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  • Voyager

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    Posts posted by Voyager

    1. I agree with DIEE, there is some huge rewards from OSGM and Soccer which kinda destroys the game and the ones who suffer from that are the people who invest a lot of time in game so they can be competitive with other guilds and kill Nightmare or Dark Elfs and etc. Also prizes for stage winners is too much imo. Never liked it.

    2. I have proposed to @ADMINonce, to change a bit the PVPARENA rewards or its gameplay. There could be two stages for PVPARENA - first (remain like this one), then pick up the last 6-8 players and let them kill each other (like playoffs). Current PVPARENA is based on higher skilled players killing and focusing only on the lower RR and geared players avoiding enemy characters with similar gear/score like their. Having PVPARENA like it is now kinda destroys the honor to have this "HOF" badge. And I would like to see a real action with top players fighting each other without any low geared/resets chars. If you do it like this you can even change the reward by adding an Old Box or something else for the grand winner? Also why dont you reset the HOF per 1 month? This will encourage players to fight even more in this events, we can also start doing tournaments which will bring some fresh fun into the server?

    3. Many players quit the server and they wanted to get what they have invested back, it is normal feeling in human nature. However @ADMIN should think about that - why people want to leave when the server is not even close to its end. My personal opinion is that these new changes and stuff in the past year is awesome but they changed the quality of the server from PVP to pure PVM. People are now whisping me and begging me to not kill them in Vulcanus, what the ...?! I was thinking about the NonRR 2 editions ago (not the previous one) where we had so much fun and PVP in Cursed Dragon (everyone was getting 2nd PK and had to clear in Atlans or other maps so they can come back at their parties), we had so much fun in other zones and etc. 
      Also if @Reporter wanna speak about "Cursed" stuff - there is your curse - since then (the NonRR 2 editions ago) there isn't an edition where there were more than 2 guild fighting for CS. I personally wanted to see more guilds participating for CS instead merging guilds like Assasins and RAMPAGE did. I would like to see some action and remove some of the PVP restrictions that have been made over the years.  Do not get me wrong, the administration did a really good job investing so much time to make this server to be what is now but listening too much to the players kinda have two edges.

      And last but not least, unban GROM! 😂


      Best regards,

    4. 19 minutes ago, Cottonstar said:

      Might be good to reward Demons, Imp or Panda(not sure if you have it here), DS/BC tickets

      Increase the drop rate for DS/BC mats in battle maps. <--spots will clear out when players go to events. I would say win/win to all.

      I like this idea, to increase BC/DS/IT mats in Battle Maps as well. 

    5. Still waiting you to nerf the level of monsters in IT - basically you hold the ball, you run away from people spamming QQQ to score the goal and you kill few mobs = voila, you have leveled up and your SD is fully refreshed so they will struggle again trying to kill you. This is abusable too. Second thing - you can set a limit of vitality in CS? Honestly there isn't a person able to kill me yet so I am freely scoring goal after goal after goal. My suggestion is to nerf vitality a bit so it can make the CS a bit interesting, however I regret doing this suggestion cause DL is so fucked up this season and you didn't fixed Chaotic so basically DL in PVP is completely useless. Waiting for your response to adjust things and hopefully you can find a way to fix Chaotic.

    6. Just now, aiaiai said:

      @Reporteranother thing u didnt mention , as obvious , instead of saying this bs

      why u dont mention the truth ? which is that they only focusing us , right , BUT u didnt see zazax at corner for mafy killing for points ? other players giving free points to them , they outside slowing us ? all this u typed in other topic , and used that to say we won cause of this , and now they do same for them and u they come on theyr own for revenge hahahahahahhahaha

      He saw that but he don't wanna write about that. In his eyes RAMPAGE is the greatest, the best, the mightiest :) However, lets stop the chit chat and making his topic "famous".

    7. @darkyo I don't owe an explonation to  people like you, who are selfish and play their own game when you are in certain guild. Have we cried all over the forum on few pages when we lost 3 CS's from you? All I can say that you won with the DL + BK cyclone meta and now since 90% of your guild is in tank modo can't do a shit and kill anyone, you can just complain. @nd6ncghj why you are hiding, mister? 

    8. @darkyo Why I didn't felt any help from anyone? Sure I will give GM boxes to everyone, but why you don't mention the Assasins guild who held switches for you when we tried to register in the past CS (not the one who was past Sunday), and very strange they didn't took it when you were trying to register? All you know is to cry when you are losing :) 



      for the record, we were 24 players as well and won vs RAMPAGE with more than 6k points advance, so basically you are worthless sitting on the throne, amigos :). I kinda knew you gonna cry all over so I took this SS in the middle of the CS where you actually couldn't register for more than 30 minutes. It seems when ADMIN applied the changes with the DMG in Castle you are nothing than bunch of bald babies who can't do a shit where there is REAL fight happening



    9. I can agree to RF shots being too long only if you change it with reducing the cooldown of chain drive and lowering the shot from 8 to 6. Also Lightning is kinda annoying and it is only usable to  move the ball from the corners, there has to be some kind of improvement cause SM is not fitting their place in the team. BK's cyclone is shit yes, there has to be some other way to improve it. Sometimes ball was stuck in the corners for more than 2,3 minutes which slows the game at all - we can introduce some rule which will make people spread and move the ball to the center and restart it?

    10. I can agree with everything you proposed so far - but I am gonna make another one -> increase the Earthshake cooldown near stamps (like you did with Teleport and other spells in 4x4 range) from 8 to 12-18 seconds. For now this game turned more on game of moves (or just rapidly spam spells to gain advantage) and we don't see any pvp action which is irratating. 

    11. 1 hour ago, Zutto said:

      I usually dont bother to even read when people mention it but.. its so pathetic that you accuse me for using a macro, acutally really childish ''he is better then me, therefore his cheating''. 

      Get over it, I never have used any so called ''macro'' to play bk. 

      Care to explain?




      Your macro license expired? :D

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