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    Dear Admin, let's talk on equal terms, there were a lot of accusations towards the community, in some you may be right, but in most you are mistaken. 

    I've already written about it here and I won't waste my time looking for my post, but I'll say briefly, all your discontent and frustration from "us" is 99% your fault, it was you who ridiculed every idea that in your and only your opinion was terrible, you didn't give any explanations for your global changes in balance/class. You tried to make a Lineage (let's say) out of this old game MU Online.

    ADMIN. said:

    A community that even with hundreds of real players and guild-limits can't have more than 2-3 guilds, and even those guilds are disbanding on their first real lose or even on their first win.

    And what kind of community did you expect to get if for the most part only old players play here who know every inch of this game, who even before opening have access to the test server and know at each level where and how they will lvl-up. For this reason, new people don't stay here for long, and old people just leave. And those who stayed already know good and bad teammates.

    ADMIN. said:

    A community that had multiple opportunities to bring feedback but it was either totally ignored, used for personal benefits or used as a way to complain without adding any value.

    And here again what I said earlier, earlier in the same topic, you mixed 2 reviews with shit and praised the other just because their post is a "joke". People are just tired or afraid to write something to you, because this is an ADMIN, he is definitely authoritative and knows more about this game than 25-35-45-year-old uncles who played this game 5 times more than our ADMIN.

    ADMIN. said:

    Yes, I used to be a GREAT guy towards everyone here (because I am the same in real life), and it only backfired to me and I was fooled again and again (same as in real life).

    As bitter as it may sound, but this is life, and since it was clear to most here and you confirmed it, it is also a commercial project. We all work not because we like it, but because we want to eat. And the better you do your job, putting up with all those responsible, the more profitable it will be.


    If you want to continue doing your job and for people to really appreciate it, listen to what people are telling you and not just blindly follow your ideas. Give them freedom of speech.

    Making a game for Zutto, who consistently spend $ 1k per project, you slowly lose another audience who first, appreciated your efforts, and then faced with the situation that they are even, and with the same money spent or less, they are zero in this "free2play" game.

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    Well, there's nothing more to talk about, the time for "talks" is over. I already stated my opinions and plans, you are all of course free to have your own opinions, but there's not really something that would change my mind.

    All I did during every single edition of any project was constantly to brainstorm, focus and come up with new features, new ways to balance things out, prevent bad things from happening, improvements, quality of life, new fixes, and so on. 
    There wasn't a single day from first 2-4 months of each project when I wasn't thinking at what we can do better, what we can improve, what can we add, to make the game more fun for our players.
    Could I have just stopped doing all of this since we already had a great product? Of course, most of people were already impressed with the level of the project, we didn't had to do much more. But we never stopped, we always wanted to get better and better, to work more and more.
    How many of you complained about Zen that is useless and you want it to be valuable? Some can be easily found on forum, the rest only us know, because we spoke with A LOT of you in private about your complaints. We delivered, we made Zen important in economy, and apparently it was "shit", well, you asked for it.
    How many of you complained that you have hundreds of jewels - some even thousands on Inception (talking mostly about bless, soul and life) and that they have no value? That all items are sold only for Credits (and insane prices) because the jewels are worthless? That people play with VPN and x accounts just to farm jewels and get rich over night which was BAD? That you have no motivation to go to events because rewards were CRAP? (of course are crap when you have hundreds of jewels).
    A hella' lot of you, and you know better. We delivered, we made jewels and events valuable, and it was again considered "shit".
    See? You never knew what you wanted. You always wanted something - we listened - we implemented - you didn't wanted it anymore and considered it bad. If breaks/stages were too long you asked them to be shorter. When they were shorter you asked them to be longer, cuz you "pass" content too fast. When higher maps were easier you asked for higher maps to be harder, when we made it harder you asked for them to be weaker because you need decent gear to stay.
    And of course, that's the reason I always trusted my own ideas more than what you wanted (my ideas and vision brought the oldsquad to this high level), despite listening and implementing everything good you suggested over years (browse forum and you'll find everything that was considered and implemented/changed that came from players and was considered good).

    You're right, I shouldn't blame the community, I should just blame me, that I took this project too serious and too personal and that I've put more soul than I should. That I allowed players to behave incorrectly from start, either between each-other or towards us. That I gave 2nd and even 3rd chances to players that shouldn't had them. That our rules weren't too harsh to make people think twice. That, as I said, focused too much on the product instead of focusing on building a healthy, toxic-free community where both staff and players can feel comfortable being part of. That was the secret that I didn't knew back then in 2016, how the way smaller communities with very bad products were so healthy, happy, and long-term.
    But yes, it was a great personal lesson, and for sure I'll use it in my future projects.

    I'm not looking to argue with anyone, it was my one and only reply, feel free to continue to throw shit, something that you (as community) know to do way better than to be constructive.

    "The only way to do great work is to love what you do" - Steve Jobs

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    I posted my feed back in another thread, tried to be helpful and sincere as possible. @ADMIN

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    9 hours ago, Spawn said:

    Making a game for Zutto, who consistently spend $ 1k per project, you slowly lose another audience who first, appreciated your efforts, and then faced with the situation that they are even, and with the same money spent or less, they are zero in this "free2play" game.

    If its not scripts and hacks,  its $$ :D 

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    I don't really know any gaming community doesn't have any toxicity, and i've played a lot of games in my life.

    The anonymity makes ppl feel entitled to behave toxic. Also, they spend money to play a competitive game so they get attached and become vocal. Only a few vocal toxic ppl make the community feel toxic as a whole. 

    This aside, i really think there were some good changes this DB, and for the rest, the feedback will be awesome to use in future projects.

    I would really like in the future to see less boss fights and a bit more solo content.  Having so many bosses drives the community in 2 guilds, because everybody wants a piece of the pie.

    I also think classes should be balanced 3 times during the lifetime of a DB (early, midd, late-game). I know this is a lot of work, but it would make all classes viable at all time and would allow us to avoid some classes one shotting. (as it was in inception)


    The number one reason in my opinion for why Phoenix was not that successful is because we all want something new. We have being playing the same thing over and over for to many years already.

    I would really love to see a sub-forum or why not, a new forum, as soon as possible for S17 and a roadmap for it.

    On the forum ppl can start giving feedback for the season server, because i'm pretty sure that we have a lot of players that have played new seasons and can provide with great feedback. 


    The best S17 server won't build itself, so lets get going.


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    4 hours ago, Zutto said:

    If its not scripts and hacks,  its $$ :D 

    A guild that goes to 15% of events since the beggining of the db and suddenly appears with max best in slot itens before everyone.

    A bk that never fails his target in the middle of 30ppls with 8 fps(cuz game is old and not optimized).

    You must agree, it's weird.

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    I'm gonna leave this here. "Together" your ass. ^^


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    3 hours ago, Spam said:

    A guild that goes to 15% of events since the beggining of the db and suddenly appears with max best in slot itens before everyone.

    A bk that never fails his target in the middle of 30ppls with 8 fps(cuz game is old and not optimized).

    You must agree, it's weird.

    Yeah I agree its weird when its always excuses and pointing fingers.  

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    15 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    Well, there's nothing more to talk about, the time for "talks" is over. I already stated my opinions and plans, you are all of course free to have your own opinions, but there's not really something that would change my mind.

    All I did during every single edition of any project was constantly to brainstorm, focus and come up with new features, new ways to balance things out, prevent bad things from happening, improvements, quality of life, new fixes, and so on. 
    There wasn't a single day from first 2-4 months of each project when I wasn't thinking at what we can do better, what we can improve, what can we add, to make the game more fun for our players.
    Could I have just stopped doing all of this since we already had a great product? Of course, most of people were already impressed with the level of the project, we didn't had to do much more. But we never stopped, we always wanted to get better and better, to work more and more.
    How many of you complained about Zen that is useless and you want it to be valuable? Some can be easily found on forum, the rest only us know, because we spoke with A LOT of you in private about your complaints. We delivered, we made Zen important in economy, and apparently it was "shit", well, you asked for it.
    How many of you complained that you have hundreds of jewels - some even thousands on Inception (talking mostly about bless, soul and life) and that they have no value? That all items are sold only for Credits (and insane prices) because the jewels are worthless? That people play with VPN and x accounts just to farm jewels and get rich over night which was BAD? That you have no motivation to go to events because rewards were CRAP? (of course are crap when you have hundreds of jewels).
    A hella' lot of you, and you know better. We delivered, we made jewels and events valuable, and it was again considered "shit".
    See? You never knew what you wanted. You always wanted something - we listened - we implemented - you didn't wanted it anymore and considered it bad. If breaks/stages were too long you asked them to be shorter. When they were shorter you asked them to be longer, cuz you "pass" content too fast. When higher maps were easier you asked for higher maps to be harder, when we made it harder you asked for them to be weaker because you need decent gear to stay.
    And of course, that's the reason I always trusted my own ideas more than what you wanted (my ideas and vision brought the oldsquad to this high level), despite listening and implementing everything good you suggested over years (browse forum and you'll find everything that was considered and implemented/changed that came from players and was considered good).

    You're right, I shouldn't blame the community, I should just blame me, that I took this project too serious and too personal and that I've put more soul than I should. That I allowed players to behave incorrectly from start, either between each-other or towards us. That I gave 2nd and even 3rd chances to players that shouldn't had them. That our rules weren't too harsh to make people think twice. That, as I said, focused too much on the product instead of focusing on building a healthy, toxic-free community where both staff and players can feel comfortable being part of. That was the secret that I didn't knew back then in 2016, how the way smaller communities with very bad products were so healthy, happy, and long-term.
    But yes, it was a great personal lesson, and for sure I'll use it in my future projects.

    I'm not looking to argue with anyone, it was my one and only reply, feel free to continue to throw shit, something that you (as community) know to do way better than to be constructive.

    You will never change. You trash talked about the community actually having one of the best community in the business - very competitive, very active and very stable even though some smaller or bigger issues around. Before you talked about toxic community you should look at the mirror and ask yourself a question. Why people don’t like me?

    Maybe it’s because of the way you talk to people and how arrogant you are? Maybe it’s because you think you are the smartest guy in the world? Maybe it’s because you think you are always right? Maybe it’s because you ignore what people talk to you and listen to “your” people only? Etc etc.

    I have never seen you admitting your own mistakes :)

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    18 hours ago, ADMIN said:

    I'm not looking to argue with anyone, it was my one and only reply, feel free to continue to throw shit, something that you (as community) know to do way better than to be constructive.

    I wasn't going to pour shit on you in this topic, but only tried to convey to you at least my personal opinion about the community.

    First of all, you suggested that we try to play on other servers for at least a year so that we could see the difference. I've been playing, and I'll tell you this, you're wrong in many ways, the only significant plus of your project is relatively stable and live online, the second is your honesty, namely, you don't sell/distribute custom items to selected people.

    Well, if it's constructive, I'll write you what I like on this server, and what I don't like.

    --For the most part, I like the system with the Golden Invasion, so that I would change it in it, for a start, I would remove Budg Dragon and put drop pendants and rings in all boxes with the same % of dropout.

    --I like features like /invasion/wallet /pack/part jwls, although not all of them are unique, and most of them I have met on other servers, maybe with the exception of /invasion.

    --I like CS v2,  v3 it's clearly not a system for this server, or at least part of a system with golems, statues, etc.

    --Accelerated imperial event is also good, without long waits and transitions between levels, and of course fights for the best time.


    What i dont like here.

    ---The whole PvP system, it's set up so that if you want to play fully, you just can't kill, since most of the events are scheduled for random time, having limitations in the move, you just drop out of the game for a long enough period.

              --The way out of the situation that I looked at on another project is a quick Clear PK, 100PK are displayed on the spot in about 30 minutes- 1 hour.  BC\DS 10-20 minutes.

    --Reward from Gens. Complete shit, you got a reward for killing people at a definitely random time who are just lvling, walking away or going to bed. And 15% of exp that are given in the genus maps is quite a worthy reward considering that without "punishment" and skills targeting you can be killed by any of the opposite gens.

    --Mercenary. Full of shit again with random kills. Where in most cases you hope that the target will be afk, you will kill him and get a fucking bounty. And vice versa, sitting at the computer all day and not seeing more than one attack, you go to the bathroom and when you return you are die.

    --New Arena. full of shit again. You know how hard it is to change something. You are creating a complex unknown system. I didn't have the slightest desire to sort it out and go into it, for all the time, in my opinion, I only joined in 1 time, and them because friends called me.

            --You could just leave the old system, and let's say every day the one who took the first place is banned from entering until next week.

    --World Bosses. facepalm. How many times you tried to explain to everyone how to take them, you could guess that again, such a system is not for this game.

    --Chars changes its another big shit.

            --Farm chars, pvp chars, leveling chars. And if you want to playfully, you should have everything.

            --DL summon restriction, SM teleport CD and spot restriction, MG cyclone, Elf IceAge, Everyone chooses their character not for the beauty of the wings, but for its features. You destroy them.

             ---And the cherry on the cake, with all complaints, on all projects, ignoring BK, yes, it's not easy, yes, you need scripts, straight hands,  using 3rd party software (new mouse in which you can write a combination\script).it doesn't matter, I mean that it's possible to bring everyone to their knees, every season, every CS, every event where there is PVP, one character always comes and just forces you to close this game and never enter it. No matter how much effort and money you spend, you won't have a chance.


    That's exactly how I left this game 2 project ago, as soon as this piece of shit Zutto killed me 3 times in a row after spawn with Combo in IT, then I closed this game and don't go into it until now.

    Now I'm asking my friend KILLALL that happens, why u leave? . He said, Im fully dressed,  that condom kills me with one combo. No one can't kill him. Only money spent.

    And you also accuse us that we are shit, that we are blind to your actions and take everything for granted.


     P.S.  Oh, I also forgot to say, the test server is full of shit, designed for all players but giving an incredible advantage to old players and really people who are concerned about the game. Close it.

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    You make great job at this srv by make awesome feature for us like: IT queue, prevent for lure mobs and plenty more. 

    Imo you need 1 things to make this srv better. At next edition make full pt, with similar lvl/gear as people on 100 place and go for some event and other activities. If you will join to CC with Zutto you will understand that something goes wrong or he made this game worse. You will see on your own, where it is problem. Sometimes everything looks good in theory but it doesnt work. If you see how important balance is to make this game playable you will understand why this edition goes that bad. Zutto is probably best bk on srv - he can play well when someone watching on him, but if noone watching he start "lagging", ref never stop him, fly like butterfly, every skill hit xd. 


    Awesome event, many activities when balance doesnt exist means nothing. For the biggest part of your old community the most important things is pvp. If it isnt balanced it destroy every pleasure from this game.


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    I'm gonna be that one guy coming here to burst most people's bubble and tell you that, whether he is arrogant and entitled like most IT people usually are(I count myself towards that assessment) or not, ADMIN is 100% correct in telling you that this is the best MU server around, and that his ideas were what made this server great.

    I say this as someone who got an itch to play mu when Phoenix was too late into its stages, so picked up a different server a couple of weeks ago, and just like every single time I tried doing that in the past 12 years, I haven't been able to even keep playing there for over 2 weeks, due to poor management, events and especially class balance. You think having one specific BK player running around and owning everyone is bad? try playing in servers where every BK has over 200k HP, 70% ref and no other class is even playable in PVP, or even worse(because at least BK requires combos to do well in PVP), try playing against vRF's which are almost immortal, and one shot you with a single click.

    If you disagree, feel free to try other servers. And I doubt ADMIN or any one of you even knows who I am and I don't plan to return anytime soon(don't like reset servers, and Phoenix is apparently canceled) so this is far from a buttlick.

    Learn to appreciate what you have.

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    18 hours ago, batanete said:

    I'm gonna be that one guy coming here to burst most people's bubble and tell you that, whether he is arrogant and entitled like most IT people usually are(I count myself towards that assessment) or not, ADMIN is 100% correct in telling you that this is the best MU server around, and that his ideas were what made this server great.

    I say this as someone who got an itch to play mu when Phoenix was too late into its stages, so picked up a different server a couple of weeks ago, and just like every single time I tried doing that in the past 12 years, I haven't been able to even keep playing there for over 2 weeks, due to poor management, events and especially class balance. You think having one specific BK player running around and owning everyone is bad? try playing in servers where every BK has over 200k HP, 70% ref and no other class is even playable in PVP, or even worse(because at least BK requires combos to do well in PVP), try playing against vRF's which are almost immortal, and one shot you with a single click.

    If you disagree, feel free to try other servers. And I doubt ADMIN or any one of you even knows who I am and I don't plan to return anytime soon(don't like reset servers, and Phoenix is apparently canceled) so this is far from a buttlick.

    Learn to appreciate what you have.

    The best mu server according to who? Barely two months in the season and there are 50 people online. Yes, the setup is great and the game is continuously progressive during the season. But man as long as we have 2 chars (RF, BK) devastating everything in their way the server won't be the best. All these custom features during the years and there were no time for a little bit of balance between the characters. I skipped this season because during Inception RF was way too OP and and the end they even buffed more. This was just a point break.. I hope that the admin will come to his senses and will take a look a bit more on the  characters balance.

    I see that the admin says that there are haters and aggressive comments and that he gives his heart and soul in the server. And the people have this right because most of the top players are doing the same thing in the form of spending money, countless hours and sleepless nights and so on playing this server.

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    question for gay people, what do you prefer more, the girth of the dick or the length??????????

    asking for academic research for my school ( im 9th grade and im gay)

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    25 minutes ago, spitfire said:

    question for gay people, what do you prefer more, the girth of the dick or the length??????????

    asking for academic research for my school ( im 9th grade and im gay)

    in the good name of the homo community , and as one of them , i come give my opinion , that it doesnt matter as long it can penetrate and create a gap too see our poop coming out

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    poop is always welcome, but does one like some blue cheese around the dickhead? 😍😋😋 and if yes do you prefer blue cheese dressing or crumbles??🤔🤔🤔

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