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    Chaos Castle / Damage Decrease / Soul Barrier


    Chaos Castle / Damage Decrease / Soul Barrier  

    31 members have voted

    1. 1. Should Ice Arrow skill in CC

      • Stay as it is
      • Reduce the effect duration by 50%
      • Remove the skill
    2. 2. Should max cap of Damage Decrease be

      • 60%
      • 50%
      • 40%
    3. 3. Soul Barrier % formulas

      • Stay as it it (agi/62)(%) & (ene/230)(%)
      • Make more room for agi(support) builds and ene(damage) builds

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    There has been a bit of discussion about these topics, some in public and some between smaller group of players. In my opinion these things, as they are now, push the game into unhealthy state, and some improvements could be done to improve to overall balance of game play. I'm not gonna go too in depth with explanations, and I don't want to push any changes unless majority thinks the same, but these are my thoughts from a players perspective.

    Chaos Castle and Ice Arrow skill has had a lot of attention recently. I try to play every cc daily and from experience I can say that regardless of winning or losing, it's just not fun to play against. And from what I have understood, the server aims to give a fair chance for any class on anything they do (with some variety of course), but playing against Ice Arrow in cc is nowhere near 50/50, tops 80/20 I would say.

    Damage Decrease (+dd) is another thing that bothers me. Maybe it's just because I play MG and DD counters my ass big time, but still I think that having the option to gain 60% of the damage dealt to you decreased by excellent/harmony options is just way too much. To put it another way, this makes it very inefficient to build your character to deal tons of damage since most of it is going to get absorbed, and it heavily favors agi/speed based builds. Of course there has to be a way to counter high damage dealers, and in my opinion 40% dd would do that just fine. It would also leave more room for +ref and +hp builds, as for now those seems to always be the secondary options.
    You should be able to build unique stats for your character according what you want to use the character for, and there should me multiple sets to choose from to support these builds. Now easily over 50% of the players, no matter the build and usage of the character, just simply has to wear +dd set because it's so over tuned compared to other options available.

    Only problem with Soul Barrier is that you don't have to go for agi build, so called support sm, in order to gain efficient shield to play with. Basic value for barrier is 6%, with 20 ML points you gain additional 13% increase, with current agility formula(agility/62) you easily gain another 10%. That's already 29% absorb without even thinking about if you want to play as a supporter or heavy damage dealer. With 620 agility, you should be easily able to get ~1500 energy, which gives you 6% additional barrier. That is total of 35% absorb with a simple build that also gives you decent killing potential since the formula for max damage is ene/2. My point is that with the current ratios, there is literally no reason to aim for the supportive build since ++30% shield is so easily achievable without hurting your damaging abilities.

    If you don't agree with my lines I'd like to hear your point of view, but mostly I'd just like to see you voting so that we can hear the voice of many. Peace. :bandit:


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    I dont think its fair to take away ice arrow. is it annoying - yes but so is so many other skills and buffs. I had a look at your gear and i see you dont use Ice accessories, probably no ice resistance in ML skill tree ether. that makes a huge difference bro. Soul barrier and dmg cap i think is fine as it is.

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    Hello guys.. I think ice arrow skill should be 50% for many reasons...I think the ae`s abuse to much that skill and even if they don`t deal any dmg they will drop you.

    About DD I think should be between 40 % and 50% ..Chars are getting 2 much tanky and so of the chars are getting op with full set ddi(see SM/AE`s) .

    About soul barrier I think its insane for a Sm to be in the same time Tank and killer.

    I`m playing Str DL with 2k str (Set mixed ref/hp/dd+ddi)and I can`t even touch an SM or and AE.. and I get killed pretty easy.I think the DL dmg it`s pretty low this DB.

    I think that we should think about having only guilds not Alliances as seems that almost all the players went to one Alliance and the CS its getting boring. I think a guild with 35 people will be ideal.

    About summoner people said that it is overpowered ...Can be..with the right set...but the summoner have low def. witch its fair...comparing with others chars as SM/AE. (they got 2 much power and def in the same time)

    Have A good day and enjoy. LoveLetter

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    No sense to remove ICE for Elf, its SKILL designed for ELF, you just remove ICE for IT, now you want that?You think in Global Mu they remove ALL that for who cry for one CC?

    For DD You people like Exilia FuckingCunt play SMG like without Helm need to set DD 40% for that and try to benefit only you, if has been set so it is for a reason, and the SMG is OP in pvp and nobody is complaining about this.

    About Soul Barrier i think maybe cap to 35%,40% is too high maybe

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    Agi SM is waste of time. That kind of chars is good for 2-3 cs. Later any SM which is made to be tank goes for mlvl soul barrier and will be better. Not to mention that on s6 good build for SM is ene for exp. wizardy and rest in agi... So after few resets any SM is agi/hybrid. But taking from SM soul barrier would be too much. He is already weakened enough by limited range tp with cooldown.

    DD - it was always like this. If it would be capped on 40-50% maybe more ppl would focus on socket items instead dd+hp/ref + ddi. Couse right now dd+ddi is just better. (not to mention easier to get). Btw. it's kind of strange we are so far in game and yet noone wears any socket items.

    Ice arrow - pain in the as... but as @Gion mentioned before - it was supposed to be that way. But again, SM was weakend and you want him to be weakend even more... 

    IMO DL is weak this db. It's like he's supposed to be vit to hold castle. He could be a little stronger. 

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     I think ice arrow skill should be 50% for many reasons or remove skill in cc...I think the ae abuse to much that skill and even if they dont deal any dmg they will drop you.

    about dd should be 50% or 40%

    and about ms change the effect to increase % base on agi not  on ene+agi

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    Relaying on getting ice resist pendants/rings is a hard one, getting ML is ofcourse easier. But sooner or later that ice arrow will land on you.  And thats just to counter 1skill from one char? I think it should atleast be reduced, 5 seconds is a long time during an event like cc. (AND FIX IT ALREADY, the stun bug that is)

    But in my opion stuff shouldnt the tuched to much. None has reached 10rr yet, none is near done with ML. Its impossible to point fingers at whats op and not currently. ML/LVL/RR plays a huge part

     I do however think DD is good as it is now, I got almost 60% myself, and still get hits for up to 3k+ if dd was to be reduced it would only benefit chars going for max damage, that already got insane absorb/internal def

    23 minutes ago, Time said:

    Agi SM is waste of time. That kind of chars is good for 2-3 cs. Later any SM which is made to be tank goes for mlvl soul barrier and will be better. Not to mention that on s6 good build for SM is ene for exp. wizardy and rest in agi... So after few resets any SM is agi/hybrid. But taking from SM soul barrier would be too much. He is already weakened enough by limited range tp with cooldown.

    DD - it was always like this. If it would be capped on 40-50% maybe more ppl would focus on socket items instead dd+hp/ref + ddi. Couse right now dd+ddi is just better. (not to mention easier to get). Btw. it's kind of strange we are so far in game and yet noone wears any socket items.

    Ice arrow - pain in the as... but as @Gion mentioned before - it was supposed to be that way. But again, SM was weakend and you want him to be weakend even more... 

    IMO DL is weak this db. It's like he's supposed to be vit to hold castle. He could be a little stronger. 

    Socket items takes just ages to build, I know a few who are working on them.. but it just takes time.

    Its like you say, it just easier and quicker to get a exc set with 2 options for now.

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    9 minutes ago, Rothgar said:

    No sense to remove ICE for Elf, its SKILL designed for ELF, you just remove ICE for IT, now you want that?You think in Global Mu they remove ALL that for who cry for one CC?

    For DD You people like Exilia FuckingCunt play SMG like without Helm need to set DD 40% for that and try to benefit only you, if has been set so it is for a reason, and the SMG is OP in pvp and nobody is complaining about this.

    About Soul Barrier i think maybe cap to 35%,40% is too high maybe

    First of all, I never said that Ice Arrow should be removed. I just gave an option for people to vote if they feel so. I've explained my concern about the current state of the skill pretty clearly in multiple topics. I have always been fine with Ice arrow since AE has never been top PvP character, but on this server, AE is as good as any other class, but the Ice Arrow remains the same, and that is the reason causing the problems.

    Also, as you can see I never mentioned that the cap for DD should be 40% because MG can wear only 4 items. I think I made my points pretty clear, but you just failed to understand my reasoning. Please, if your opinion on this is so strong, explain yourself to us instead of just throwing out aggressive assumptions.

    The idea for soul barrier wasn't to reduce the max cap - but to make agi sm viable as a support character, and decrease the barrier strength for sm's that are purely build only for PvP.


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    19 minutes ago, Exilia said:

    The idea for soul barrier wasn't to reduce the max cap - but to make agi sm viable as a support character, and decrease the barrier strength for sm's that are purely build only for PvP.

    Good idea. For that energy would have to give more dmg, or agi less speed. Couse right now it's better to go for speed instead dmg. And by doing that MS is "just a bonus".  And right now it would mean rebuilding SM.

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    50% Ice arrow duration.

    DD should be as it is or later in the game VitRF will just one shot everybody. If i remember correctly, max DD is also 60% for later seasons. 


    I`m playing Str DL with 2k str (Set mixed ref/hp/dd+ddi)and I can`t even touch an SM or and AE.. and I get killed pretty easy.I think the DL dmg it`s pretty low this DB.

    @alegzander Same build, same problem. Have you finished your master def/dmg table?  

    Pro PvAFK player!

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    Nerf soul barrier definitely. It's just crazy. 

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    SM is already not very good so i don't see what the complain is, maybe i just need more ML.


    AE ice arrow is fucking bugged, it's supposed to ROOT you in 1 spot, not completely stun you so you can't attack.

    DDI is way to high, you have AEs here (SupremeElf) tanking more damage than vitRF and good bks.


    Let AE remain as top tier PVM, not god tier PVM and PVP.


    And don't forget, everyone's IP address can STILL be pulled off the website.

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    1 minute ago, Solcy said:

    SM is already not very good so i don't see what the complain is, maybe i just need more ML.


    AE ice arrow is fucking bugged, it's supposed to ROOT you in 1 spot, not completely stun you so you can't attack.

    DDI is way to high, you have AEs here (SupremeElf) tanking more damage than vitRF and good bks.


    Let AE remain as top tier PVM, not god tier PVM and PVP.

    Elfs in general are kinda ''tanky'' but with dd they scale even better. Dont notice it as much on other classes wearing dd

    You just lack gear/ml/rr on SM :) 

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    No, SM is OP and is not okay. They don't need DD set to remain tanky as hell. As for AE I think ice rings would solve problem. DL is garbage at the moment in this server.

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    1 hour ago, DarkMaster said:

    No, SM is OP and is not okay. They don't need DD set to remain tanky as hell. As for AE I think ice rings would solve problem. DL is garbage at the moment in this server.

    DL was 1 shotting everyone like 3 weeks ago because of a bug, so idk how they are now thouugh

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    As Ae main i agree you could reduce Ice duration but removing it completely would be really bad.

    And Sm`s Are too tanky  mu is a weird game where Archer is closest melee character and Wizard is the best tank.

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    I`m playing Str DL with 2k str (Set mixed ref/hp/dd+ddi)and I can`t even touch an SM or and AE.. and I get killed pretty easy.I think the DL dmg it`s pretty low this DB.


     Same build, same problem. Have you finished your master def/dmg table?  

    Can't you see that this is caused by the absurd amount of +dd people can achieve so easily. You trying to make a high damage build where you aim to get your max hits as big as possible. But you're basically wasting your stats on a attribute that is very easy to counter atm. It is very inefficient to try to focus on huge numbers cause your damage gets reduced by 60%.

    The reason AE and SM are strong now is because they can build agility based build with more additional benefits, which makes them harder to counter. AE for example builds only agility with some vitality. All her damage comes from agility, it gives her great speed, great defense and great success rate. This makes her top tier in both, pvp and pvm. SM can build some agility to gain natural damage absorb, while still being able to add huge amounts of energy to max out his damage output. On top of that he can choose between set +dd to become more tanky, or ancient set to even further increase the big damage output gained by his damage ratios. No matter which option he choose to go for, both are top tier on their respective category.

    Exactly the reason why I'm proposing to nerf the max cap of damage decrease is to bring more variety in game and to allow more builds to be viable. Lets be honest here, we need damage decrease option in game to counter high damage dealers, not for it to be only viable option to go for. And to counter the high damage numbers, 40-50% should be just enough. 


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    @Solcy It's not about one shot but yeah that bug was ruining PVP. 

    But overall compared to other classes DL seems to be weakest. In PVP maps we're complete 0 now cause Fire Scream was disabled due to bug and chaotic doesn't work as it should, GM says it's latency but should you improve it's damage or fix it somehow. If I hit it like 5 times and just 2 damages shows up it is bullshit, we tested it in PVP and Fire Scream seems to be a lot better than Chaotic.  @ADMIN Chaotic works a lot different in Normal server and CW, please test it.

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    1 hour ago, DarkMaster said:

    @Solcy It's not about one shot but yeah that bug was ruining PVP. 

    But overall compared to other classes DL seems to be weakest. In PVP maps we're complete 0 now cause Fire Scream was disabled due to bug and chaotic doesn't work as it should, GM says it's latency but should you improve it's damage or fix it somehow. If I hit it like 5 times and just 2 damages shows up it is bullshit, we tested it in PVP and Fire Scream seems to be a lot better than Chaotic.  @ADMIN Chaotic works a lot different in Normal server and CW, please test it.

    I have an issue with Ice arrow having a huge delay between when it hits, maybe that's latency also.

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    9 minutes ago, Exilia said:

    Can't you see that this is caused by the absurd amount of +dd people can achieve so easily. You trying to make a high damage build where you aim to get your max hits as big as possible. But you're basically wasting your stats on a attribute that is very easy to counter atm. It is very inefficient to try to focus on huge numbers cause your damage gets reduced by 60%.

    The reason AE and SM are strong now is because they can build agility based build with more additional benefits, which makes them harder to counter. AE for example builds only agility with some vitality. All her damage comes from agility, it gives her great speed, great defense and great success rate. This makes her top tier in both, pvp and pvm. SM can build some agility to gain natural damage absorb, while still being able to add huge amounts of energy to max out his damage output. On top of that he can choose between set +dd to become more tanky, or ancient set to even further increase the big damage output gained by his damage ratios. No matter which option he choose to go for, both are top tier on their respective category.

    Exactly the reason why I'm proposing to nerf the max cap of damage decrease is to bring more variety in game and to allow more builds to be viable. Lets be honest here, we need damage decrease option in game to counter high damage dealers, not for it to be only viable option to go for. And to counter the high damage numbers, 40-50% should be just enough. 

    I dont agree about DD being overpowered. Reducing it will only make people that actually just survie now because of it die faster. And it will benefit classes that can pvp in Ancient sets. which is Impossible for some classes.

    Elfs are made tanky from the start, dont think its because of more agi. 0 agi vs 2000agi is about 300 def and 200ish rating, thats nothing major tbh. being tanky from the start they just scale alot better with dd then others I guess.

    But..still so many variables to consider.. Items,wings,lvl,rr,ml,buil,skill.





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