will look for 35 times for target with -5 -> +5 resets compared to you (from 10 times).
          • If it doesn't find any target during these 135 tries (from 45), it will look for a Target with any reset.
    8. The following changes has just been added as a completation of this patch:

      • [UPDATED] Now the move to lorencia when killing mobs during Merc Quest will only happen if you used at least once the /qwarp command during Quest.
      • [UPDATED] Now the move to lorencia when killing mobs during Merc Quest will only happen after the first 5 monsters killed, not from the first one.
        • Example: You use /qwarp, you get into the higher map, you can kill up to 5 monsters, then each time you kill new mobs you will be teleported to Lorencia.
      • [FIXED] IT NPCs missing.
    9. As I said to someone else: Give it more time, there are not many duels usually and now everyone does the merc quest at similar time, due to fresh release.

      If it will really be needed we may reduce some of the messages.

      Suggestion remains up for others opinion.

    10. Release date: 20.10.2020 at 21:15 - A small server restart will be needed, make sure to update the client via Launcher as well.

      Congrats to RuSuLeTzZz, mafy and Mu3rTe for finishing the Stage 1.1!


      Reminder: The next CS will unlock the final CS rewards & loser rewards: Senior (+mix) & GM Boxes for losers. The Discordian Apple spot will also be updated to Relics mobs tier.

      Registrations for Soccer Night #3 will be up starting from today, keep an eye up for the registration topic that @Gion will make.


      • [ADDED] /stagereward bless/soul/chaos/life - you can use it to get your stage reward based on the progress you have when the stage is over.
      • [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 10 resets.
      • [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 1.1 (5rr) is now removed. 5th reset does have the same exp table like 4th reset.
      • [UPDATED] Newbies EXP boost added:
        • 0rr: +200% EXP
        • 1rr: +150% EXP
        • 2rr: +100% EXP
        • 3rr: +50% EXP
      • [UPDATED] Now level 80 ring will drop small wings for the class that drops it.
      • [UPDATED] Drop of ES/TS/DS/etc. has been raised.
      • [UPDATED] Released BoK+5 Goldens.
      • [UPDATED] Released Mercenary Squad. You can write /registerpvp to join it.
        • Note: You need at least 3 resets to join the Squad.
        • Note2: When your target is in a higher map than your level, you can use /qwarp.
        • Note3: If you kill a monster during pvpquest (and while target is higher level than you) you will be moved to Lorencia after the monster dies, to prevent abuses.
        • Note4: Current Mercenary Bounty reward is:
          • 90% chance for Soul / Life / Chaos
          • 10% chance for IT Ticket, Scrolls (DEF,DMG,etc.), Antidotes.
            • Note: You can vault it for later when the reward will be updated or use it as it is.
      • [UPDATED] Released Illusion Temple 1 & 2 & IT Ticket in drop.
        • Note: Current levels:
          • IT1: 1-5rr
          • IT2: 6-10rr
        • Note: Current Stats in IT:
          • Default 500/500/500/500 + 300 command (DL) & extra 1-10rr points, based on class, random. 
      • [UPDATED] Now if the Guild Master of the CS winners is online on CS server when Erohim does die, he will receive a message with how many ancients has been dropped from him (based on number of main guild chars in Erohim's correct range).
      • [UPDATED] OSGM Weekly events rewards. Current rewards:
        • Consolation at events: 2x Jewel of Soul + 5x OSP
        • 5th place at events: 4x Jewel of Soul + 1x BoK+3 + 10x OSP
        • 4th place at events: 4x Jewel of Soul + 2x BoK+3 + 15x OSP
        • 3rd place at events: 5x Jewel of Soul + 2x BoK+4 + 20x OSP
        • 2nd place at events: 6x Jewel of Soul + 2x BoK+4 + 30x OSP
        • 1st place at events: 8x Jewel of Soul + 2x BoK+5 + 40x OSP
      • [FIXED] LoT minimap.
      • [FIXED] Elven Axe (item) texture to be the original one.
      • [UPDATED] Stern duration (CS) raised from 6 seconds to 7 seconds.
      • [UPDATED] Stern kill requirement (CS) to use the skill updated from 10 to 8.
      • [UPDATED] If the Battle Masters aren't set before the CS actually starts, they won't be able to use STERN.
        • Note: Only the initial Battle Masters that are set before CS does start can use STERN, no matter the ulterior changes.
      • [FIXED] Ice Arrow skill being deleted if you don't have the stats to use it, instead of staying "inactive".
      • + Other small fixes / adjustments / improvements.

      Dynamic Characters Balance tweaks

      Based on the Council's feedback for 0-5rr & our own view related to chars, this are the following tweaks for Stage 1.1:

      • [UPDATED] Improved PvM ASR gained from level & STR for RF.
        • Note: We were a bit harsh with PvM ASR for the RF on the first resets, we're bringing it back to normal.
      • [UPDATED] Nerfed MG PvM damage with 5%.
        • Note: Just a small nerf, EMG is living the expectations of being one of the best chars at PvM especially in early - totally fine.
      • [UPDATED] Buffed SUM PvP & PvM damage with 16%,
        • Note: Summ is considered to be way underperforming at the current stage, we may remove this buff later if it will be needed.
      • [UPDATED] Increased Mana needed for Triple Shot & Multi Shot (ELF) from 5/10 to 15/20.
        • Note: The infinity arrow from level 1 did helped, but it transformed elf into a character with no real stress related to arrows/pots, especially "abused" by farmers.
      • [UPDATED] Increased Mana gained from ENERGY on Elf from 1.5*ENE to 2.5*ENE.
        • Note: One more reason to add ene for Ice arrow, for lower "repot" stress.
      • [UPDATED] Slightly increased Dark Side base damage of the skill.
        • Note: To help a bit more on early, though ARF will shine with higher stats as expected.
      • [UPDATED] Reduced Dark Side mana cost from 35 to 25. 
        • Note: Same reason, to be more in line with rest of early skills mana cost for low energy builds.
      • [UPDATED] Normalized the range of Flame, Lightning, Penetration & Drain Life from 6 to 5
        • Note: Like most of the USED skills.
    11. Release date: 13.10.2020 at ~20:00 - No server restart needed, only mobs restart.


      We're opening 5~8 more slots in our Council for those that feel like they want to have a word. If you want to join you can send a PM to @Gionon forum or write us on the facebook page.
      We're espeically looking for people from other guilds than we already have in council & for newbies.
      Note: Priority is for those that had a good communication with either me or Gion.

      Registrations for Soccer Night #2 are up. More info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/4030-soccer-night-2-17102020/


      • [UPDATED] Released BoK+4 Goldens & Golden Derkons.
      • [FIXED] Some weapons having inaccessible levels to be farmed (mobs level 145+). Now they can be farmed.
        • Items that can be dropped now (spread across mobs level 98-110):
          • Knight Blade
          • Dark Reign Blade
          • Great Lord Sceptre
          • Arrow Viper Bow
          • Kundun Staff
          • Demonic Stick
      • [ADDED] Rudolf pet in drop, a bit higher droprate than IMP, can drop anywhere starting from devias.
        • Note: It can't be dropped from Box of Heaven.
      • [UPDATED] Distance between some of the closer spots from most of the maps. Some of them were moved to different coordonates.
        • Note: You need to update the client via Launcher after patch is up, to see the new minimap marks of the spots.
        • Note2: Let us know if you still find "too close" spots. We've checked all maps by ourselves but if you still find some, we'll adjust them as well.
    12. 17 hours ago, Hvman said:

      I think it could become a really good tournament for Teamplay. The only downsides are:

      1. Good Team Characters like AE wont benefit from 1v1 potential (since they are considered to be the worst pvp class 1v1 according to forum details)

      2. Solo players will get jumped on by organized teams (i think this is a downside only for the newbies while i think teamplay will make the tournament a lot more funny and entertaining)

      3. Consumables/Scrolls/Potsions could play a big part in making a big difference in terms of power

      4. Is Last Man Standing supposed to just stay allive or have a scoring side (like you kill 5 people, you get x amount of points and u still have chances to qualify?) Cause if not, i feel like the VIT Builds could be abused especially for teamplaying.

      5. Is Party allowed? You do not stipulate if it is or not yet. (also because of point 4, vit/ene bks build could be abused)

      EDIT: Have you thought of an arena tournament regarding teams of 3-5 players maybe? (with the same stats squish-upgrade you brought up.

      1. It's like saying don't make PvM invasions / events because BK is the worst for them.

      2. It is what was happening on first arena tournament version, and we're trying to reduce such things on this one with different restrictions.

      3. This is what I wrote, that they will be disabled as council suggested.

      4. Last man standing means to remain alive, king of the hill means to score as many points as possible, different objectives.

      5. Buffs are deleted except of personal buffs, so party or not - it's useless.

      12 hours ago, Spawn said:

      My opinion is that you complicate this game too much, casual events are much more interesting, what you offer is suitable for a narrow range of people, you can draw an analogy with soccer event. 

      I can offer you my 5 cents, make arena interface like CC with hidden names and if possible classes, with "diminishing returns on kill" 

      If it was possible to have same CC thing it was the easiest solution for previous arena version. It is not possible.

      I don't feel like it's more complicated than previous version. It is just more fair / gives more chances to people.

      I promised that I will bring a new AT version when I removed it, people are asking for it, so I have to deliver.

    13. #This topic was edited with the final Info as it was released for the beta period:

      So ladies and gentleman, we're releasing one of the most complex, interesting & unique PvP events in the entire MU Community: Arena Tournament V2!

      General Info

      • Arena Tournament features 7 different rounds, each round taking place 1 time per week, at 20:30 19:45 Server Time.
      • There are 3 different Event Types: LMS - Last Man Standing, KotH - King of the Hill & LL - Last Laugh.
      • Both LMS & KotH have 3 different Specials, more info above.
      • In order to register to Arena Tournament you must write /joinarena when the event is popping (and before it gets closed).
      • After event is closed, it will start in 1 minute.
      • You can't attack other players before the event does start.
      • Maximum 60 slots (LMS) / 40 slots (KotH) / 34 slots (LL).
      • Duration is 15 minutes for LMS/KotH. No maximum duration for LL.
      • You can't join while being in a party.
      • You need at least level 200 to join the Arena Tournament.
      • Ice Arrow & Teleport are disabled.
      • If you join a party anytime during the event both chars will be disqualified from the tournament and moved out.
      • You can't join the event with antidotes / sd pots.
      • Any consumables buff (bless/soul pots, doppel scrolls, halloween, etc.) are deleted every second during tournament.
      • You get a full clear off existing buffs when you enter the tournament.
      • You can't move items (for example from store) during tournament.
      • You are Muted during tournament.
      • You can't drop items during tournament.
      • You can't move to other maps during tournament.
      • You get PK Stage 2 during tournament (to use only right click to attack, without CTRL).
      • At the end of tournament you get back to your previous pk level / pk kills / pk timer.

      Info about LMS (Last Man Standing)

      • Schedule for Last Man Standing is the following:
        • Monday - LMS Special 1.
        • Wednesday - LMS Special 2.
        • Friday - LMS Special 3.
      • Objective is to kill others while surviving.
      • Every character does have 5 lives when they join.
      • Dying will remove 1 life and will notice you the lives left.
      • When lives are over, you'll be removed from the event & moved out.
      • A character can only remove 1 life from another character when there are more than 20 characters alive, and maximum 2 lives from another character when there are < 20 characters alive. After that, he no longer can attack that character BUT the other character can attack him (for at least 1/2 lives).
      • Winners are the last 5 characters that remains alive.
      • If the event time is over and there are more than 5 characters left alive, there will be a TOP5 made by Lives taken and then by lives that you had left. So if 2 characters have the same amount of lives taken at 5th and 6th position, the one with more personal lives left will take the 5th place, and so on.
      • Reward for winning a LMS Event is the access to Sunday's round (where the real rewards are given, for everyone).
      • If you win any of the LMS rounds you can't join other tournaments until Sunday.
      • Specials:
        • Special 1: Free For All, normal fight with characters exactly as they are.
        • Special 2: Free For All, normal fight with ALL CHARACTERS receiving reset stats & points for 20 RESETS - more chances for lower players.
        • Special 3: Class-Only fight, players can only fight with characters with the same class like them, during the Event, with characters exactly as they are.
          • Note: During the Special 3, the limit of 2 lives taken is valid only if there are > 4 players left from the same class. If there are < 5 players left from the same class you can take any amount of lives from characters.
          • Note2: Also on Special 3 there is only 1 winner from each class (last one standing), so total of 7 winners.

      Info about KotH (King of the Hill)

      • Schedule for King of the Hill is the following:
        • Tuesday - KotH Special 3.
        • Thursday - KotH Special 2.
        • Saturday - KotH Special 1.
      • Objective is to farm as many Points as possible.
      • Every character starts with 0 Points.
      • Every time a character dies he will lose 4 points (unless the points are 0 anyway).
      • Killing another character will give you 10 points.
      • The 2nd time you kill the same character you will earn 9 points, 3rd time 8 points, and so on until you'll get only 2 points for killing the same character (and the value will stay at 2 points, no longer decreasing).
      • After 15 minutes, the TOP5 characters with the most points are considered the winners.
      • If there are more people with same points like the 5th player, the winner will be picked randomly.
      • Reward for winning a KotH Event is the access to Sunday's round (where the real rewards are given, for everyone).
      • Specials:
        • Special 1: Free For All, normal fight with characters exactly as they are.
        • Special 2: Free For All, normal fight with ALL CHARACTERS receiving reset stats & points for 20 RESETS - more chances for lower players.
        • Special 3: Class-Only fight, players can only fight with characters with the same class like them, during the Event, with  characters exactly as they are.
          • Note: Also on Special 3 there is only 1 winner from each class (the one with highest points at the end), so total of 7 winners.

      Info about LL (Last Laugh)

      • Last Laugh is the final Tournament, where the prizes from the week are also given.
      • Last Laugh is held on Sunday.
      • Only winners of KotH & LMS from that week can join the Last Laugh.
      • So maximum players on Last Laugh is 34.
      • If you have lower resets than the highest reset player from the LL, you will receive extra stat points to add for the tournament based on the difference of resets between you and highest reset player and also based on your class.
      • The points are added when the Arena is closed, so you have 1 minute to use them.
      • There is no set duration for the LL but there are 3 rounds:
      • Round1: LMS Round
        • During this round you need to eliminate players while surviving.
        • The round is over when there are x amount of players left in the Tournament, as following:
          • If there are more than 30 participants, Round1 is over when there are 20 players left.
          • If there are more than 26 participants, Round1 is over when there are 18 players left.
          • If there are more than 22 participants, Round1 is over when there are 16 players left.
          • If there are more than 18 participants, Round1 is over when there are 14 players left.
          • If there are more than 14 participants, Round1 is over when there are 12 players left.
          • If there are more than 11 participants, Round1 is over when there are 10 players left.
          • If there are more than 8 participants, Round1 is over when there are 8 players left.
        • All LMS rules are applied.
      • Round2: KotH Round
        • During this round you need to farm as many Points as possible in 10 minutes.
        • After 10 minutes, TOP8 characters with most Points will be qualified for last round (3), rest of players will be eliminated.
      • Round3: Last Laugh - Final Round
        • A virtual bracket will be generated for the 8 players left, it will be based on the Points gathered during round 2 as following:
          • TOP1 points will play vs TOP8 points.
          • TOP3 points will play vs TOP6 points.
          • TOP4 points will play vs TOP5 points.
          • TOP2 points will play vs TOP7 points.
        • Then each character will be moved to a different Arena cage where the matches are being played. 
          • In cages you are playing 1v1 with your opponent.
          • Both chars start "chained" and game is starting in 5 seconds.
          • The first character to kill the other for 2 times will advance in the bracket (Best of 3).
          • You do receive a clear of all buffs/effects after a kill and you start from different corners again.
          • SD is not restored during the match.
          • After winning a match you advance in bracket and either wait or face your next opponent from Winner bracket.
        • After winning/losing a game you will be redirected to a new cage.
        • After each finished game, if your SD is not full, you will receive a Complex Potion that you can use in first 5 seconds of the next game, to restore your SD to full. You need to be fast!
        • Players that lose in the Winner bracket are being sent into Loser bracket where they face other losers.
        • Games on Loser bracket are the same as on Winner bracket (Best of 3).
        • If you lose a game on Loser bracket you are eliminated from Tournament, if you win you advance in Loser bracket up until Grand Finals.
        • Grand Finals are BO5 (Best of 5).

      Arena Tournament V2 will be released on Sunday night, and there will be 1 week of BETA period. During BETA there will be no rewards for winning, instead, you will get 2x Jewel of Chaos for each REPORTED, CONFIRMED & FIXABLE BUG you encounter during the week. So try your best to bug the Event!

      Note: We do expect some problems during BETA, so take it with a grain of salt. Also we're waiting any suggestions / feedback related to it as you play & test it.

    14. We do believe that we tweaked the feature up, which means things like mobs disappearing from BC/DS/CC, kalima gates disappearing after usage or goldens getting their coords bugged should be fixed. At least as we're seeing on test-server, where we sadly can't simulate 700+ users online that can "complicate" things up.

      We'll give it a new shot on official somewhere around 23:00-00:00 Server Time, after the entries reset.

      If we'll notice something wrong after we put it back live we'll disable it again ASAP.

      So keep this in mind if you plan to go on the events after the feature is back up, to make some screens in case it fails again, so we can refund you!


    15. There are only 2 options for you, we're not taking into account anything else:

      - Keep the fix as it is, so you're in advantage for that over the top players.
      - Remove the fix and let really active players continue to snowball the ranks.

      Sure, even if we worked on it and spent time for it only for the fairness of lowbies, we're up to remove it and let things as they are and they always was, in 80% of players disadvantage.


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