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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. Ofc that those guilds having 10-15% of the players interested in CS from server will have dedicated AE-EE for CS, that's part of the game and will stay as it is, the better strategies and sacrifices will always have an impact for such event, just like there are dedicated VIT-DL, VIT-BK (for switches/crown). When I presented you the poll I presented you most of the changes that may happen if it succeeds, not only removing EE from server1. When you voted you agreed with all of them, or you should have voted for "no", as opposite.

      L.E: I clearly stated that my vision and idea was to have EE's out of the normal need for anyone that wants to level-up/compete on PvP/PvM events. I never said that I want them completely out-of-game, especially not out of CS, where things like that makes the difference from people that just go there and right-click + QQ randomly and people that treat such event with seriosity, making strategies and different builds to have an advantage there.

    2. 49 minutes ago, Mynd33 said:


      Considering this is 30RR with stat cap of 42k which is approximately 18 times more compared to Non-reset, will there be any changes to ''''flat bonuses'''' (purple option / seeds /master tree / ancient-set bonuses etc)?

      I am really concerned, because most seeds, master tree talents and guardian options will offer little to no value and become useless. 🤔

      Most options scale up with damage/deff, no matter stats (double damage, dd, edr, crit, max hp, etc.). The rest of 'flat bonuses' are weaker of course, as they always were, but still adds up, there are no 100k damage as even if stats is higher, formulas are nerfed to keep decent values across deff/dmg/asr, etc. so even those flat bonuses will matter, but not same effect like on non reset.

      28 minutes ago, Chukundah said:

      @ADMIN about the 7k ene needed for the AE to use ice arrow

      for a supportive AE i guess its ok , but for a full DPS AE that goes agi str and vit , how does she get to use the best skill she has for pvp? its kinda unbalanced in that aspect for pure AE , u should make some changes for those u play pure AE and have a need to use her best skill in pvp

      also , why does fire slash requires ENE (( while being a strenght based dmg skill )) to lvl up his % ?

      You have 3 choices, 42k stats and 27k max points in one stats (in stage3, 16k in stage2). Choose the best one for your AE. Ice arrow is not a main PvP skill, it's just a supportive skill that gives a lot of support power and takes up from the damage/hp.

      1 minute ago, Shuryk said:

      I'm more concerned about the buff "EE" on the cs server, I sure with such a strong buff who will have at least one "EE", will win the castle with 1 PT vs 1-2 guilds

      Buffs formulas on CS server are almost same as EE's used to have on 50RR where they were nerfed (hard), and around 40% of power they used to have on old max30rr edition on server1. 

    3. Hi there,

      We know how important are parties (especially stable ones) in a hard server so this topic's purpose is to help you find a party or find the missing players to complete a party.

      So, feel free to follow this suggested model:


      Starting class/class:

      Hours online per day (character online):

      Hours active per day (player online):

      Looking for stable or looking for starting party:


      Good luck!

    4. Buffs will be decent on server 20 (mainly CS) - so guilds should encourage Hybrid-AE's so they can push their chance at CS, at the cost of lower solo-impact on gameplay.

      Buffs will work only at server 20 (mainly CS), as stated. No heal/sd recovery.

      After vote will be closed (if the winner option is kept) we will announce the changes regarding EE and AE with all details.

    5. Hello,

      Based on this topic https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3311-futureee/ we decided to bring it up to the vote as it's an important concept that can change everything we know about MU (into a better thing, in my opinion).

      So, please bring your votes (asap) and any other observations so we can prepare the concept for Inception (if you want it).

      The idea is simple, do you want EE's to be out of "must-have-secondary-char" line?

      The first option is no, keep it as it was - nothing will change related to EE's.

      But, the second option is to remove the EE build as we know it and to integrate it into a Hybrid-AE build.

      That means, EE buffs will be useless on normal server (1), so you won't need EE's in order to level up or compete to PvP Events.

      For that, entire content will be adjusted (mobs, bosses, etc.) for such change, having lower dmg/def/hp as they used to, especially on low resets maps.

      More than that, the limit of accounts per IP+HWID will also be reduced to 2 instead of 3 (to match the new no-ee-need change).

      The second part of the idea is to implement the EE into a Hybrid-AE build. So, giving new options to AE players for their builds (instead of blindly going for full agi & vit). 

      What that means?

      Buffs will be decent on server 20 (mainly CS) - so guilds should encourage Hybrid-AE's so they can push their chance at CS, at the cost of lower solo-impact on gameplay. 

      More than that, Ice Arrow would be part of Hybrid Build, so only by having 5000-8000 energy you would unblock & use Ice Arrow - so not only getting EE buffs for CS as Hybrid-AE but also unlocking your strongest CC spell for other kind of support on both Server 1 and CS.

      Poll will close on 1st of September at 23:59.

      The winner option must have at least 70%+ votes in order to be applied.



    6. In this topic will be posted players who got warns.

      AntypatyK - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5514-bl-antypatyk/

      Alex - 2 warns, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5568-chukundahalex-racismvulgarismsexual-harasement-provacationsand-more/

      Lidor - 2 warns, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5575-lidor-pain-bl/

      Pain - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5575-lidor-pain-bl/

      Punisher - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5577-seekpunisherlidor-more-bl/

      Tatutzu - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5586-bad-language-after-lose-on-cc/

      Seek - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5579-lidor-insulting-players-calling-dogs/

      Mahito - 2 warns, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5590-mahito/

      ZaZaX - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5596-another-day-another-bad-behavior/

      KILLALL - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5602-inappropriate-from-killall/

      Borowkaa - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5613-bl-borrowka/

      Duke - 2 warns, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5615-duke/

      Darknizard, 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5603-darknizard/

      HorseThief - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5603-darknizard/

      DivaD - 1 warn, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5644-bl-divad/

      daddyChuki - 2 warns, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5633-inappropriate-from-sync-chukundah/

      SupremE - 2 warns, https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/5638-bl-supreme/


    7. 7 minutes ago, Mitsakos said:

      That 2 clients per ip+hwid max i think it should be done regardless the nerf or not of EEs anyway. 

      We've been there, done that.

      There are 2 major problems for setting up a limit:
      - You set it to 2 acc per IP+HWID (while EE is a must) and you have a lot of problems with people that play from shared IP's (real examples: students on dorms) as for example 2 people same IP, 1 must make his own char + the EE and the other has no space to play.
      - You set it to 2 acc per HWID (while EE is a must), you'll fix the other problem but new problems appear as it's easier to bypass the limit for people with multiple devices but same IP, giving them an advantage.

      So the best option (from almost 4 years experience) is 3 ACC per IP+HWID (of course, in our current context where EE is a must).

    8. On 8/22/2019 at 8:36 PM, Shuryk said:

      On the eve of a new max30 i want to ask @ADMIN and community, opinion about EE in future projects.I think it's time we give up this class in the future, because it only brings discomfort to the game. We are all different people, with different desires and capabilities, someone can play in 3 acc, someone on turnover are not willing to work so hard and want to play only in 1 window. And in the end, the winner is the one who at the right moment has Buff. And this greatly affects the balance, many do not realize that strong character is the sum of all aspects: class, items, party and buff which can also be better or worse. 

      What its ur opinione about that? 

      You asked for my opinion, I'll tell you mine.

      I've thought about this subject long time ago, but never imagined that people would really want such thing.

      So, what was my idea about this subject:
      - Make EE buffs useless on normal Server (1) so nobody would have to make EE for leveling up (and balancing the content for no ee-buffs parties).
      - Let the EE still be a choice, but just for dedicated EE's or simply AE's as hybrid builds for CS (that means buffs will be decent on Server 20 - mainly CS).
      - Bring down the limit of accounts per IP+HWID to 2 from 3 to match the No-EE needs.

      Of course, this are just my thoughts, but if people really like such idea I can make an official poll for it (but we need to hurry up as all mobs must be reworked for such thing).

    9. 1 hour ago, Zutto said:

      I'm more worried about how Wizard, Summoners, MG's will excel :)  But I think Admin got it under control ;) 


      Back to only credits? Come to think, its actually good to keep jewels down.


      whats the chance for 2 opt? But I agree with Agree with Shuryk GD,DS Etc rarely get used at all, maybe we could get something abit more juicy 

      I could have missed it, But where does 380 drop now? or do we need to use exc 380

      Current arena reward is reflecting stage 1, on stage 2 we may add jewels as well for 1st place.

      BWQ is boosted from that aspect in order to raise the amount of sets made from her.
      2 items dropped from 1.
      60% chance for 2 options (from 20% as it was).
      Info about options chances for everything can be found on Drops & Economy System.

      380 items will only be achieved on Senior Mix (as well boosted to 2 boxes instead of 1).

      380 non exc will remain with a lower drop on Swamp but W4 mix will be made from Exc 380 items (any 380 item except RF ones, both set items and weapons).
      This will assure that CS rewards will remain important even in the latest stages of game, so you'll have to make senior mixes as well for W4.
      Due to that, the difficulty was also tuned down on the other part (wings level to +12 instead of +13), and it may be tuned down more depending on game progress, when w4 will be released.

    10. 35 minutes ago, Shuryk said:

      Now u have a choice, or u stay in Karutan2 and get 100% exp, or u stay Relics and u get+2 bonus from exp (gens+mercenary) coz remain maps its bad for lvling.

      Kanturu2-3 u have medium exp

       Raklion have just 2 normal spots for High-reset

      Swamp just for High-reset.

      Previously we had a choice: either stay safe and get 85% exp +24% (mercenary), or stay normal and get 100% selectively +24% (mercenary) or stay in Gens map and get 110% selectively +24% (mercenary) 

      Now u have: either stay safe and get just 100% exp, or stay normal in medium maps and get 70-80% exp selectively +24% (mercenary) or stay in Gens map and get 110% selectively +24% (mercenary)


      About PK i will waiting a more info.


      About BK, maybe you could spend more time doing this, and rule out a 1 hit=1 kill chance for a BK combo.

      Mercenary bonus is not added on gens maps (as written). So the choices are:

      You stay on non pvp map without mercenary squad or on normal maps and have 100% exp.(Karutan2/Kanturu2-3/Raklion/swamp)

      You stay with mercenary squad on same maps so non-pvp ia no longer non-pvp and you gain 6/14/24% bonus exp (it will be harder to reach 24%).

      You stay on Vulcanus/Relics with +10% exp but in the same time it's safer than mercenary squad (only half gens can kill you) but it's harder than normal/non pvp maps and also getting gens points that will matter now (gens rewards will be active).

      Raklion spots are reworked to be more suitable.

    11. 28 minutes ago, Shuryk said:

      I'm a little confused, now, the last normal map is just Kanturu 3? if Karutan 2 now is not PVP, we have no normal maps for lvlup ? The new server is divided into genes and non-Pvp maps, because Kanturu 2-3 it's just the middle of the map for lvlup.

      We have a big gap for EXP if Karutan 2 now is not PVP, because you can get 100% exp on Karutan 2, or 100%+10%(genes)+24%(mercenary) on Relics, or higer if is Vulcanus.

      And what about swamp ? 

      Highest maps tier are Karutan2, Relics, Vulcanus, Raklion, Kalima7, Swamp.

      Karutan2 + K7 - non pvp

      Vulcanus - gens

      Raklion & Swamp normal.

      Non-pvp maps can be transformed into normal maps with bonus exp when there is mercenary squad active.

      Please edit your reply instead of multiple replies.

    12. Hello,

      We've added a Tag & Prefix system in order to find info more easily.

      There are 4 tags for new topics from:
      News & Announcements
      Guidelines & FAQs
      OldSquad Newspaper
      Official Polls
      Bug Reports
      General MU Discussions

      The tags are:
      Phoenix - for topic related to Phoenix server.
      Inception - for topic related to Inception server.
      Max50RR - for topic related to Max50RR server.
      Global - for topic related to general (no specific server).

      There are also special tags for the following sections:
      Market Place - you can choose the tag from Buy, Sell, Buy & Sell, Trade - based on topic info.
      Player Reports / Warns - you can choose the tag from Bad Language, Racism, Hack/Exploit, Selling for Money, Bug Abuse, Insistent Non-English Posts - based on the subject of your player report.
      Guilds - you can choose the tag from Recruiting, Looking for Guild - based on the subject of your topic.

      All the tags are mandatory and we recommend to also set the prefix, not only the tag.

      Also, the following changes are made to the Legends group:

      - The Legends award that is won on OSGM will only last as long as the edition of the server where it was won lasts. That means old Legends from OSGM have been dropped back to Members.
      - The first players to reach max resets from each class on each server will be granted with permanent Legends award. (updated with Phoenix Legends).
      - Each server edition (during edition or at the end) we'll choose 1-4 new Legends based on their contributions and performance on the edition. That can include but not limited to: Server activity, bug reports, helping newbies, good suggestions, etc. (updated).
      - People that didn't visited our forum for more than 1 year will also be removed from Legends. (updated).

      We're trying to make the forum more attractive and we're looking for your suggestions to compress / make it more clean and attractive. If you have any thoughts let us know (organisation, features, etc.)


    13. Hello,

      Almost 10 months has passed since NonReset started its 2nd edition. Due to the many things changed on our economy system (to balance it for everyone, not only top players), NonReset was a victim of economy tweaks, that ended in it being pretty easy compared to how it was intended, so it wasn't the "hard server" that was promised and that was seen on its first edition. But, thanks to the feedback and its fail, Phoenix was born, and it was much better than both current and first edition of NonReset. All mistakes that were noticed by both you and us on NonReset were fixed/adjusted on Phoenix and together we created a better alternative for it, despite the sacrifices. So we can't be sad about it, we continue to learn from mistakes and "what works - what doesn't" and improve our overall servers to such standards, because nothing that is stale is fun and we must always adapt to your needs.

      Due to the low amount of people left active in the last 2 months (barely touching 25 online) we decided to end its suffering and to bring it down, as there is no point in keeping it up in the current state for more than it was granted.

      Due to that, NonReset will be officially closed on this Tuesday, between 20:00 and 00:00.

      Thanks to everyone that took part in this project and especially to those that kept playing it on the long run!


      As for its future, we have both good news and bad news.

      The bad news is that NonReset will no longer be one of our main servers, Phoenix is just a better NonReset and we will continue with Phoenix. So it was the last NonReset edition on OldSquad.

      The good news is that NonReset won't be gone completely. Since 2 months ago we are in a pre-alpha phase of Season 14. Things are moving slowly because we have different priorities for now. But in future we plan to release our own Season 14 project (different from season 6) where NonReset will be moved as a standalone server there. The player-base of season 6 is getting lower and lower as more people start to taste the new seasons and remain there. Due to that we are forced to adapt to new things in order to keep being relevant on the MU Online scene. Our Season 6 project(s) will continue as normal until there are no more players to sustain them, which hopefully won't happen too soon, as we invested a lot of time and love in our projects.

      Farewell, NonReset!

    14. Bob will be delivered (you'll have to download a new client when it will be updated, as it can't be updated via Launcher).

      About the skins - skins are available only from the pool of mobs (any skin is a direct skin of mobs, can't be customizable unless the mob skin is changed as well).

      What I can do is to make a pool of 12-20 skins that can be given randomly to people, each one with different skin, but all skins must have the same animation time for move, so if you really want such thing I'm up for suggestions of skins for pool, and I'll test which of them can be added.

    15. Hello,

      It's a client issue that happens from time to time but it's not fixable.

      What you can do, though, to not be affected by it, is to press K when you are in chaos machine and it does happen (so you will open the extra inventory and put back the item or etc.).

    16. Yes, it was a issue with sync after kill (taking the safe-zone of the dead person before finishing the quest), it is fixed now, and the checks will happen each 10 seconds instead of each second.

      I also reset the quest for everyone.

      The swamp thing - nothing can be done, when you take a quest you expect getting persons from higher maps.

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