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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. On 5/26/2019 at 9:21 PM, alegzander said:

      just happen to be exactly...someone having fun with my account and credits/jwls zen

      You have everything back.

      On 5/28/2019 at 6:40 AM, dNice said:

      Hi, i have same problems here.

      Someone entered on my account and put on market all my jewels with 1 mil zen.

      You have everything back.

      Your thiefs are banned and are at your own mercy if you want to forgive them.

    2. Legion also came with an idea of a system (that I won't present now), and you also came with some points of view.

      Depending on how much from things are possible and what exactly will be possible for me to do I'll try to combine all of your ideas into a new pvp feature that will encourage pvp without hurting non pvp-ers. If / when / how, no clue to answer, but not too soon in any cases, we still have some other things on list and my time is very limited this month.

    3. 1 hour ago, bidahaha said:

      @ADMIN as for myself, being a casual guildless player, I do like rewards being consumables. They do help a lot on other events, if used accordingly. The only thing is: I never saw a boss in this event (its description on forum says every boss killed will drop a silver chest). The only reward I ever had is a golden chest at the end of it, dropping 3 scrolls and 2 elixirs (400lvl doppelganger/Doppelganger 5 I believe?). Is this correct or am I missing something?


      Idk what to say, when I was doing it for test I always had at least 1 boss during event (can't remember the level of event). I really don't know what's exactly behind this event as I never played it when I was still a player, and entered it only for tests here. You can try it on test server and see about it if you want to.

    4. Hello, unfortunately our client is not compatible with windows xp.

      About the detection, it's 18/65 and those 18 being mostly anonymous av companies.

      It's a false positive that was only submitted for review on popular AV's, if you use one of those 18 you can submit it yourself and you'll get confirmation from them that is clear.

    5. @BonKoe You have everything back (on jewel wallet and vault).

      @idanwein Your accounts are blocked, if @BonKoe decides to forgive you I'll unban your accounts though, but not without deleting what you got.


      10. Any abuse of bugs/miss-configs that can lead into an unfair advantage for the abuser will cause a punishment starting from 3 days ban to IP+HWID ban depending on gravity.
      Note: If the abuser(s) report his(their) actions in maximum 12h since it happened, he(they) won't be fully punished and only who didn't will be.


      5 hours ago, Trâu said:

      Also me?

      You've been returned as well and you have more details on PM.

    6. 2 hours ago, weew said:

      why not remove non pvp invasions ?



      Because the people that keeps servers alive are the newcomers. We know what 80% of people did on previous system, whenever seeing a lowbie trying to kill his golden just waited them and killed them to take their reward. This is how you motivate them to stay and play? By killing without them having a chance to respond? Ugly.

      Invasions system will never change, no matter how much 'pros' cry about, you're not the only people that matters in a community.

    7. Hello,

      Nobody guessed your passwords, both you and trau had the sessions mixed when logged in, the accounts you saw when you logged in were the acc's of the guys that robbed you, you got mixed on them and vice-versa.

      We couldn't reproduce that mix thing but we had applied extra patches to prevent it (if some1 still has the problem let us know).

      You won't lose anything, I'll return what was taken from you (personally, if ppl won't return them theirselves).

      I'll give them 15h from now to give what they robbed back, after that I'll parse all logs and block the accounts and ip's of ppl that didn't returned the things.

      Robbers includes Donna, Bonito, Shield etc. (they know better what they did)

    8. 1 minute ago, Cerberus said:

      what will happen when the assigned people are offline?

      this is not pvp, this is killing someone while hes not watching

      wtf is wrong with you, why are you constantly trying to make an AFK game non-afk. who the fuck can stay and play this game the whole day? most people can play only a couple of hours after work (myself included) and for a game like MU (old i mean) afk is a good thing. Most people who play MU now, have played it in the past when it was popular, and are now older and have more resposibilities therefore less time.

      I'm all for a new pvp event but this idea is just garbage.

      You're getting toxier day by day, watch your language and attacks, we're not your slaves. 

      Want to stay 24/7 AFK go in non-pvp maps and let others have fun.

    9. 2 minutes ago, Timor said:

      sounds good imo, but what will be the reward? 

      That's a detail that we will speak about later.

      The system can be larger to allow 'fight-backs', like ppl on list will receive notifications and if they kill the player that comes for them they may receive a smaller reward while canceling the mercenary quest (fail).

    10. Hello,

      @Gion came with a nice idea (at least in my opinion) about a new feature to encourage more PvP between players.

      Basically, to introduce a mercenary NPC, that will give you a 'quest' when you speak with it, and will assign you 3-5 number of online players in your level range. If you succeed to kill all the names in a defined period of time you'll get a reward. If you fail, nothing will happen.

      The quest will be reset 1 or 2 times per day, and will also have some limitations and rules (but we can speak more about them if you like the idea).

      What do you think about such feature? It comes with benefits like:
      - Encouraging PvP.
      - Reducing AFK due to AFK-stress if you're on ppl 'black list'.
      - Creating competition, maybe even a rank for mercenaries.

      So, let us know what do you think and if it's worth to work on such feature or not (you can also come with your own suggestions related to it, we'll take them into consideration).


    11. Hello OldSquaders,

      Based on this topic: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3158-tanong-lang we started to think about options to help those 'far from server' people to reduce their ping in order to have a better experience here.

      We are proud to announce that we've partnered with a nice company in order to provide you a great solution to reduce your ping.

      As you know our community is an international one, that means we welcome players from all over the world in our game servers.

      But, our servers are located in France, so there will always be some ping the longer the distance is from you compared to France.

      Even though powerful internet connections can reduce the ping, not everyone can have access to such great providers.

      We decided to come with a solution, for those that have higher pings with us, and not only.

      WTFast - is our new partner that will help us in this mission.


      "Founded in 2009 by a group of MMO gamers and network technology professionals, wtfast is dedicated to delivering the best gaming connection and experience possible for all online gamers! Our international team’s past experience includes EA, Disney, Google, Rackforce, and more. Based in Kelowna, BC, Canada, wtfast serves an 800 million global user, MMO gaming community. wtfast has built-in support for over 1,000 online games, with users on every continent and in virtually every country."

      WTFast is not a VPN, as you may think of at first, but it is a GPN.

      "The GPN (Gamers Private Network) is fundamentally different than any other type of network solution. wtfast only optimizes game connection data, and never masks or changes your IP address or network settings in any way."

      WTFast works for any popular game, including MU Online, so you can use it for both our servers and any other games you may play.

      WTFast comes with a FREE trial, for up to 14 days, just download and start it.

      If you decide that WTFast does help you, after the 14 trial days you can subscribe for the normal license starting at 10$ per month, and the price can be reduced based on how many months you buy and on how many computers (you can make a group purchase for multiple computers for even lower price).

      So just TRY it for FREE as you'll increase the quality of the time spent with us, on OldSquad!

      More than that, if you decide to subscribe after the TRIAL, we fully support your decision and we'll reward you with 350 credits after your subscription. Just contact us.

      Link: https://oldsquad.ro/wtfast.html

      Let us know your feedback if you tried :)


    12. The only reason why we would ever touch a disconnect warn is if we find out that the anti-hack caused it, which is not your case unfortunately.

      Ah, and to answer you, if you lose your internet for few seconds and you are on multiple chars, only 1/2 will disconnect-reconnect, the other will stay just 'lagged' and get back without disconnect/reconnect.


    13. Hello,

      We didn't made any maintenance since almost 2 months ago (so you don't experience downtimes). But, unfortunately, it is needed from time to time to make sure everything is updated and to offer a smooth experience.

      We planned to make the maintenance tomorrow, with it being announce with ~12 hours before, but we were forced to make it now, due to the instability that was created already and as you noticed, lags and delays on game, which we can't let them for 1 more day.

      Due to this, all of our servers are now under global maintenance, and they will be back up asap (ETA is 30-60 minutes, but it can take more, depending on how the progress goes).

      After the maintenance is over, the latest Patch for Phoenix will also be applied, that will be posted after we're done.


    14. As I see invasion was over when you killed it, drop is spawned after 1~3 secs from the kill, if the invasion is over before the drop (but after the kill), mob is directly deleted from server so no drop can be generated as the index of mob does no longer exists.

      I've added your bok3 in vault.

    15. Doppleganger is the only event from game that is mainly focused on consumables (and the consumables that can only be found on dopple). Each event has its own purposes and rewards, dopple is no exception.

      When I was testing the changes out I had 1 boss on each event (did 3), there are 3 or 4 types of bosses. 

      Ppl still don't understand how important are this consumables from dopple, and it's their fault.

      Let's see:

      - Scroll of Mana: +600 Mana for 12 hours - it is a huge boost for mana independent chars (agi rf is just an example) and farmers (the extra mana in combination with mana opt on a weapon can save a lot of mana space from inventory or simply keep the char attacking for more hours without running out of mana that fast).

      - Scroll of Health: +300 HP for 6 hours - it's a welcomed boost for Tanks(that benefit from the +hp from set as well), EE's (to resist longer on higher pvm maps) and any pvp places. Same for Scroll of Defense.

      - Scroll of Quickness and Wrath/Wizardry - another really good boosts for both PvM but especially PvP. Using them correctly can make the difference even at a BC race or a Golden/Boss KS. +20 speed is an equivalent of 3 speed options from weapon/pendant or 200~400 agi depending on char. The 50 damage provided from the dmg scrolls is raised on the main damage - that means it benefits from all the increases of damage (wings, options, resets buff, etc.).

      - Elixirs - 80 stats - it's like having an extra reset in terms of stats.

      - Scroll of Battle & Scroll of Strength - The best scrolls. +20% edr/crit damage makes a huge difference on PvP (CS,CC,Arena,IT and pvp invasions). 

      More than that, all scrolls except edr/crit can be stacked up with the rest and with elixirs, which makes a huge difference compared with chars without them.

      Until everyone will realise the importance of this consumables, only few of them will have an advantage.

      About the levels - just like Imperial, Dopple has internal levels, which I don't personally have access to, but when you enter the event it calculates the level of event based on your party average level. Mostly levels should be like 6 = 400+ avg. level, 5 = 350-400 avg level, etc.

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