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  • uask4it

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    uask4it last won the day on November 30 2021

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    About uask4it

    • Birthday 10/21/1991

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    • Guild: H4RDC0RE

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    1. Rocket science for real. Imo you got it all backwards, it aint racism to call a romanian - romanian but it is racism to call a romanian gipsy. Example: It ain`t racism to call a coloured man - black but it is racism to call him nigger ( he is black, but he is not a nigger - maybe this will make it easier to understand how racism works ) You banned Rusuletzzz for calling a moldavian - a moldavian.
    2. Im not trying to unban anyone, im just curious of the logic. Do you think its fair that the players reported in these 2 cases get the exact same punishment ? Yes or no @Chukundah . Its like in my country where laws are so well thought and put together that pedophiles and rapists get lower sentences than a guy selling an ounce of bushes.
    3. https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/2962-reprot-racist/?tab=comments#comment-29188 How can " silly moldavian " be punished the same like this ?
    4. Squadron (captiongenerator.com) LETS SEE WHAT YOU GOT @Voyager
    5. Chukundah the GOAT in stealing accounts, GOAT in flaming players by using lies and deception, GOAT in stealing accounts and items from guild members, GOAT scammer and of course Greatest Of All Times guild disbander and QUITTER. GL selling shoes Chucky.
    6. A white-haired child making jokes about children, hilarious! Couldn't describe squadron`s core in better words myself, you said SOFTCORE but you were looking in the mirror my friend.
    7. My biggest fans here Get a life little fans. Or atleast some inspiration man, is the same shit everybody already heard or saw 100 times
    8. You are the most known rotten cavity. Or atleast the biggest.
    9. What opinion I have about microleaks ? I think Voyager is a microleak from my d**k
    10. Make new account now and say montana94 is right
    11. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEE STOP CRY :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Stupid children on keyboards foook me
    12. Chukundaaaaaaa ahahahahha. Every db you do the same thing that is copy summoner builds from mufanz and globalmuonline forums, even though this server is set up diffrently.You think you are the best summoner, still every DB theres a better summoner than you Rusu is 100 times a better player than you, you little twat 😆 Last db it was mafy now its Rusu. You should stick to making up stories about people and making multiple accounts on forum to sustain your lies. I understand your parents showed you no love, I also understand that selling shoes for ZARA doesnt make you happy mr Al Bundy but man PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE STOP CRY DIE aint got nothing on you, you are the lamest player EVER to play this server, I`d rather play it with 15 year old`s. Come on tell me how I have no hair and im a fake doctor - ITS GONNA MAKE ME SO SAD MAN .Get a life you pathetic drug dealer, you need a few years from now on with your 2 amazing jobs to make what Rusu makes in a month
    13. you can hear in that video posted that at some point they say in romanian and i quote kill Makiavelli, kill Makiavelli. The only time we ever received help from Assassins was at first CS win of Rampage when 1 and ONLY 1 player from assassins joined to help Rampage- KAMA3. Nothing more to say, i won`t read it further. Chukunda is ...
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