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  • Wanheda

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    Wanheda last won the day on March 18 2023

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    About Wanheda

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    • Guild: Wonkru

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    1. Hi, thats not a bug, thats how "mass teleport" scroll works , it was named like this for a reason, doesn't matter if the name was changed to "teleport ally" scroll. until an update is made that will add a cd or change the mechanics behind it, it is fair, not a bug...
    2. Just my opinion. is no point, the only think that i think it may work, not sure, for w4 to make them tradable. not to change them, being a permanent server, u can just make wings again and again until u get full op. and remove. Once again, not sure about this as well, seems too farfetched.
    3. Change race, like all mg with w4 on server:)))
    4. Wanheda


      @Gion @ADMIN any opinions on this?
    5. Hello, On duel, with my curent set/build i kill every emg/smg on server (win duel),but thats beside the point, to have a character that can only win againts his class, BK - Dominic / Monkey win 10-0 vs me (face to face ) Elf - MarcoPolo Wins 10-0 vs me (face to face) SM - Almighty/MeOne/St3f/Amar 10-10 vs me (face to face no run/teleport) DL - Uranus 10-0 vs me (face to face) Summ - MissKittin/Krize 10-0/10-1/10-2 max (face to face they doont even need to debuff me.) RF - SushyRF 10 - 0 if he runs/kite EMG/SMG - I kill all of them, so the build is not the problem gravediga/imax/cursed/zigg/semperfi if u ask all of the players that i mentioned above, they can confirm. (This si besd of tones of tests and rebuilds and after the rebalance that was already made.) On Bosses if more the 10 players - 0 impact. i cant even deal damage, i think that says it all, i can elaborate if need be, but i think i covered all
    6. Wanheda


      Waste, the idea was that maybe someone gets an item and dosent want to make set, is forced to sell to shop or make w3... or some shit:D
    7. Wanheda


      (sorry. only place on genesis forum where im allowed to post.) Hello, i was thinking to make rare items like they used to be, to be able to move them in vould, and transfer character with them. is a pretty hard set to make, and it is a waste to keep seling them for zen or using them on w3...
    8. dont forget about ur surname, Spoitorul! aka Fane Spoitorul!
    9. remove icarus moobs form ss1 and that will slove the problem:)))
    10. u can select whatever resolution u want, u need to select windowmode to be able to access other stuff in your pc
    11. under the resolution is a option named Window Mode. select it and play like that.
    12. whats the fun of playing a server if everything is easy? my opinion , dont change it!
    13. is not our fault that you guys are 'pussies' and register three guilds, cowards.
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