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    Early-Game Feedback


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    After Stage 1.1 was completed and after more than 40 days, it's safe to assume that the Early-Game of Inception is almost over.

    In order to offer you a "close to perfection" experience in our community servers we require your honest and constructive feedback, so we can know where to work more or what to exploit more in future.

    So, if you want to contribute for your own satisfaction, please let us know in this topic what you liked, what you didn't liked, what you would change/modify/adjust and anything else may help us to help you in future.

    The feedback should be related to: progression (items/exp-wise), events, features, drops, economy, newbies experience, etc. for the EARLY-GAME, if you have any suggestions for the things you didn't like they are welcomed.

    If you don't have anything that you didn't like (which is hard to believe) you can focus on what you liked the most (and what can be made even better).

    Anyone that come with a solid feedback (not 1-2 propositions wrote in a fast manner) will receive 150 credits as a small reward for your time and contribution - leave character name in topic.

    Note: Feedbacks are accepted (for reward) until Friday at 23:59.


    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    I feel like the games economy is controlled by those that started early on with this game. They can farm on higher maps and receive better items and sell it on the market in order to gain more valuables than someone that has to grind to reach reset 1. Is there any chance to make the drop rate of special items, like Gondor feather 2 or 3 percent higher on lower maps? (an example)

    Also when players reach level 200 they get other classes such as MG and DL cause the standard classes are typical to play with. Could there be any chances to get those characters at certain levels? like after 1st reset? Also MG dominates in pk combat since resets are limited to 30 so most of the main characters when pking will be MG and RF

    Also currency should be more important than others I feel like. When I drop silver medals, an item can give me up to 1 mil to resell it at a shopkeeper. Zen has a lower value than an average item. Either the items have to be lowered by price or zen should be "harder to grind". 

    Searching parties on the other hand is difficult on higher maps. You see parties with 4 guys helping each other and youre trying to join that party, but they won't allow you to get better loot. Which makes it unhealthy to do so in my opinion. Making parties with 5 people gives more exp and more enjoyable to play with.

    Guilds that recruit their own nationality is something I noticed ingame. Shouldn't people be allowed to join a guild with another nationality? A little bit overtaught, but it feels like some guilds are uncomfortable talking english I assume? By doing that, the community itself becomes "outsiders" and "insiders" by my opinion. I had that experience in other servers back in the days when the majority of players played from 1 country and the minority became outsiders.

    Is there a possibility for a 2nd server to start in order to reduce lagg in some areas? My game gets very laggy after a certain amount of time (overload of players in 1 map?)

    Might there be also more spots to farm on? like Davias 4 or LT 2 and 1. Those spots are empty and need monsters in order to get lower players spread out for more activity.

    Activity wise I know the staff is implementing new systems such as Blackjack and Soccer league in order to get more fun in to the game. Can I suggest we add horse races in Lorencia? It seems very fun to me. Could we also marry with other characters in the church and get more involving with the community to learn each other instead of grinding all day.


    Overall the game is unique and I believe you guys will reach top 3 the upcoming months. Keep doing your best buddy !


    -- Iwant2Fap --





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    In my opinion the only bad thing there was pre 1.1 was the XP nerf, that took us to 25% xp at 5 resets, stage that took way to much than it should have( i think 35-40% would have been better). Since we can now farm DS6/BC7, thats not gonna be a problem for the next stage.

    I think the most important focus for the future should be a healthy  community. And although i'm part of Rampage, i think implementing some kind of 'debuffs' for CS would be pretty cool. Lets take for example, if your guild has the CS for more than 2 weeks, increase the friendly fire in that guild , with 5-10-15 every week, in order to give the rest a chance. I don't know if that's possible, but in my opinion it would be cool to see. This would probably make more guilds come to CS, and boost their morale. Another thing that crosses my mind is lower the number of players that guild can come with at CS  with X every week. Or if a guild has the CS for more than x weeks increase the drops from CC for the rest(excluding the CS owners), or give BOK+5 more drops when X guild holds the castle for more than X weeks etc. The CS holders would still have an advantage, but it would also give the rest a fair chance to not be AFK and fight for their items more than 1 time a week(sunday).

    I think you get the point. Good luck 



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    Forgot to mention: 

    Note: Feedbacks are accepted (for reward) until Friday at 23:59.

    Also please leave your char names in your post, thanks!

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    Hi, i will start that post from last changes.


    [FIXED] MGs 'hiding' inside Kundun coords using weapon skill, being untargetable.

    • Note: If MGs gets on Kundun coords they will be moved 5 coordonates back. If zone is invalid, they will be moved at x=35 y=60.

    I dont agree with that change, quoting your(Admin) words that each character is unique and has strengths and weaknesses.  I do not see any more advantages in this class except as a good DMG which is already beginning to be compared with the rest of the classes and after last updates great SM buff(5 range on Blast).

    In future gens map need to position like farm map, not a combination with exp+farm (Icarus, Reliks,Vulcanus,Swamp,CryWolf)

    In this edition I drew attention to the fact that AE class has lost its popularity. I think what a lot of impact for that change have request ene for ice.

    IT need to start a little earlier, and just change reward when progress demands it, coz iz main event and have a lot of interes from all.

    After each past stage need a little increase a Golden power, coz they dead too fast.

    Decrease impact from level Attak/Defence succes rate in PvP, coz its server +reset, it has a great influence on participation in events, many do not participate in them as it is impossible to compete with hight levels. That gap will be rise when we start to get ML

    If its posible to move from server 2 events like BC,DS,CC,Arena,IT posible that will decrease a little lags on server.

    Other solution is to make CryWolf a more atractive map, add a lot of spots with higer exp and ppls will change Kanturu,Karutan1/2 to CryWolf and that too decrease a little lags on 1 server.

    New Soccer event its somthing interesting but in this condition i think what its hard to found a regulare 3-5 players for make a team, better solution is add that event in OSGM collection from random online ppls.

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    I suggest that the Mercenaries rankings to be restarted next month. I can give up my stage2 seal bonus, but many from that top don't deserve to be there

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    I'm new here but I would like to share my "newbie" opinion. Well, I'm not total beginner because I've came back to this game something like 16 years later :D

    Okay here I go. 


    The guides for the server are confusing and I felt really lost while reading them, also informations keeps repeating in most of them and I suggest to make less topic with more concetrated knowledge not scattered in few threaths to not wonder like a blind person from topic to topic. About the very informations in guides - sometimes I feel like they are too complicated (or I am too stupid). Mayby you could consider to rewrite infos and guides and make them for beginners and second advanced version for experienced players?

    I've also noticed the Dungeon area is pretty much empty and as old school MU player i felt sad because i couldn't farm in my favourite location. I'm sorry to say that but this isn't the way to fully experience this game and I don't thing making few spots in one place and deleting the rest dungeon mobs is ideal solution because it's hard to join to the party even if it have some benefits.


    Cheers from Morrigan.

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    1 hour ago, arbi89 said:


    I'm new here but I would like to share my "newbie" opinion. Well, I'm not total beginner because I've came back to this game something like 16 years later :D

    Okay here I go. 


    The guides for the server are confusing and I felt really lost while reading them, also informations keeps repeating in most of them and I suggest to make less topic with more concetrated knowledge not scattered in few threaths to not wonder like a blind person from topic to topic. About the very informations in guides - sometimes I feel like they are too complicated (or I am too stupid). Mayby you could consider to rewrite infos and guides and make them for beginners and second advanced version for experienced players?

    I've also noticed the Dungeon area is pretty much empty and as old school MU player i felt sad because i couldn't farm in my favourite location. I'm sorry to say that but this isn't the way to fully experience this game and I don't thing making few spots in one place and deleting the rest dungeon mobs is ideal solution because it's hard to join to the party even if it have some benefits.


    Cheers from Morrigan.

    I totally agree with you. I stopped playing this game 10 years ago and had to try it again because of "childhood memories". 

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    Taking out of the discussion the Kundun changes I'd like to add the following:

    - The 5k ENE mark for ice arrow is a bit too much. Taking in consideration the fact that for PVP build AE needs to invest in VIT quite alot of points and also STR, I think this is an handicap for this class. Also in most of the cases we are in need of CC spells. In the last CS'es i felt a real need to have Ice Arrow.

    - Crywolf can be made a bit more appealing than only farming fenrir items. Instead of CW event I did not used that map.

    - There is a gap of 30 lvl's after you reset on which there is no good location where to lvl up. At 20 you go dev4 but after that till 80 and dung3 you cannot do much. Most of the times the events BC/DS saves us. I think dungeon1 or 2 can be populated aswell. We've passed the early game at this point.

    - Castle Siege is very enjoyable when talking about configuration. What will make it better are more guilds to participate. So far are only 2 which are going since the srv started. I do not know what's the best solution but i'd like to see more guilds trying their luck on this event even if they do not win. Maybe implement a reward option for each guild who participate and this event. Like, every guild who has more than 1 or 2 parties in this event and makes this amount of points and do not win,  will get this "box of anything". 




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    I'd like to start by saying that in the many years I have played Mu Online (since 0.97d linkmania), rarely have I come across such a well put-together server such as this one. It shows that you have given it a lot of thought and, although I'm still new here, it is becoming one of my favorite ones.

    With that being said, there are a few small things which I feel could be improved, in my opinion (keep in mind this is newbie stuff).

    I can't say that I'm a fan of the very low stack of potions (9 for hp); early game you just have to resupply your inventory full of pots very often, having very limited space to actually pick up some loot. It is especially annoying when you're in a party very far from the map spawn point and have to make these long re-pot trips every 20-30min. I understand this has a solid reason behind it and I'm sure it gets better later in the game, but the whole early game experience for me feels a bit daunting because of this. An obvious solution would be to increase the stack or just increase drop rate for pots?

    One small thing I've noticed for RF/MG is the Warp Command Window map level requirements do not match the actual entry requirements for those classes (I understand the req. are different for these classes after 1rr, it's just not obvious what req. is for each map).

    Also, it feels like a lot of people overcrowd some maps (like kanturu) while other maps are almost empty. Not sure if this will be organically resolved as the game progresses into late, or if it will be a continuous trend. A suggestion would be to make other maps have similar exp benefits. Also, some maps (like dungeon 2) just have 0 mobs so maybe just eliminate them all together or populate them. Another idea would be for the empty maps to be used for certain events, otherwise why do they exist?

    Some of the features I enjoy seeing are the spots on the minimap with mob names, I feel it's such an improvement on life quality. Also other things like the Event Calendar and the fact that you can use "/reset" to rr while still in the game, that's a big win in my opinion. I love the fact that you took the time to implement all these useful commands for Auto-party, inventory management and Off-attack; it's what drew me in to play here.

    Something to consider: In the olden days of 0.97d I remember one aspect which really stuck with me. There were certain low lvl exc. items that were extremely rare and dropped randomly; they were used as status symbols, to "show off", generally by high rr chars. Times have changed, I know but maybe there's something interesting to take out of this and bring it into today's experience.

    Anyway, I'll end by saying the experience so far is very enjoyable and I'm looking really forward to participating in things like Mercenary squad and the future Soccer system.

    Keep up the good work!


    Char name: zmeu

    "One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it" - Master Oogway 🐢

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    Also, gonna add something regarding the mercenary quest.

    Lets say X gets quest with Y. At the moment, only X knows what target he has. I would add a message to Y aswell, so that he knows a target has quest with him, but i would disable teleport to another map, so he can't flee away. Also i would add a /forfeit command so that Y can forfeit the quest if he wants to go for BC/DS for example, but at the cost of lets say -20 points.

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    That was a long stage especially for top players who got 6th rr first. I think that exp nerf was too much and something around 40% would be better but we’be already done it so I don’t care any more. 

    The other thing is about rf. I don’t play this race but lots of people are complaining about it because rf means nothing from the start till now. He’s not able to kill bosses, golds or even survive on higher maps same as other classes so basically shit in pvm. He means nothing in pvp as well and you can clearly see it during CS. It also impacts the market because rf items are not worth a lot. I’ve seen rf capes for 10/10 this morning which is ridiculous to me at this stage. 

    Another issue that pissing me off are disconnects during ds. Not sure what is a problem but these mass dc’s are annoying. From the other hand it’s funny to see 95937393975 characters in Noria after dc in ds during exp boost. I’m pretty sure you are aware of it but still would be nice to sort it out or at least don’t count lost ds entries when you got dc.

    Generally, there is not much we can complain about. The gameplay is fantastic and there are decent benefits for active people which is really good. I think the idea with removing EE’s was also positive change but probably 5k ene required for ice arrow is a bit too much. 

    I’m enjoying your server and it’s really nice that we have a constant support from admin and gm’s :)

    Well done, guys!



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    16 minutes ago, losiu03 said:

    or at least don’t count lost ds entries when you got dc.

    this prolly wont be implemented as it can be abused - just DC 1min before event end and u can do DS and BC all day

    Peace is an illusion

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    Played in this server in 2017 and now.

    I can't say i'm particularly fond playing without EE.

    A more linear gameplay/rewards would be better: 5rr training in relics and k2 condra is way too early in my opinion.

    To increase the popularity of CS, i would have made a special spot in LoT, which would give 20-25% more exp than let's say a good karutan2 spot. Single spot, so it could turn into a discord apple in a guild if not managed properly. Remove ancients from anywhere else, lord mix 1/day and 1 really strong Erohim/1 day (boosted with every stage, 5 party to kill), both LM and Erohim same drop.

    Related to CS, i've played in a server where each party that was participating was forced to have a maxim sum of resets. For example lets assume for the next week the max level party cap would be 45. This means two things: 1. people will think in advance if they continue level-up or not; 2. party making will be more tacticised.

    I understand that you need to balance the late game with some debuffs and nerfs, but i feel it's too much. Honestly i haven't given a thought into this, but it sure feels the gameplay is too altered.

    My personal experience: i really enjoy playing on the server, but i will never get a chance to compete with active people. Sure, the active ones deserve to be there, and deserve their rewards, but i feel the most of us are in my situation, where we can only exp 99% of the time, and ocasionally find an overpriced gem on the market. This is why all the servers die at a fixed point. The active ones achieve maximum, the afk ones get bored of levelling, and the server dies. Not pointing a finger, but finding balance here will surely extend the life of the server.

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    Have a map with restriction on the number of reset for 350++ lvl


    As many of you know, maps are getting populated. It would be wise if people with top resets move to maps where lower rr can't go.

    But they go instead to maps where people with low to mid rr can grind.


    I'm not saying to restrict them from low levels but atleast for 350++ until 400. Players will lose confidence grinding if top rr players will KS them in maps that they can over power.


    Another option is add more mobs with higher levels so people with high rr will go there.


    It's fun playing but this Server has way more players than your previous creations.

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    I like very much how the game was configured .Based on my experience until now I would also suggest:

    1.Take advantage of big maps and add some good spots .Ex: aida 2 can have spots of red golems and other mobs .We need those spots cuz  at 10rr people can lvl-up in relics and we have 20 more rr .Also more and more people go to higher maps .Kanturu 3 is full ,karutan 2 is almost full ,so we need more spots .

    2.It would have been a good idea for icarus to be a batlle map ,but with higher drop rate .

    3.Maybe adding some quests that can give u SD pots ,255 pack of pots ...etc 


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    Feedback for early-game is closed now!

    Thanks for your input!

    Rewards were delivered.

    I'll take my time and answer to most of your replies soon, it was an overall good input! :)

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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