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  • Phantomel

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    1. Thanks
      Phantomel reacted to Alex. in A new chapter   
      As the title implies, i want to address something that has been discussed before and is probably on everybody's mind.
      First, i would like to state that i don't think anybody is playing OldSquad for the fact that it is  season 6, a season that is known for few bugs.
      I think everybody that is playing oldsquad, is playing because of the quality of the server that admin was able to create, his ideas, vision and most important because of the community and friends.
      Secondly, i think that there are no season 17 servers out there that could stand a chance in my opininon to a NewQquad server S17.
      I'm 100% sure that no changes or fixes to season 6 could ever bring to OldSquad the amount of players a S17 would bring and i honeslty believe that S6, the way it is right now is at its peak, but ofc if admin belives that it can get any better, who am i to say no.
      I would love to hear ur guys impression about the future of OldSquad and if you would like to move forward, play a new season and of course, play with a lot more ppl that would join.
    2. Thanks
      Phantomel got a reaction from mariusikkă in [Guide] Yellow/JoH Options - SD Reduction, SD Bypass, SD Ratio increase   
      Hello fellow OldSquaders!

      I have decided to make a guide about Yellow options you can put on excellent weapons and armor and share my knowledge with you.

      What do these options do and how do they help you in PvP?
       As you all might or might not know, the most important thing in PvP is considered to be the SD. What is SD, how do we increase it and how does it work in PvP?
      -SD is represented by the yellow bar that is near our HP pool. It can be increased directly by our stats(The more resets and stats you have, the more your SD increases).
      -In PvP by default, when you receive damage, 90% of it goes into your SD, and 10% goes into HP. When you run out of SD, all the damage goes directly into HP.
      Keep in mind that if you don't have a sturdy HP pool you might die even if you have SD left, so try to get a good amount of HP so you don't die before your SD pool depletes.
      Also there are some hidden mechanics of the game hidden behind SD, but I will speak about them later.
      Now let's see how yellow options can help your character in PvP
      I will start with SD Ratio Increase(One of the two yellow options viable on high reset/high stat servers). How does it work and where/why should you use it.
      -Keep in mind that currently, on OldSquad, you can have up to a maximum of +3 SD Ratio increase on set pieces and shield instead of +5 as it was by default.
      SD Ratio increase is the counterpart of SD Reduction rate on weapon(Basically they counter each other)
      Earlier I've said that 90% of the damage goes into your SD pool and 10% into your HP. What this option do is, it increases the SD Absorbtion beyond 90% of the default one. So basically, If I equip one set piece that has SD Ratio increase, I will receive 93% of the damage into my SD pool and only 7% into HP.
      Now, if I manage to get SD Ratio increase on 4 pieces, it means that all the damage I will take will go into SD, leaving my HP unharmed. Why is this such a huge thing?
      Remember when I said about the hidden game mechanic behind SD? Basically, when your characters suffer HP damage, your character have a chance of getting a stutter, being unable to attack/use skills for a brief time. For BK for example(but not only), that stutter can make a huge mess as it can be the difference between a succesfully done combo and a failed one. A failed combo means that you lose a huge amount of damage which can be decisive in a duel.
      So, the main reason of using SD Ratio increase is the fact that if we manage to get 100% SD Absorbtion, it prevents our hp pool from taking damage, which translates into being able to dish massive amounts of damage in a short time by having uninterrupted attacks because we get rid of that stutter.
      However, compared to Damage Decrement Increase it does NOT reduce the damage you take.
      This option is especially good if you have lots of SD potions on your hand so you can replenish your SD pool(Basically use SD pots instead of HP pots)
      There are other ways to prevent the animation stutter effect as well.
      Horn of Uniria, Horn of Dinorant, Horn of Fenrir and Dark horse will prevent you from get stuttered in PvP as well, however, the Dark Horse is available only for DL, the Fenrir is pretty hard to get and the other 2 get destroyed very fast in PvP. Also keep in mind that BK can NOT use cyclone and VRF can NOT use Chain Drive(Main PvP skills), so SD Ratio increase is the only viable way for them to get rid of the stutter effect.
      However, this option can be countered very easily with SD reduction rate and SD Bypass options, and because the option is currently nerfed down(You need 4 items to reach 100% instead of 2), I would say that it is not a viable option, or it can be very situational at most(For BK's for example, that are not able to equip a pet, and only when they fight enemies that dont have SD Decrease ratio on weapon, so basicly just in duels).
      Next, I will speak about SD Reduction rate % and how does it work in PvP
      As I said before, SD Reduction Rate is the opposite of SD Ratio increase - so, the damage absorbed by the opponent's shield in PvP translates into HP damage according to the value of SD Reduction Rate that you have. For example, if you have SD Reduction Rate 10%, your opponent will take 80% damage into SD and 20% damage into HP.
      Considering that you can get 13% Maximum ammount of SD Reduction rate on Staff, the maximum SD Reduction Rate you can get is 26% - Which translates into 64% SD/36% HP damage done.
      This option is especially powerful on high attack speed characters and very effective against characters that have a low HP buff, therefore being prone to dying before their SD runs out.
      However, I will advise you to NOT use this option against high hp pool characters such as VRF or BK, since them having huge HP pools translates into them surviving even longer in PvP. Why do I say this?
      BK and VRF are probably the only characters that can survive a good amount of time even if they run out of SD. So basically how you want to play against them is drain their SD to 0 very fast and burst them down directly into HP pool. This option does exactly the opposite therefore it makes them survive longer(Less damage into their SD - They sustain their HP pool with HP pots anyway - They live longer).
      Last, but not least, probably the crowned king of yellow options in PvP(at least on high stats server), SD Bypass, or SD Ignore Rate
      SD Bypass grants each attack a chance to completely Ignore the opponent's SD and deal full damage to their health.So, if your weapon has SD Bypass 10% - You will have 10% chance for each hit to translate directly into HP, which deals huge damage. In short, this yellow option is RNG dependant, but considering that on high stats servers you have very fast attack speed, it means that this will proc a lot.
      **SD Bypass DOES work with reflect option - So if you have a set item with Reflect option equiped, that reflect also has a chance to benefit from the Bypass you have on weapon.
      This yellow option is viable and good on all classes, but especially benefit the classes with high burst damage on one hit(Such as BK combo, DL Horse, SM Nova) because they actually have chances of one shotting people.
      This option is much better when PvP-ing against high HP targets, but as I described the matter earlier for SD Reduction, this one can be problematic against BK and VRF as well - If you're not lucky enough to hit bypass after bypass, they will sustain their HP pool and their SD will drop even lower(The bypass hits do no damage to SD pool), so they will live even longer than if you would have SD Decr.
      The safest choice - especially if you are a 1 weapon class as DL is, is by far SD Bypass, while MG/Summ can also chose to use 2 SD Reduction weapons because they have huge burst and can kill others before their SD drains even without bypass.
      For set pieces, there are more situations:
      -For CS, you will chose Damage decrement increase every time - Since 99% of CS you will have 0 SD anyway and the SD Ratio increase option will do nothing for you.
      -For BK's especially, in 1v1's, go SD Ratio increase if the opponent has no Bypass or Reduction, that will translate into smooth, uninterrupted combos which almost every time means you will win.
      Mainly, in most of the cases, DDI is the best choice by far for all classes, but SD ratio increase can situationally be very very good
      Thank you for reading, and I hope you got the chance to learn something
      Best regards,
    3. Like
      Phantomel got a reaction from Archie in Will we see an OldSquad quality higher season in the close future?   
      Asking the real question here.
      I'm sure I'm not the only one who started getting really bored of season 6, but come back each db cause of the server quality and the community(with goods and bads). Is there any chance that we will get a higher season(Not talking about season 17 bullshit, but rather 9-10, with maybe the next class as well) in the close future? I can see a phoenix style, low or even non rr server with oldsquad quality lasting for pretty long, considering how many other things are there to do in game.
    4. Like
      Phantomel reacted to ADMIN in Introducing CS V3 - The next level   
      I clearly understand now, as the arguments were given, that it would be frustrating / hard to coordonate 40 players in this kind of environment, which I didn't thought deeper at first.
      But still, you had max 20 players at CS even this Inception db, in first month, with over 400 real players, and nothing happened out of it, as always. The better players preferred just to be some back-up for one of the 2-3 guilds and not play the CS at all instead of grouping up and forming 4th/5th guild and come to CS. This will never change, and it will be only an advantage for such "mega-guilds" over normal, lower tier guilds that doesn't have that many players but can ally with other lower tier guilds and make up for this disadvantage.
      Real examples:
      20 players in guild was the limit, but Guild A had 40 players (not alts) in alliance, always enough to fill the 20 spots, either on shared main chars from people that couldn't attend or with their own char, big enough. Guild B (lower tier) had 20 players in guild and only their alts in alliance. Their main guild was big enough at CS, but they couldn't have the 20 spots filled due to not everyone could attend the event and they didn't had that many players to fill those spots, so clearly a big disadvantage at CS.
      So what it will actually change? Just more benched players for the same guilds while the lower tier guilds can't even fill those spots. You can't force a player to be part of a guild / mega-guild, but it has no problem as being part of his own guild but in an alliance with another, where there are same rights.
      ----------------------------------------------------It's open for discussions----------------------------------------------------
      Now about CS V2. Since 80% of fights were between only 2 alliances, I'll talk only about this case (in 3 was a bit better). 2 ally fight:
      - Move crywolf stay AFK for SD regen & wait summon.
      - Get summoned inside room / near room.
      - Kill bufffers / lower players & move switchers / GM.
      - Register crown in 2-4 minutes.
      - Repeat.

      It wasn't neither hard or interesting gameplay. It was just better than the default system.
      Then we speak about wholes. There were CS-es won by 1 char in terms of Points (looking at Zutto) where the difference between the winner and the loser was exactly the points farmed by that character - without any possible counter-play. Doesn't matter if it was Zutto or any other chars, the top 2-3 killers were just changing the lose into a win, or vice-versa, and nobody could stop / react to it.
      When such Event can be decided mostly by few chars, it is not a healthy design.
      If 2 guilds were very close in terms of power (and it happened, multiple times), the win was in hands of 1-3 players, and only them. The other guild couldn't recover by any chance in such conditions, taking into account the highest amount of points from kills can be earned in first hour and no extra catch-up mechanism when only 2 guilds (the def-catch-up points are just split between the 2 guilds).
      So why do we need such dynamic changes? Well, for an actual interesting & dynamic event, where you can't predict the winners just by looking at their top killers.
    5. Like
      Phantomel reacted to Spawn in Introducing CS V3 - The next level   
      HI, my 5 cents.
      I think that no restrictions will induce people to split into 3+ alliances. This community is teeming with drama, someone has offended one, someone has stolen items from another, someone is sucking all the juices out of the entire clan in favor of 3-5 characters.
      And this is just an event, 1 time a week, in the middle of the day, weekend ....summer....if you know what I mean. In fact, there will always be 3 guilds, hardcore, those who don't like hardcore, and Vietnamese)
      Having a smaller number of people in the guild also has its drawbacks, 15-20 people in the guild means 2 guilds of HC (for example) which will prevent the rest of the participants from capturing the seal.
      The second thing that pushes away from participating in the castle is the castle system itself, no matter what anyone said, but there was one advantage in the original system, there really was no way to predict who would become the winner, decided case, the position, and as always the strength of the characters decided. CS v2-v3 are also good to one degree or another, he made every minute important (of course I'm lying, only the last 15 minutes were important, maybe 30).
      As a result, as it was said earlier, both here and in the topic about the arena, the more complex the system is (specifically in this game) the less popular it is.Again, the example of Soccer and Arena. 
      If you want a good game, take care of the balance of the characters, and not "this", which has been going on here for several editions.
      Peace to all in this difficult time. DIEEEEEEEE 
      P.S. Remove finally my ban IP on forum ))
    6. Like
      Phantomel reacted to ADMIN in Introducing CS V3 - The next level   
      We won't have lower than 25 players at CS in early game, we'll think between 25 and 30, as I stated the options in my previous replies.
      It is not even technically possible to have the golem based on "most damage" instead of last hit, but even if it was, we wouldn't design it like that. If your alliance is strong enough it can just secure the area of golem for the last hit (basically, killing the other contenders). It is a PvP fight for an objective, not just a DPS race.
    7. Like
      Phantomel got a reaction from BachuS in [Guide] Yellow/JoH Options - SD Reduction, SD Bypass, SD Ratio increase   
      Hello fellow OldSquaders!

      I have decided to make a guide about Yellow options you can put on excellent weapons and armor and share my knowledge with you.

      What do these options do and how do they help you in PvP?
       As you all might or might not know, the most important thing in PvP is considered to be the SD. What is SD, how do we increase it and how does it work in PvP?
      -SD is represented by the yellow bar that is near our HP pool. It can be increased directly by our stats(The more resets and stats you have, the more your SD increases).
      -In PvP by default, when you receive damage, 90% of it goes into your SD, and 10% goes into HP. When you run out of SD, all the damage goes directly into HP.
      Keep in mind that if you don't have a sturdy HP pool you might die even if you have SD left, so try to get a good amount of HP so you don't die before your SD pool depletes.
      Also there are some hidden mechanics of the game hidden behind SD, but I will speak about them later.
      Now let's see how yellow options can help your character in PvP
      I will start with SD Ratio Increase(One of the two yellow options viable on high reset/high stat servers). How does it work and where/why should you use it.
      -Keep in mind that currently, on OldSquad, you can have up to a maximum of +3 SD Ratio increase on set pieces and shield instead of +5 as it was by default.
      SD Ratio increase is the counterpart of SD Reduction rate on weapon(Basically they counter each other)
      Earlier I've said that 90% of the damage goes into your SD pool and 10% into your HP. What this option do is, it increases the SD Absorbtion beyond 90% of the default one. So basically, If I equip one set piece that has SD Ratio increase, I will receive 93% of the damage into my SD pool and only 7% into HP.
      Now, if I manage to get SD Ratio increase on 4 pieces, it means that all the damage I will take will go into SD, leaving my HP unharmed. Why is this such a huge thing?
      Remember when I said about the hidden game mechanic behind SD? Basically, when your characters suffer HP damage, your character have a chance of getting a stutter, being unable to attack/use skills for a brief time. For BK for example(but not only), that stutter can make a huge mess as it can be the difference between a succesfully done combo and a failed one. A failed combo means that you lose a huge amount of damage which can be decisive in a duel.
      So, the main reason of using SD Ratio increase is the fact that if we manage to get 100% SD Absorbtion, it prevents our hp pool from taking damage, which translates into being able to dish massive amounts of damage in a short time by having uninterrupted attacks because we get rid of that stutter.
      However, compared to Damage Decrement Increase it does NOT reduce the damage you take.
      This option is especially good if you have lots of SD potions on your hand so you can replenish your SD pool(Basically use SD pots instead of HP pots)
      There are other ways to prevent the animation stutter effect as well.
      Horn of Uniria, Horn of Dinorant, Horn of Fenrir and Dark horse will prevent you from get stuttered in PvP as well, however, the Dark Horse is available only for DL, the Fenrir is pretty hard to get and the other 2 get destroyed very fast in PvP. Also keep in mind that BK can NOT use cyclone and VRF can NOT use Chain Drive(Main PvP skills), so SD Ratio increase is the only viable way for them to get rid of the stutter effect.
      However, this option can be countered very easily with SD reduction rate and SD Bypass options, and because the option is currently nerfed down(You need 4 items to reach 100% instead of 2), I would say that it is not a viable option, or it can be very situational at most(For BK's for example, that are not able to equip a pet, and only when they fight enemies that dont have SD Decrease ratio on weapon, so basicly just in duels).
      Next, I will speak about SD Reduction rate % and how does it work in PvP
      As I said before, SD Reduction Rate is the opposite of SD Ratio increase - so, the damage absorbed by the opponent's shield in PvP translates into HP damage according to the value of SD Reduction Rate that you have. For example, if you have SD Reduction Rate 10%, your opponent will take 80% damage into SD and 20% damage into HP.
      Considering that you can get 13% Maximum ammount of SD Reduction rate on Staff, the maximum SD Reduction Rate you can get is 26% - Which translates into 64% SD/36% HP damage done.
      This option is especially powerful on high attack speed characters and very effective against characters that have a low HP buff, therefore being prone to dying before their SD runs out.
      However, I will advise you to NOT use this option against high hp pool characters such as VRF or BK, since them having huge HP pools translates into them surviving even longer in PvP. Why do I say this?
      BK and VRF are probably the only characters that can survive a good amount of time even if they run out of SD. So basically how you want to play against them is drain their SD to 0 very fast and burst them down directly into HP pool. This option does exactly the opposite therefore it makes them survive longer(Less damage into their SD - They sustain their HP pool with HP pots anyway - They live longer).
      Last, but not least, probably the crowned king of yellow options in PvP(at least on high stats server), SD Bypass, or SD Ignore Rate
      SD Bypass grants each attack a chance to completely Ignore the opponent's SD and deal full damage to their health.So, if your weapon has SD Bypass 10% - You will have 10% chance for each hit to translate directly into HP, which deals huge damage. In short, this yellow option is RNG dependant, but considering that on high stats servers you have very fast attack speed, it means that this will proc a lot.
      **SD Bypass DOES work with reflect option - So if you have a set item with Reflect option equiped, that reflect also has a chance to benefit from the Bypass you have on weapon.
      This yellow option is viable and good on all classes, but especially benefit the classes with high burst damage on one hit(Such as BK combo, DL Horse, SM Nova) because they actually have chances of one shotting people.
      This option is much better when PvP-ing against high HP targets, but as I described the matter earlier for SD Reduction, this one can be problematic against BK and VRF as well - If you're not lucky enough to hit bypass after bypass, they will sustain their HP pool and their SD will drop even lower(The bypass hits do no damage to SD pool), so they will live even longer than if you would have SD Decr.
      The safest choice - especially if you are a 1 weapon class as DL is, is by far SD Bypass, while MG/Summ can also chose to use 2 SD Reduction weapons because they have huge burst and can kill others before their SD drains even without bypass.
      For set pieces, there are more situations:
      -For CS, you will chose Damage decrement increase every time - Since 99% of CS you will have 0 SD anyway and the SD Ratio increase option will do nothing for you.
      -For BK's especially, in 1v1's, go SD Ratio increase if the opponent has no Bypass or Reduction, that will translate into smooth, uninterrupted combos which almost every time means you will win.
      Mainly, in most of the cases, DDI is the best choice by far for all classes, but SD ratio increase can situationally be very very good
      Thank you for reading, and I hope you got the chance to learn something
      Best regards,
    8. Like
      Phantomel reacted to xpl0ziv in DarkSide   
      It has been a wile since we joined this community but "Honey were home" ! 
      With the new Wormhole server launch we decided to give 1 more chance to this big community and came back to pose some danger to those out there who are willing to fight!
      D gens is required to join our Guild and you must have level 350 or more !
      As a second requirement you must be either a Romanian player or a English speaker to be able to join !
      All you need to do is pm xpl0ziv in Game .
      Lets woop some asses !
    9. Thanks
      Phantomel got a reaction from BetleyKOX in Illusion Temple   
      Hello everyone!

      So, since the rewards from IT have been normalized and now you can get same rewards(but different chances) in all IT's and people wont cry anymore about only HC joining IT5, can we have back the old system where the players that clicked first join first? People abuse the current system and join with secondaries. I'm already fed up how many alt chars i've encountered in IT, and some people even enter with 2 or 3 chars in different IT's and they are griefing the other people who join with only their mains and want to have fair chances at winning.

      Thank you!
    10. Thanks
      Phantomel got a reaction from Roby in Illusion Temple   
      Hello everyone!

      So, since the rewards from IT have been normalized and now you can get same rewards(but different chances) in all IT's and people wont cry anymore about only HC joining IT5, can we have back the old system where the players that clicked first join first? People abuse the current system and join with secondaries. I'm already fed up how many alt chars i've encountered in IT, and some people even enter with 2 or 3 chars in different IT's and they are griefing the other people who join with only their mains and want to have fair chances at winning.

      Thank you!
    11. Thanks
      Phantomel got a reaction from Wigle in Illusion Temple   
      Hello everyone!

      So, since the rewards from IT have been normalized and now you can get same rewards(but different chances) in all IT's and people wont cry anymore about only HC joining IT5, can we have back the old system where the players that clicked first join first? People abuse the current system and join with secondaries. I'm already fed up how many alt chars i've encountered in IT, and some people even enter with 2 or 3 chars in different IT's and they are griefing the other people who join with only their mains and want to have fair chances at winning.

      Thank you!
    12. Thanks
      Phantomel got a reaction from Tokyo in Illusion Temple   
      Hello everyone!

      So, since the rewards from IT have been normalized and now you can get same rewards(but different chances) in all IT's and people wont cry anymore about only HC joining IT5, can we have back the old system where the players that clicked first join first? People abuse the current system and join with secondaries. I'm already fed up how many alt chars i've encountered in IT, and some people even enter with 2 or 3 chars in different IT's and they are griefing the other people who join with only their mains and want to have fair chances at winning.

      Thank you!
    13. Like
      Phantomel got a reaction from Symptoms in [Guide] Yellow/JoH Options - SD Reduction, SD Bypass, SD Ratio increase   
      Hello fellow OldSquaders!

      I have decided to make a guide about Yellow options you can put on excellent weapons and armor and share my knowledge with you.

      What do these options do and how do they help you in PvP?
       As you all might or might not know, the most important thing in PvP is considered to be the SD. What is SD, how do we increase it and how does it work in PvP?
      -SD is represented by the yellow bar that is near our HP pool. It can be increased directly by our stats(The more resets and stats you have, the more your SD increases).
      -In PvP by default, when you receive damage, 90% of it goes into your SD, and 10% goes into HP. When you run out of SD, all the damage goes directly into HP.
      Keep in mind that if you don't have a sturdy HP pool you might die even if you have SD left, so try to get a good amount of HP so you don't die before your SD pool depletes.
      Also there are some hidden mechanics of the game hidden behind SD, but I will speak about them later.
      Now let's see how yellow options can help your character in PvP
      I will start with SD Ratio Increase(One of the two yellow options viable on high reset/high stat servers). How does it work and where/why should you use it.
      -Keep in mind that currently, on OldSquad, you can have up to a maximum of +3 SD Ratio increase on set pieces and shield instead of +5 as it was by default.
      SD Ratio increase is the counterpart of SD Reduction rate on weapon(Basically they counter each other)
      Earlier I've said that 90% of the damage goes into your SD pool and 10% into your HP. What this option do is, it increases the SD Absorbtion beyond 90% of the default one. So basically, If I equip one set piece that has SD Ratio increase, I will receive 93% of the damage into my SD pool and only 7% into HP.
      Now, if I manage to get SD Ratio increase on 4 pieces, it means that all the damage I will take will go into SD, leaving my HP unharmed. Why is this such a huge thing?
      Remember when I said about the hidden game mechanic behind SD? Basically, when your characters suffer HP damage, your character have a chance of getting a stutter, being unable to attack/use skills for a brief time. For BK for example(but not only), that stutter can make a huge mess as it can be the difference between a succesfully done combo and a failed one. A failed combo means that you lose a huge amount of damage which can be decisive in a duel.
      So, the main reason of using SD Ratio increase is the fact that if we manage to get 100% SD Absorbtion, it prevents our hp pool from taking damage, which translates into being able to dish massive amounts of damage in a short time by having uninterrupted attacks because we get rid of that stutter.
      However, compared to Damage Decrement Increase it does NOT reduce the damage you take.
      This option is especially good if you have lots of SD potions on your hand so you can replenish your SD pool(Basically use SD pots instead of HP pots)
      There are other ways to prevent the animation stutter effect as well.
      Horn of Uniria, Horn of Dinorant, Horn of Fenrir and Dark horse will prevent you from get stuttered in PvP as well, however, the Dark Horse is available only for DL, the Fenrir is pretty hard to get and the other 2 get destroyed very fast in PvP. Also keep in mind that BK can NOT use cyclone and VRF can NOT use Chain Drive(Main PvP skills), so SD Ratio increase is the only viable way for them to get rid of the stutter effect.
      However, this option can be countered very easily with SD reduction rate and SD Bypass options, and because the option is currently nerfed down(You need 4 items to reach 100% instead of 2), I would say that it is not a viable option, or it can be very situational at most(For BK's for example, that are not able to equip a pet, and only when they fight enemies that dont have SD Decrease ratio on weapon, so basicly just in duels).
      Next, I will speak about SD Reduction rate % and how does it work in PvP
      As I said before, SD Reduction Rate is the opposite of SD Ratio increase - so, the damage absorbed by the opponent's shield in PvP translates into HP damage according to the value of SD Reduction Rate that you have. For example, if you have SD Reduction Rate 10%, your opponent will take 80% damage into SD and 20% damage into HP.
      Considering that you can get 13% Maximum ammount of SD Reduction rate on Staff, the maximum SD Reduction Rate you can get is 26% - Which translates into 64% SD/36% HP damage done.
      This option is especially powerful on high attack speed characters and very effective against characters that have a low HP buff, therefore being prone to dying before their SD runs out.
      However, I will advise you to NOT use this option against high hp pool characters such as VRF or BK, since them having huge HP pools translates into them surviving even longer in PvP. Why do I say this?
      BK and VRF are probably the only characters that can survive a good amount of time even if they run out of SD. So basically how you want to play against them is drain their SD to 0 very fast and burst them down directly into HP pool. This option does exactly the opposite therefore it makes them survive longer(Less damage into their SD - They sustain their HP pool with HP pots anyway - They live longer).
      Last, but not least, probably the crowned king of yellow options in PvP(at least on high stats server), SD Bypass, or SD Ignore Rate
      SD Bypass grants each attack a chance to completely Ignore the opponent's SD and deal full damage to their health.So, if your weapon has SD Bypass 10% - You will have 10% chance for each hit to translate directly into HP, which deals huge damage. In short, this yellow option is RNG dependant, but considering that on high stats servers you have very fast attack speed, it means that this will proc a lot.
      **SD Bypass DOES work with reflect option - So if you have a set item with Reflect option equiped, that reflect also has a chance to benefit from the Bypass you have on weapon.
      This yellow option is viable and good on all classes, but especially benefit the classes with high burst damage on one hit(Such as BK combo, DL Horse, SM Nova) because they actually have chances of one shotting people.
      This option is much better when PvP-ing against high HP targets, but as I described the matter earlier for SD Reduction, this one can be problematic against BK and VRF as well - If you're not lucky enough to hit bypass after bypass, they will sustain their HP pool and their SD will drop even lower(The bypass hits do no damage to SD pool), so they will live even longer than if you would have SD Decr.
      The safest choice - especially if you are a 1 weapon class as DL is, is by far SD Bypass, while MG/Summ can also chose to use 2 SD Reduction weapons because they have huge burst and can kill others before their SD drains even without bypass.
      For set pieces, there are more situations:
      -For CS, you will chose Damage decrement increase every time - Since 99% of CS you will have 0 SD anyway and the SD Ratio increase option will do nothing for you.
      -For BK's especially, in 1v1's, go SD Ratio increase if the opponent has no Bypass or Reduction, that will translate into smooth, uninterrupted combos which almost every time means you will win.
      Mainly, in most of the cases, DDI is the best choice by far for all classes, but SD ratio increase can situationally be very very good
      Thank you for reading, and I hope you got the chance to learn something
      Best regards,
    14. Like
      Phantomel got a reaction from Zmora in [Guide] Yellow/JoH Options - SD Reduction, SD Bypass, SD Ratio increase   
      Hello fellow OldSquaders!

      I have decided to make a guide about Yellow options you can put on excellent weapons and armor and share my knowledge with you.

      What do these options do and how do they help you in PvP?
       As you all might or might not know, the most important thing in PvP is considered to be the SD. What is SD, how do we increase it and how does it work in PvP?
      -SD is represented by the yellow bar that is near our HP pool. It can be increased directly by our stats(The more resets and stats you have, the more your SD increases).
      -In PvP by default, when you receive damage, 90% of it goes into your SD, and 10% goes into HP. When you run out of SD, all the damage goes directly into HP.
      Keep in mind that if you don't have a sturdy HP pool you might die even if you have SD left, so try to get a good amount of HP so you don't die before your SD pool depletes.
      Also there are some hidden mechanics of the game hidden behind SD, but I will speak about them later.
      Now let's see how yellow options can help your character in PvP
      I will start with SD Ratio Increase(One of the two yellow options viable on high reset/high stat servers). How does it work and where/why should you use it.
      -Keep in mind that currently, on OldSquad, you can have up to a maximum of +3 SD Ratio increase on set pieces and shield instead of +5 as it was by default.
      SD Ratio increase is the counterpart of SD Reduction rate on weapon(Basically they counter each other)
      Earlier I've said that 90% of the damage goes into your SD pool and 10% into your HP. What this option do is, it increases the SD Absorbtion beyond 90% of the default one. So basically, If I equip one set piece that has SD Ratio increase, I will receive 93% of the damage into my SD pool and only 7% into HP.
      Now, if I manage to get SD Ratio increase on 4 pieces, it means that all the damage I will take will go into SD, leaving my HP unharmed. Why is this such a huge thing?
      Remember when I said about the hidden game mechanic behind SD? Basically, when your characters suffer HP damage, your character have a chance of getting a stutter, being unable to attack/use skills for a brief time. For BK for example(but not only), that stutter can make a huge mess as it can be the difference between a succesfully done combo and a failed one. A failed combo means that you lose a huge amount of damage which can be decisive in a duel.
      So, the main reason of using SD Ratio increase is the fact that if we manage to get 100% SD Absorbtion, it prevents our hp pool from taking damage, which translates into being able to dish massive amounts of damage in a short time by having uninterrupted attacks because we get rid of that stutter.
      However, compared to Damage Decrement Increase it does NOT reduce the damage you take.
      This option is especially good if you have lots of SD potions on your hand so you can replenish your SD pool(Basically use SD pots instead of HP pots)
      There are other ways to prevent the animation stutter effect as well.
      Horn of Uniria, Horn of Dinorant, Horn of Fenrir and Dark horse will prevent you from get stuttered in PvP as well, however, the Dark Horse is available only for DL, the Fenrir is pretty hard to get and the other 2 get destroyed very fast in PvP. Also keep in mind that BK can NOT use cyclone and VRF can NOT use Chain Drive(Main PvP skills), so SD Ratio increase is the only viable way for them to get rid of the stutter effect.
      However, this option can be countered very easily with SD reduction rate and SD Bypass options, and because the option is currently nerfed down(You need 4 items to reach 100% instead of 2), I would say that it is not a viable option, or it can be very situational at most(For BK's for example, that are not able to equip a pet, and only when they fight enemies that dont have SD Decrease ratio on weapon, so basicly just in duels).
      Next, I will speak about SD Reduction rate % and how does it work in PvP
      As I said before, SD Reduction Rate is the opposite of SD Ratio increase - so, the damage absorbed by the opponent's shield in PvP translates into HP damage according to the value of SD Reduction Rate that you have. For example, if you have SD Reduction Rate 10%, your opponent will take 80% damage into SD and 20% damage into HP.
      Considering that you can get 13% Maximum ammount of SD Reduction rate on Staff, the maximum SD Reduction Rate you can get is 26% - Which translates into 64% SD/36% HP damage done.
      This option is especially powerful on high attack speed characters and very effective against characters that have a low HP buff, therefore being prone to dying before their SD runs out.
      However, I will advise you to NOT use this option against high hp pool characters such as VRF or BK, since them having huge HP pools translates into them surviving even longer in PvP. Why do I say this?
      BK and VRF are probably the only characters that can survive a good amount of time even if they run out of SD. So basically how you want to play against them is drain their SD to 0 very fast and burst them down directly into HP pool. This option does exactly the opposite therefore it makes them survive longer(Less damage into their SD - They sustain their HP pool with HP pots anyway - They live longer).
      Last, but not least, probably the crowned king of yellow options in PvP(at least on high stats server), SD Bypass, or SD Ignore Rate
      SD Bypass grants each attack a chance to completely Ignore the opponent's SD and deal full damage to their health.So, if your weapon has SD Bypass 10% - You will have 10% chance for each hit to translate directly into HP, which deals huge damage. In short, this yellow option is RNG dependant, but considering that on high stats servers you have very fast attack speed, it means that this will proc a lot.
      **SD Bypass DOES work with reflect option - So if you have a set item with Reflect option equiped, that reflect also has a chance to benefit from the Bypass you have on weapon.
      This yellow option is viable and good on all classes, but especially benefit the classes with high burst damage on one hit(Such as BK combo, DL Horse, SM Nova) because they actually have chances of one shotting people.
      This option is much better when PvP-ing against high HP targets, but as I described the matter earlier for SD Reduction, this one can be problematic against BK and VRF as well - If you're not lucky enough to hit bypass after bypass, they will sustain their HP pool and their SD will drop even lower(The bypass hits do no damage to SD pool), so they will live even longer than if you would have SD Decr.
      The safest choice - especially if you are a 1 weapon class as DL is, is by far SD Bypass, while MG/Summ can also chose to use 2 SD Reduction weapons because they have huge burst and can kill others before their SD drains even without bypass.
      For set pieces, there are more situations:
      -For CS, you will chose Damage decrement increase every time - Since 99% of CS you will have 0 SD anyway and the SD Ratio increase option will do nothing for you.
      -For BK's especially, in 1v1's, go SD Ratio increase if the opponent has no Bypass or Reduction, that will translate into smooth, uninterrupted combos which almost every time means you will win.
      Mainly, in most of the cases, DDI is the best choice by far for all classes, but SD ratio increase can situationally be very very good
      Thank you for reading, and I hope you got the chance to learn something
      Best regards,
    15. Like
      Phantomel got a reaction from Gion in [Guide] Yellow/JoH Options - SD Reduction, SD Bypass, SD Ratio increase   
      Hello fellow OldSquaders!

      I have decided to make a guide about Yellow options you can put on excellent weapons and armor and share my knowledge with you.

      What do these options do and how do they help you in PvP?
       As you all might or might not know, the most important thing in PvP is considered to be the SD. What is SD, how do we increase it and how does it work in PvP?
      -SD is represented by the yellow bar that is near our HP pool. It can be increased directly by our stats(The more resets and stats you have, the more your SD increases).
      -In PvP by default, when you receive damage, 90% of it goes into your SD, and 10% goes into HP. When you run out of SD, all the damage goes directly into HP.
      Keep in mind that if you don't have a sturdy HP pool you might die even if you have SD left, so try to get a good amount of HP so you don't die before your SD pool depletes.
      Also there are some hidden mechanics of the game hidden behind SD, but I will speak about them later.
      Now let's see how yellow options can help your character in PvP
      I will start with SD Ratio Increase(One of the two yellow options viable on high reset/high stat servers). How does it work and where/why should you use it.
      -Keep in mind that currently, on OldSquad, you can have up to a maximum of +3 SD Ratio increase on set pieces and shield instead of +5 as it was by default.
      SD Ratio increase is the counterpart of SD Reduction rate on weapon(Basically they counter each other)
      Earlier I've said that 90% of the damage goes into your SD pool and 10% into your HP. What this option do is, it increases the SD Absorbtion beyond 90% of the default one. So basically, If I equip one set piece that has SD Ratio increase, I will receive 93% of the damage into my SD pool and only 7% into HP.
      Now, if I manage to get SD Ratio increase on 4 pieces, it means that all the damage I will take will go into SD, leaving my HP unharmed. Why is this such a huge thing?
      Remember when I said about the hidden game mechanic behind SD? Basically, when your characters suffer HP damage, your character have a chance of getting a stutter, being unable to attack/use skills for a brief time. For BK for example(but not only), that stutter can make a huge mess as it can be the difference between a succesfully done combo and a failed one. A failed combo means that you lose a huge amount of damage which can be decisive in a duel.
      So, the main reason of using SD Ratio increase is the fact that if we manage to get 100% SD Absorbtion, it prevents our hp pool from taking damage, which translates into being able to dish massive amounts of damage in a short time by having uninterrupted attacks because we get rid of that stutter.
      However, compared to Damage Decrement Increase it does NOT reduce the damage you take.
      This option is especially good if you have lots of SD potions on your hand so you can replenish your SD pool(Basically use SD pots instead of HP pots)
      There are other ways to prevent the animation stutter effect as well.
      Horn of Uniria, Horn of Dinorant, Horn of Fenrir and Dark horse will prevent you from get stuttered in PvP as well, however, the Dark Horse is available only for DL, the Fenrir is pretty hard to get and the other 2 get destroyed very fast in PvP. Also keep in mind that BK can NOT use cyclone and VRF can NOT use Chain Drive(Main PvP skills), so SD Ratio increase is the only viable way for them to get rid of the stutter effect.
      However, this option can be countered very easily with SD reduction rate and SD Bypass options, and because the option is currently nerfed down(You need 4 items to reach 100% instead of 2), I would say that it is not a viable option, or it can be very situational at most(For BK's for example, that are not able to equip a pet, and only when they fight enemies that dont have SD Decrease ratio on weapon, so basicly just in duels).
      Next, I will speak about SD Reduction rate % and how does it work in PvP
      As I said before, SD Reduction Rate is the opposite of SD Ratio increase - so, the damage absorbed by the opponent's shield in PvP translates into HP damage according to the value of SD Reduction Rate that you have. For example, if you have SD Reduction Rate 10%, your opponent will take 80% damage into SD and 20% damage into HP.
      Considering that you can get 13% Maximum ammount of SD Reduction rate on Staff, the maximum SD Reduction Rate you can get is 26% - Which translates into 64% SD/36% HP damage done.
      This option is especially powerful on high attack speed characters and very effective against characters that have a low HP buff, therefore being prone to dying before their SD runs out.
      However, I will advise you to NOT use this option against high hp pool characters such as VRF or BK, since them having huge HP pools translates into them surviving even longer in PvP. Why do I say this?
      BK and VRF are probably the only characters that can survive a good amount of time even if they run out of SD. So basically how you want to play against them is drain their SD to 0 very fast and burst them down directly into HP pool. This option does exactly the opposite therefore it makes them survive longer(Less damage into their SD - They sustain their HP pool with HP pots anyway - They live longer).
      Last, but not least, probably the crowned king of yellow options in PvP(at least on high stats server), SD Bypass, or SD Ignore Rate
      SD Bypass grants each attack a chance to completely Ignore the opponent's SD and deal full damage to their health.So, if your weapon has SD Bypass 10% - You will have 10% chance for each hit to translate directly into HP, which deals huge damage. In short, this yellow option is RNG dependant, but considering that on high stats servers you have very fast attack speed, it means that this will proc a lot.
      **SD Bypass DOES work with reflect option - So if you have a set item with Reflect option equiped, that reflect also has a chance to benefit from the Bypass you have on weapon.
      This yellow option is viable and good on all classes, but especially benefit the classes with high burst damage on one hit(Such as BK combo, DL Horse, SM Nova) because they actually have chances of one shotting people.
      This option is much better when PvP-ing against high HP targets, but as I described the matter earlier for SD Reduction, this one can be problematic against BK and VRF as well - If you're not lucky enough to hit bypass after bypass, they will sustain their HP pool and their SD will drop even lower(The bypass hits do no damage to SD pool), so they will live even longer than if you would have SD Decr.
      The safest choice - especially if you are a 1 weapon class as DL is, is by far SD Bypass, while MG/Summ can also chose to use 2 SD Reduction weapons because they have huge burst and can kill others before their SD drains even without bypass.
      For set pieces, there are more situations:
      -For CS, you will chose Damage decrement increase every time - Since 99% of CS you will have 0 SD anyway and the SD Ratio increase option will do nothing for you.
      -For BK's especially, in 1v1's, go SD Ratio increase if the opponent has no Bypass or Reduction, that will translate into smooth, uninterrupted combos which almost every time means you will win.
      Mainly, in most of the cases, DDI is the best choice by far for all classes, but SD ratio increase can situationally be very very good
      Thank you for reading, and I hope you got the chance to learn something
      Best regards,
    16. Haha
      Phantomel reacted to ADMIN in Summoners nerf (WHY)   
      Damn, I'm pretty newb in business then, should've nerfed MG or AE which are the most played classes right now, in order to maximize profit, not the least played class.
      I'm sorry, will learn from this mistake! 🤑
    17. Haha
      Phantomel reacted to CristiDL in Summoners nerf (WHY)   
      Man, a lot of players played SUM, so they nerfed it so people will spend credits to change class over and over again.. this is how they do it all the time, all DBs.
    18. Thanks
      Phantomel reacted to ADMIN in Devil Square 4(And probably higher)   
      As we've redesigned the DS take into account different opinions, I'll count this as an accepted suggestion.
      +40 credits.
    19. Like
      Phantomel got a reaction from Sikuz in Question about W3 combination   
      You don't have to act ironically towards me, just cause I'm active on forum and I'm telling you what everyone thinks but they won't talk just because you use to give those kind of answers  I didn't ask for an exact date, we were hoping to get one response such as - in one week, one month w/e. People are camping golden spawns, also I didn't say that the spawns are set on x,y coordinates, I'm aware that it has some RNG to it as well, but some spots get more spawns than the others. As I said, its just weird having just 4 w3 on the server considering the number of flames that are being dropped, and considering that jewels are a huge problem right now, it REAAAAALLY hurts when you get a fail. I won't continue this discussion since you feel personally attacked by a question meant for other players.
    20. Haha
      Phantomel reacted to Chukundah in Question about W3 combination   
      1 try , 1 sucess , i doubt u failed over 15

    21. Haha
      Phantomel reacted to Pershing in Early-Game Feedback   
      I must agree on this. HC is doing anti game every single IT because they managed to find a way how to enter the event very fast and most of the time there is majority of HC players inside against others. Admin tried to sort it out by implementing warning system but it works the opposite of what was expected as HC players constantly warn people who actually don’t do anti game. Not really sure if there is anything else to do with IT to make it fair for everyone. Maybe max 3-5 people from one ally can join the event at the time? I don’t know if that would be technically possible to implement. 
    22. Like
      Phantomel reacted to Something in Early-Game Feedback   
      1) I have read another post about MG/DL lvl requirement for maps. I know it is a good thing to be possible to donate for some advantage but the gap level should be more reasonable. I laugh at admin answers on that post, bro top MG/DL can farm weapons/ gear non exe and sell them like dd+hp items for 3-4 days or even more. I agree to have some advantages but that is too much.

      2) As Phantolemu said, goldens are spawn often in the same spot. Last days I found derkon by search 3-4 spots and don't need to check every map. Same for budge where u can see often the same players who kill it.

      3) In this database BK is way too tank, no matter if is 300 lvl or 400lvl. They are too hard to kill and in CS almost impossible only if 4-6 characters focus on him.

      4) DS6 elf character can't resist even with +12+dd set / w2, I think that is very wrong and regard as point 3 this database is mixed up. Inception was more balance after DL nerf(make elf a little more tanky).

      5) About BC, eneMG only with chromatic staff (no double dmg, no edr on staff or pend, no kriss) did most dmg on statue/gate several time.

      6) BC/DS is worth only for reward.

      7) Derkon is killed by farmers happened not only once (make it stronger in dmg). 

      8. Share information about bounty, everyone wants to know when we can drop them not only old players should know that (flame). 

      9. I do not even bother to enter IT as many players: HC make anti game, pewpew reported by roleX enter all the time, same players are all the time, etc. There are lots of problems and some players exploit them.

      10. My party with eneRF good sets all dd+12/w2 and also tried with dsr can't resist vulcanus non stop(only 3-4h), but somehow avici with dsr and 1 day with lvl 1 wings was perfectly fine + they didn't have eneRF (I can't believe they made repot every 2 hours for 1 week).  

      11. It will be nice instead of a market to be able to use a character personal store to expose items. 

      12. Make low tier ancients more accessible so people can actually use them earlier when they are useful, instead of just piling them up for feather or seed combinations
      13. DS7 is easier then DS6
      Per total, you're doing a great job, but stop saying is not a pay-to-win game.
    23. Sad
      Phantomel reacted to BetleyKOX in Question about W3 combination   
      XDDDDDDDDDDD Typical guild of cry babe's
    24. Sad
      Phantomel got a reaction from ADMIN in Question about W3 combination   
      We just got another fail, btw. 16 and counting
    25. Like
      Phantomel reacted to ADMIN in Early-Game Feedback   
      While I do agree with low ancients & the mats thingy, I can't agree with the rest of things.
      Firstly, and most importantly, this is a low exp non-reset based server. Finishing the 1st and most beautiful part (non-reset gameplay) in 32 days is fast enough, maybe even faster than expected. The beautiful part of low exp servers are the struggle and the feeling of progression, anything even faster than this is not fun at all, and makes me think of medium/high exp servers, which is not something we promote (i.e our last edition that had the even faster 1-400 progression and people couldn't enjoy the non-reset feeling). AFK is the strongest reason why most grown up people still play this game, because even if they can't be fully active like some of the top players, they can still enjoy the game and not be too far behind, by staying AFK. You had a lot of PvP & PvM activities across level 1-400, and more importantly, most of them were with people in same range of levels, not a big difference, which made it even more fun.
      Secondly, you can't compare 4-6 mobs from spots on a 10s respawn time vs 10+ mobs with fast respawn, on DS & BC. Not adding up the rewards from the events. Most people from top had such advantage in exp due to going on most BC & DS. 
      Thirdly, related to your statement about invasions, it is fake news. Goldens does spawn in 10x 10y and 240x 240y range, randomly. There are no set spots to spawn except of Bloody Queen, Medusa, Kundun and probably few more HIGH bosses. Neither WW, Goldens, Rabbits, etc. have any set spot, just 10-240 random coords.
      Thanks for your input! 🙂
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