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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. 8 hours ago, Chukundah said:

      thats not correct , ive added alot of times single points to vit  on my summ, and 1 point gives 1 hp , and  after adding next  2points gives 2hp so 3point=3hp

      Wrong. Berserk is reducing HP, but you get 2 HP per 1 VIT like rest of chars, add VIT without Berserk active.

    2. I just want to make clear few aspects about RF.
      Yes, there is a problem with it, which we didn't thought about after the EE nerf, and that's purely PvM problem.
      The problem with RF is that he is both missing a set item (gloves) and also having the worst DEF from AGI from all chars.
      That would not be a problem in a normal gameplay with EE, but currently there is a problem because he can barely survive even on high AGI.
      We didn't thought about it, and focused on the PvP aspect mostly, but yes, I do agree that it is a problem and that will be fixed on the next bigger patch.

      Now, on the RF subject, there are 3 major things that most of you are missing:
      1. RF build is totally different than usual (where VRF would just go full VIT and ARF would just go full AGI).
      It is not working here, you need to find the best build and balance between STR (as main stat for any RF) and the secondary stat depending on build (AGI for ARF, VIT for VRF, ENE for ERF).
      More than 80% of RF's are ARF, and expecting PvP power, which is wrong, the entire PvP power stays in VRF (STR+VIT), but is losing PvM power in the trade, you need to choose carefully.
      VRF can be a beast, but I count with the fingers from one single hand how many VRF's are playing, which is pretty sad for such strong build especially on early game.

      2. RF (and especially ARF) is the only PvM character that scales into mid-late/game because the nature of its skill damage. That makes him a lot weaker in early-game than other chars because this is how it works.
      Why it is scaling? Let's compare him with other PvM beasts:
      SM - He is getting constant damage from Energy and that's it, no skill damage %, lower points dedicated to Energy as he needs to focus on AGI as well for def+speed+dsr.
      EMG - Just like SM, just with more points to spend.
      AE - Similar to RF, STR+AGI build, giving same things as RF, difference is that AE doesn't have skill damage % so it gets constant damage.
      RF - He gets both constant damage from STR and skill % damage, which makes him scaling exponentially, combined with the nature of his dmg stat (AGI) that gives both speed,deff,dsr and damage %.

      3. The biggest thing that makes RF a bit weaker that many doesn't know is that his level 2 cape is much weaker than normal w2's.
      Level 2 RF cape + 9 does have 33 armor, 38% inc damage and 28% absorb, while, for example W2 MG does have 58 armor, 41% inc damage and 43% absorb.
      He is really a level 3 cape dependent in order to gain a lot of power "back" (as RF have same stats on w3 like rest of chars).

      And just an observation because I don't like ppl that type/chat without being informed: All characters does get 2 HP points per 1 VIT, except of BK that gets 3 HP points per 1 VIT, there is no difference between any class on HP subject, except of BK ofc.

    3. Based on the current feedback, the following changes will be applied for the Soccer System before its official release:

      • BK soccer skill is now Death Stab - normal 3 range skill.
      • Now both SMG & EMG have Lightning as Soccer skill (instead of SMG having Cyclone).
      • Spell of Restriction (chains) debuff is now replaced with Ice Arrow (there is already a "stun" as debuff from opponents). You can attack during Ice Arrow.
      • Now buffs/debuffs will happen every 25 seconds instead of every 15 seconds.
      • Now if the soccer ball is "stuck" in a corner, it will get an auto unstuck, being "jumped" into a random location near the corner where it got stucked.

      Still looking forward any soccer system feedback/suggestions/ideas!

    4. 1 hour ago, filyman said:

       I can say that MG can use 2 skills (weapon skill and lightning) RF shoots for too long distance , many times ball was in "the net" but was took out , it lasts too long should be timer as max 20 mins/match, debuffs works to often, allways there is a player debuffed , i think that when a player from enemy team stuns someone from my team,auto game stun should remove from team mate or something.... there are too many debuffs thats what i say and are annoying. Overall was fun and intense.


      1 hour ago, Cerberus said:

      games are too long, cyclone skill is a joke, rf shoots too far, rf damage is also very high (that was on test server with max stats 48k i guess and still deals couple of thousand damage even though that 99% MS), constant debuffs and chains are very annoying, goal detection needs some work, very often ball crossed the line for goal but was not recognized

      overall, it can be a really fun event with shorter games and a little bit more polishing


      23 minutes ago, Voyager said:

      I can agree to RF shots being too long only if you change it with reducing the cooldown of chain drive and lowering the shot from 8 to 6. Also Lightning is kinda annoying and it is only usable to  move the ball from the corners, there has to be some kind of improvement cause SM is not fitting their place in the team. BK's cyclone is shit yes, there has to be some other way to improve it. Sometimes ball was stuck in the corners for more than 2,3 minutes which slows the game at all - we can introduce some rule which will make people spread and move the ball to the center and restart it?

      SMG should be able to use only cyclone, EMG only lightning, base rule is ENE>STR for EMG and vice-versa for SMG, I will check if there is a problem with it.

      RF has very powerful shots on ball, as part of his kit, but it is also the hardest char to master at soccer (due to the lowest range and also that ball can go on opposite direction when hitting it hard, along with other char same time).

      I personally like how it is, high risk high reward soccer character.

      The thing with ball getting out of the gate, it happens when there it is still being hitted by chars, giving the possibility for the "goalkeepers" to make a good play. I can't personally control that aspect as it is part of the integrated soccer system, I'm just making an extension of that system, but I really think it is a good possibility to make nice plays.

      Maybe the buffs/debuffs are too frequent, I can make them every 20/25/30s instead of each 15s, if you guys want that.

      About game duration: It can't really be controllable, I saw games that lasted 7-9 minutes only, and longer games as well. We can add like a max time limit for a single game, but then how we can pick the winner at the end of time? It's easy if captains make a screenshot with the current score when game is ended, but what if both teams have same points? I can't get the soccer score programmatically unfortunately.

      About RF damage - damage is now totally disabled instead of 99% mana shield, was fixed since your 1st game.

      SM is great with lightning, in our own soccer tests, SM was MVP, due to its high range and ball control, as well as easily getting ball from bad zones.

      Cyclone - it is a bit worse than rest skills, but it has its advantages like can stick to the ball to continue the attack, compared to rf for example that can only do 1 shot, then move, then 1 shot, etc.

      The bad part about smg/bk is that they don't really have skills alternatives for soccer (single target skills), but we're open for ideas.

    5. +
      [FIXED] PvP Quest failing since last patch, instead of retargeting when target goes on safe-zone/bmaps with same gens/etc.
      [ADDED] Now if you disconnect/exit character before BC/DS starts (so maximum until xx:15) you will get your BC/DS entry back.
      [ADDED] Now if you disconnect during BC/DS (after it already started) you will be reconnected back at the Event, but you won't be part of it anymore (you can't access rewards/points), but you will still be able to farm the xp/drops.

      This things are up from now!

    6. Release date: 01.11.2019 at 18:25 - Updates are up and no restart needed!


      • All VIPs (that had it active since at least 4 days ago) got an 8 hour extension on their VIP period - for the downtime(s).
      • Also, this weekend EXP bonus duration is increased from 1.5 hours on each bonus to 3.5 hours on each bonus - total of 8 extra hours of doubled exp!


      • [UPDATED] Now Lock system (with /lock command) will lock the account instead of character!
        • That means you can easily use it now without the need of creating 5 non-deletable characters in account.
          • Note: All current character locks have been deleted.
      • [UPDATED] Now characters can be deleted up to 1 reset instead of up to level 10 and 0 resets, to match the new Lock system changes.
      • [FIXED] Invasion Normalizer not working in Raklion.
      • [UPDATED] Rare items are now released and can drop from OB1 and OB2.
      • [UPDATED] Gens rewards have been given for last month, go to NPC to get them, you have 7 days to pick them up.
        • Note: We didn't made a reset to Gens yet as we're going to rework the system before next gens season.
          • The rework will come (hopefully) with the Stage Patch, and only after that gens ranks will be reset.
            • Your points made until then won't count.
      • [FIXED] Bob (race manager) going crazy when the hour does change - like it happened last time.
      • [FIXED] Now if you disconnect/relog after being registered at race you will be back skinned, chained and registered.
        • Note: This happens only before race start, if you relog/disconnect after race already started, you can't join back.
      • [UPDATED] Now instead of drop from Monsters, Box of Ancients can be given at the end of DS to all participants with 25% chance (DS6) and 35% chance (DS7).
      • [FIXED] Calendar showing events with +1 hour since last night. Update via Launcher!
      • + Other small fixes/adjustments/improvements.

      Mercenary Squad:

      • [FIXED] Mercenary Seal sometimes not being deleted in Battle Maps.
      • [DOCUMENTED] [FIXED] Merc IP Check on register counting the unregistered chars from IP as well.
      • [DOCUMENTED] [FIXED] Any Merc being considered target for "Repel" instead of only the real quest target.
      • [ADDED] Second Chance feature at PvP Quest.
        • Now if you start a quest and you fail to finish it (by running out of time) you will be able to try again in 6 hours (instead of 12).
        • If your Target does Repel you it won't trigger the second chance, you'll still have 12 hours to wait.
        • This can help in cases that you get a very strong target that you can't kill or don't want to kill, with a smaller punishment.
      • [ADDED] Target name being showed each minute during quest time.


      We're working on a bigger patch, that will hopefully be released along with the next Stage Patch, can't promise that everything will be ready until then but we're working hard, it will be worth.

      One of the important things that will come is a V2 version of Mercenary Squad.
      It will contain a lot of improvements and reworks of the current Mercenary Squad.

      There will be a challenge feature for 1v1 between target and merc, progressive rewards, points & rewards system reworked, reset intervals for quests, a points system based on target and hunter difference in resets, and other things.

      That means there will also be a full Mercenary reset when the V2 will come out, to be a fair new race for the top, as the current race wasn't that fair due to the amount of bugs/abusive things it had in order to gain extra points (that were mostly fixed).

      We strongly believe that if we succeed to make everything that we want for V2, it will be much more fun, balanced, fair and less-abusable than current V1 iteration.


    7. 13 minutes ago, Shuryk said:

      Hi, i think what its a good idea to change something, but no in that part.

      First i think what we need to clean Earthshake efect from DL, its rly trash when a lot of DL's just spam that skill.

      Secondly, the reason why we have such a low kill potential...okay, okay, I know I'm boring everyone with this idea...its BK, all classes put a lot of stamina for the sake of not dying with one combo. 

      The gameplay looks balanced until BK comes, i fight with all classes and we have +- normal balance, depend just from the items and rr, exclude BK. I took the advice of the admin and threw a lot of stamina, now my dmg is less but whatever i die from 1 combo. I send proof to admin but i think he dont care about it and just ignore me. ok NP.

      And times perishing all began to write what have them here weak characters, want in third remind that "FireSlash" not works under congestion people, that makes MG almost useless


      This is not a topic for your complaints, as I said, if you think that bk is that easy and strong just play it, nothing holds you do to so, and nothing ever did.

       I'll delete other off-topic replies.

    8. 4 minutes ago, losiu03 said:

      Agree. Doesn't make any sense to change two opposite things at once

      It makes sense, potion delay affects tanks more than cs damage, overall damage increase is more for non tank chars, but is not that noticeable (think about 6% from let's say 1k sd damage), but it adds up with the rest of changes.

    9. Hi there!

      We have some new small changes to improve a bit the killabillity at CS while making sure the concept still remains the same (tanks barely killable and still team-effort for kills).


      - SD pots recover rate on SV20 from 5% to 4%.

      - Potions delay on SV20 from 1.2s to 1.5s.

      - CS overall damage increased with 6%.

      We made a Poll if you want the changes to go live on this CS as well or they will go live on the next CS.

      In order for the update to go live on this CS, the option must have at least 70%+ votes for yes.

      Poll will be closed on Saturday at 23:59.

      What I also want to let you know from now is that we will work on a V2 CS System (after we finish our current new systems) that will imply changes like: Handicap for consecutive CS winners, rewards for all loser CS participants (Guilds) based on number of points they made during CS, etc. This will be made based on your current feedback in order to both motivate other guilds to participate at CS and also boost the morale of losers at consecutive CS's, giving them small advantages vs the consecutive winners, so CS won't stay too long on the same alliance, balancing the power a little.

      I can't give an ETA about it, but at least 2-3 weeks from now.


    10. Maps Limits

      • In order to keep the balance between RF, MG & DL vs rest of classes and to also keep the maps as they were intended (without lower level move from website) we added level-checks:
        • Now DL, RF, MG can stay in low maps with -10 levels than rest, and on rest of maps with -20 levels than rest.
        • Now DL, RF, MG goes on the same BC/DS/CC like rest of characters.
        • Also, in order to progress on maps by feet (from kanturu1 -> kanturu2 or atlans1 -> atlans2) you'll have to have the map level (available for all classes).
        • The feature is active only after 1st reset (on 0 resets all chars go on maps as normal).

      The warp menu will always show 2/3 of normal classes level no matter what, else this feature was added directly into M menu for special classes 

    11. I heard it can happen when you get request in bc safe zone as well, or you give request there, so if you already have party just stay with /re off, if you don't just stay with /re auto for both giving and taking party.

      We're also thinking to come in help and add an auto entry back (on the next bigger update) if you leave character before BC/DS starts (like disconnect / switch character / etc.)

      You can also use it to skip a bc/ds if you don't find a party, and try later, without wasting entry.


    12. Hello,

      Services are up for now.

      As we said previously, expect things to go crazy until we announce something 100%, they are still working on the network to make it stable back as it usually is, but nothing is 100% yet.
      The back-up network is also too weak to hold the amount of attacks we constantly receive, so we're forced to wait the main network to be 100% again.

      Have a good night and don't forget to /offattack when you leave AFK!

    13. Even though server is now reachable, there is no official confirmation that the problem is solved (we're still on main network).

      So expect things to go crazy until we announce anything true.

      TIP: You should leave characters in /offattack for this night, they remain online even if there are network problems.

    14. Hello,

      It seems that there is again a network problem (both our services and our provider ones are unreachable).

      Unfortunately there is no ETA as nobody is online to confirm our request and proceed with the switch to the back-up network.

      Due to the late hour, we'll be doing exp compensation in this weekend.

      We'll remain awake to wait the switch and bring everything back online, but we do recommend to not wait as it can come back anytime from 30 minutes up to morning time, so just go to sleep.

      We're sorry for inconveniences but this kind of situations are out of our hands.

      Have a good night!

    15. It should just close it and move it near clock, with its Icon, where you have to click it to get it back.

      I also use it without problems.

      You may try to add the launcher and main.exe on DEP, if it's not already added there, you can follow the game file with "ATTENTION IF GAME IS NOT WORKING!", the DEP step.

    16. The System is now ready for BETA stage and it is up on Test Server!

      We invite you to take part into games on the Test-Server to help us with reports and feedback before releasing the system on official server!

      What you should look for:
      - All characters to work as expected.
      - Game system to work as expected.
      - Any exploit you may find working that can give an advantage for a team.

      Let us know anything you find wrong/exploitable or any feedback you have for improvements!


    17. Hi there!

      This is the official topic for our new Soccer System. You can contribute in this topic with reports/feedback to improve this new game.

      Soccer System Info

      • Just like in the normal Soccer, there are 2 teams fighting in the Soccer Stadium, located in Arena.
      • Each team must have its own dedicated Guild to participate at the Soccer.
      • A team can consist of 1 up to 5 players. We recommend 3v3.
      • You can write /soccer GuildName to start a Soccer (only in low zones).
        • Basic Info:
          • All soccer participants are immune to damage.
            • That means, you aren't able to kill any of the opponents (so, anyone is free to join, no matter level/resets).
          • In order to win, you have to be the first team to reach 5 goals (100 points).
          • If the GM (captain) of the other Team does leave game (switch character/disconnect) you auto-win the game.
          • You can't use items (especially Antidote) during Soccer.
          • Pets (Fenrir/Dark Horse/Raven/Uniria/Dino) are not allowed at Soccer (you get Stun until you put them in Inventory).
          • You can't leave soccer map during a game, it will teleport you back.
          • Each character can use only one skill, based on its class/build.
          • If the soccer ball is "stuck" in a corner, it will get an auto unstuck, being "jumped" into a random location near the corner where it got stucked.
        • Gameplay - Skilled part:
          • Instead of damaging opponents, each player has a "STUN" effect, added on the first attack every 20 seconds.
            • Basically, you are able to STUN opponents, one at a time, with a 20 seconds cooldown between stuns.
            • The first touch of the opponent (with the skill or left click attack) when cooldown is available will cause the STUN effect on him.
            • You can write /stun on and /stun off to enable/disable your STUN, by default it is disabled.
              • Note: You can make a macro writing /1 /stun on and /2 /stun off and then press ALT+1 and ALT+2 to enable/disable the STUN during soccer.
        • Gameplay - Random & FUN Part:
          • Every 30 seconds, 1 random player from each team is BUFFED or CURSED.
            • The effect is the same for both teams (if one is BUFFED the other is BUFFED as well, with the same effect).
            • There is a 33% chance for BUFF and 66% chance for CURSE.
            • Duration of buffs is 15 seconds.
            • Duration of curses is 10 seconds.
            • Buffs: 
              • Quickness Effect - It will boost movespeed.
              • Protection Effect - Immune to stuns from players.
            • Curses: 
              • Ice Effect - Will decrease movespeed.
              • Ice Arrow - Will put ice arrow effect on the character, making it unable to move, but it can attack.
              • Blind Effect - Will block the character soccer skill.
        • Characters Attributes:
          • RF: 
            • PRO: 8 Seconds STUN.
            • PRO: Very powerful shots on Ball.
            • CONS: 2 Range on Soccer Skill (Chain Drive).
            • CONS: Can't get Ball out of bad zones.
            • CONS: Hard to play/master, can harm your team with his shots.
          • SM/MG:
            •  PRO: 6 Range on Soccer Skill (Lightning).
            • CONS: 5 seconds STUN.
          • BK:
            • PRO: 7 seconds STUN.
            • CONS: 3 Range on Soccer Skill (Death Stab).
          • DL: 
            • PRO: 6 seconds STUN.
            • CONS: 4 Range on Soccer Skill (Force).
          • AE:
            • PRO: 6 Range on Soccer Skill (Penetration).
            • PRO: Can use left-click attack with 6 range that can STUN as well.
            • PRO: Blind Curse doesn't reduce AE's power (she can use left-click if skill is blocked).
            • CONS: 4 seconds STUN.
          • SUM:
            • PRO: 5 Range on Soccer Skill (Drain Life).
            • PRO: 15s cooldown on STUN instead of 20.
            • CONS: 5 seconds STUN.
    18. 8 hours ago, Voyager said:

      I think STUN effect should be reduced to stun maximum of 2 targets at once or even 1. If you make it like this - will bring even more tactics to the game.

      There is no AoE stun as there are only single-target skills available for all classes. You can STUN only one character at a time, then wait cooldown for next STUN.

      Coming up with new info, presenting the classes attributes at soccer:

      • RF: 
        • PRO: 8 Seconds STUN.
        • PRO: Very powerful shots on Ball.
        • CONS: 2 Range on Soccer Skill (Chain Drive).
        • CONS: Can't get Ball out of bad zones.
      • SM/EMG:
        •  PRO: 6 Range on Soccer Skill (Lightning).
        • CONS: 5 seconds STUN.
      • BK/SMG:
        • PRO: 8 seconds STUN.
        • CONS: 3 Range on Soccer Skill (Cyclone).
        • CONS: Can lose control of the Ball, being moved back.
      • DL: 
        • PRO: 6 seconds STUN.
        • CONS: 4 Range on Soccer Skill (Force).
      • AE:
        • PRO: 6 Range on Soccer Skill (Penetration).
        • PRO: Can use left-click attack with 6 range that can STUN as well.
        • PRO: Blind Curse doesn't reduce AE's power (she can use left-click if skill is blocked).
        • CONS: 4 seconds STUN.
      • SUM:
        • PRO: 5 Range on Soccer Skill (Drain Life).
        • PRO: 15s cooldown on STUN instead of 20.
        • CONS: 5 seconds STUN.

      Other mentions:

      • You can't use items at Soccer (looking at you, Antidote!).
      • Pets (Fenrir/Dark Horse/Raven/Uniria/Dino) are not allowed at Soccer (you get Stun until you put them in Inventory).
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