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    Posts posted by ADMIN

    1. On 7/6/2019 at 1:07 AM, Time said:

      Few things, which come to my mind after first day:

      1. It would be nice if there would be option to upgrade/change pvp status (normal - Mlvl) without loosing points. 

      2. There should be some kind of system which selects the enemy equal to us. Getting a 0rr enemy as a 10rr player isn't challenging.

      3.I did only 2 quests, after 1st johs appeard in vault. After 2nd there was no johs. I assume it still doesn't work every time.

      1. We're considering the option to change from ML to normal and vice-versa at the cost of halving the points instead of resetting them to 0.

      2. What you're speaking about can work only on a system that has over 500-600 registered players all the time, so the pool is big enough, else you'll never find such target with low number of people registered. In future if there will be more people on the system there will be some stages and other improvements, but for now it can't work.

      3. It's possible that you had only 2 slot space in inventory and it was requiring 3 slots for the reward (small bug, will be fixed). There aren't any messages if you have the space or not, but it's my only guess that can happen if you finish quest without reward.

      On 7/6/2019 at 7:59 PM, Time said:

      You can, just check online players.

      Rewards... JoHs have good value now. But in future, when new server starts the rewards should be diffrent. 1c in 1st week, 1b in 2nd, 1s in 3rd etc. Or something like that.

      EE shouldn't be allowed in mercenary squad. This is meant to be pvp, so let it be pvp event. Not exp event. Maybe decrease exp % on register and made more stages, which will depends only on number of kills, not time ingame. 

      EDIT: 4. Exclude ppl from same guild getting each other in pvp quests.

      Rewards in future will be adjusted at any stage of the game, for sure, but when the system will be 100%.

      We thought about removing support chars from event, but we'll instead make more stages (it was planned from start anyway), where you start with smaller exp (for all chars) and progress through kills and other type of quests. For now we'll let as it is to have enough chars in system so we can test and fix things having higher sample.

      About the guild/ally, on the next improvements it will first search outside of guild/ally players, if it won't find anything it will assign from guild/ally.

      What we're working on:

      - Reassign another target if the current target is on the same gens family and it is on a gens map.
      - Skip EE punishment if EE is mercenary.
      - Try to reassign another target if current are in safe-zones.
      - Show current target when writing /pvpquest while a quest is up.
      - We're considering a "repel" feature where the targets can earn 30 points if they kill the mercenary that comes for them before being killed by them.

    2. Those that made a proper feedback and left their char names have been rewarded.

      What was possible (and good) to do during this current edition was released in the latest update. But there are still things that we consider good enough to be made or adjusted for the next edition (including economy, chars tweaks and other aspects).

      I'll leave this topic open for discussions or further feedback but rewards are closed now.


    3. On 6/28/2019 at 8:48 PM, Shuryk said:

      what I was talking about, in order to have a couple of hours a day to have a good time, you have to sacrifice the whole game. I assume the better will abandon the event because of the 4-6 hours of "game" my character will be death in next 16 hours while I sleep\work.

      The 24h limitation was considered before the idea of reseting the points. We'll reduce the entry time to 4-8 hours, for those that are just looking for small pvp time and lower reward(s).

      Still waiting feedback or any improvements you may think of, as I'm starting its development and will release a beta system soon hopefully.

    4. Hello,

      Based on this previous topic discussions (https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3170-new-pvp-idea/), we tried to combine both @Gion's idea and @Legion's idea with your own feedback into a new PvP system that I'll present below, and you can still bring your feedback before actually implementing it.

      Mercenary Squad is a new OPTIONAL PvP System where anyone who wants more PvP can join.

      The system works in the following ways:

      • You can register into the squad by writing /registerpvp.
      • After you join you need to wait at least 24 hours before leaving it.
      • In order to leave you need to write /unregisterpvp.
      • You can join/leave for any number of times you want.
      • There are 2 types of registration: Normal Level & ML, that will reflect only the reward.
      • There will be a PvP Ranking on website for those registered.

      Features for those that register:

      • There are 3 levels of seals that you get by registering, which will upgrade in time:
        • First Seal is automatically given after you register, it will increase your Normal Exp (if you register for normal exp) or Master Exp (if you register for ML exp) with 8%.
        • Second seal will give you 14% exp.
        • Third seal will give you 20% exp.
          • All seals will also have a visual effect on your character so people will know that you're part of the Mercenary Squad.
      • You will bypass Fairness Gaps versus other Mercenaries.
      • You will bypass PK Limit vs other Mercenaries.
      • You will bypass Non-PvP invasions vs other Mercenaries.
      • You will bypass Non-PvP maps vs other Mercenaries.
      • There are 3 options that we thought of about PK between Mercenaries and will let you choose the best one:
        • 1. Free PK between Mercenaries on any place (not getting murderer).
        • 2. Normal PK between Mercenaries (you get murderer as usual).
        • 3. Free PK between Mercenaries on 2-4 random maps selected each week from the highest ones, while on rest of maps will be normal PK.
      • There is also a Mercenary Quest system that can be accessed once every 12 hours with the command /pvpquest.
        • This command will assign you a random ONLINE player from the Mercenary Squad that you need to kill in the next 15 minutes in order to finish the quest.
        • If you fail the quest nothing will happen.
        • If the target goes offline during those 15 minutes you will be assigned with another target and another 15 minutes.

      Other aspects of Mercenary Squad:

      • There is a Point System in order to decide rankings for Mercenaries:
        • You will get 1 point for every 10 minutes of ONLINE TIME while you are registered on the squad.
        • You will get 25 points for every succesfull quest you make as well as 2x Jewel of Harmony.
      • When you reach certain number of points & quests you will be rewarded:
        • 720 points & 8 finished quests will upgrade your seal to the 2nd one.
        • 2500 points & 20 finished quests will upgrade your seal to 3rd one.
          • Extra rewards based on points & quests that will be added at a later stage.
      • IMPORTANT! If you unregister from the Mercenary Squad you will LOSE all your ACCUMULATED POINTS!
        • So, the higher the risk the higher the reward.

      Waiting your feedback before starting the implementation.

    5. Hello OldSquaders,

      This is just a heads-up post to let you know our plans related to present and future.

      In the next days we'll be back on track continuing the development on the Phoenix server, including several aspects from our list along with pvp system, auto-race as part of OSGM and maybe even the loren deep event that you were talking about.

      Today we also released another small patch with some fixes as well as improving once again the newbies experience.

      More Info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3245-patch-1653-26062019/

      Summer has come but our focus will remain on Phoenix for now, and we'll continue to work on it to make it better for everyone involved as well as working in the background for the future.

      Just like we opened the thread related to Early-Game Feedback for Phoenix, we're opening again a Mid-End Game Feedback topic to hear once again your voice related to how it is and how it can be better in future (or even right now, as we may add some of them on our work list).

      More Info: https://oldsquad.ro/forum/topic/3244-phoenix-mid-late-game-feedback/


      As for the future, our next server in rotation is the Max30RR server, which will probably go live in August-September, more details will be announced later on this summer.

      It will come on a new name most probably as we're slowly shifting our server names to personal names that can 'tell a story'.

      There will also be some changes on its gameplay, and it's possible to feature a new system that we're thinking about, but nothing is conclusive now.

      We also have few surprises for you in our pocket but they are also linked to future.

      Thank you once again for being part of our constantly-improving community and helping our dream to 'Make MU Great Again'!



    6. Hello,

      After more than 3 months since its start it is safe to assume that people already made an impression about the mid-game and early end-game gameplay that Phoenix does have.

      In order to offer you a close to perfection experience in our community servers we require your honest and constructive feedback, so we can know where to work more or what to exploit more in future.

      So, if you want to contribute for your own satisfaction, please let us know in this topic what you liked, what you didn't liked, what you would change/modify/adjust and anything else may help us to help you in future.

      The feedback should be related to: progression (items/exp-wise), events, features, drops, economy, newbies experience, etc. for the MID-GAME & EARLY END-GAME, if you have any suggestions for the things you didn't like they are welcomed.

      If you don't have anything that you didn't like (which is hard to believe) you can focus on what you liked the most (and what can be made even better).

      Anyone that come with a solid feedback (not 1-2 propositions wrote in a fast manner) will receive 300 credits as a small reward for your time and contribution (make sure to leave your character name in the reply).


    7. Hello, there are 3 possibilities for this to happen:

      1. You didn't made marlon quest first (220 q) before starting q3.

      2. You already finished first part of q3 from 380, and you need 400 level for 2nd and 3rd part.

      3. You made a class change that bugged your quest.

    8. Nop, in some cases it doesn't say anything, just don't let you enter. The mechanic is simple, the entries are automatically reset in database at the preset hour, and the script showing the entries is communicating directly with database, so after reset it will always show that you have entries, but if you don't relog after reset they won't be actually reset in game so you won't be able to enter. There is a strong reason why the info with relog is added on /entries. Follow it.

    9. Hello, right click on playphoenix.exe -> properties -> unblock  -> apply and try again. If problem persists disable the UAC from windows and restart pc. If problem still persists contact us on facebook page with tw details.

    10. 5 hours ago, Exilia said:

      I'm not saying that my opinions are the correct ones, they're just my opinions.

      This has some truth in it, but lets take a look at the mana shield as first example. As I wrote on the opening post;

      Only problem with Soul Barrier is that you don't have to go for agi build, so called support sm, in order to gain efficient shield to play with. Basic value for barrier is 6%, with 20 ML points you gain additional 13% increase, with current agility formula(agility/62) you easily gain another 10%. That's already 29% absorb without even thinking about if you want to play as a supporter or heavy damage dealer. With 620 agility, you should be easily able to get ~1500 energy, which gives you 6% additional barrier. That is total of 35% absorb with a simple build that also gives you decent killing potential since the formula for max damage is ene/2. My point is that with the current ratios, there is literally no reason to aim for the supportive build since ++30% shield is so easily achievable without hurting your damaging abilities.

      As the math says, you can reach 35% barrier with no effort. You don't have to make supportive agility based build, but you can focus on topping your damage with huge amounts of energy. If we try to reason how strong mana shield should be on pvp/support sm, rough example would be that pvp sm has 20% barrier while support sm has 40% barrier. Wouldn't it be more reasonable that this simple build that works for pvp and pvm meets you halfway there, and gives you 30% barrier instead of 35%? Why the formula favors pvp build so heavily that he doesn't have to think about if he wants to rely more on dealing or absorbing damage? I think that the agility formula for barrier growth should be (agility/100-124)(%) instead of the current one. Then your barrier strength would be more close to 30% instead of 35% with damage based builds, or you could choose to build for more supportive style in case you wish to reach the 40% barrier. I don't think this would significantly weaken any sm, but it would bring more diversity into building one.

      Second thing was the dd option. I do understand that the global damage % ramps up with your resets, but was some class/builds really doing so much damage with 10 resets that the dd cap had to be buffed from 55% to 60%? I admit that I spoke behalf of nerfing dd a bit too harsh since I haven't tested it with maxed characters, but nevertheless 60% seems a lot to me.

      My point was that agility based builds are strong in pvm, yes, but they're also best ones for pvp. There is no reason to waste 600 points for str, just to increase your max damage by 200, which then gets decreased by 60% because of dd. Much more beneficial way is to add the 600 points on agility and therefore gain the power ups in terms of speed and defense. And ae is the only class that doesn't have to make decision if he wish to build for speed and defense or damage, she has it all. Sure her formulas are pretty well tuned so I'm not saying it's op in any way.
      This situation just correlates with the problem I see with damage decrease at the moment. Can't say that it's op cause I don't have the math to prove it, but it makes building damage just not worth it, no matter which class you're playing as.


      While it's the only way for her to win cc, it's also only ability that makes it unplayable for us. This is why I'm saying that the duration should be nerfed, not that the ability should be removed. While reducing the duration she still has her advantage to play the event with her strengths, but it would also give us an opportunity to survive from that. I don't know what's the math behind that how resistance rings/pendant work, but solely relying on wasting 20 points on ML tree to reduce the effect by 9% feels little awkward.

      I didn't made my self clear, which was my bad, but my overall post wasn't targeted to your points (though not specifying anything about ms or etc.) but as a general objective opinion outside of your discussions and from the point of view of us as staff, related to any character discussions/topics. I do stated however that we take things as feedback, and while I didn't said it is bad or good (speaking about MS), I also said that we're not touching chars during ongoing editions, but that doesn't mean it won't be noted for future.

      Again, you're speaking strictly from your point of view as a SMG, while agi does of course benefit you, let's think about the VRF then, where agility barely helps him at all (speed is useless for VRF due to CD on chain drive) and the amount of def gained is just like the AE, very low. DDI is usually the main thing that can keep them alive in fights (yea, they have high hp pool, but on 1v1 as I stated previously, once the sd is gone health is barely helping you to survive few more attacks, taking into account that most classes have up to 180% damage vs RF).

      You speak about damage as it's something overlooked, but you forget that your entire damage is also amplified with different things (main thing to look out is up to 18% from resets, just as pure damage, excepting extra points), then you have chars that does have % rise of damage from weapons, that again benefit much more from damage. Then you have full socketed weapons that brings in another extra % damages, not speaking about ancient sets with DD or % damage increase. The buff from 55% to 60% of DDI is a minor one compared to an 18% increase in damage just from resets. And even there, how many ppl does achieve that max dd%? It's not something easily achievable, at least not for everyone and not that fast (looking to newbies/late comers).

      There are enough methods to counter AE's thing in CC, starting from chasing her since start (you know which one is elf, due to bow) and burst her down on start, being in her range when she starts ice-ing you, up to indirect methods like letting her die to mobs/other ranged players from CC. It's not something that grants her a 100% win, but the only thing that gives skilled elves a chance to win the CC on their own power (how many AE's does even know to play with ice, 4, 5?). 

      I didn't wanted to give playing advice at all, everyone should play his own game and find the best solutions, but I can't keep my mouth, because you're assuming things without even testing before, JUST take 10 minutes from your time, go on test server, put 20 points in ice resistance on skill tree and then try to hit yourself with an AE ice arrow, then you'll maybe understand what Ice resistance truly means and will stop telling that there are no counters. Want to counter AE, sure, you'll lose 20 points for them, but you will be almost safe. Let's test before writing or complaining, you have all the tools you need to test anything in few minutes, only use few commands and you have everything you need, then we can speak on the same subject knowing most of things that game offers, not just by speculating.

    11. 19 minutes ago, Shuryk said:


      U say what power in only in mele range, but all clases  is mele except Summ and mb DL. BK-Combo, SM-Blast, MG-Blast/Fire Slash, RF-Chain Drive, 

      Yes, I was referring strictly to AE power, that she is not even advantaged of the range in PvP.
      There are still rangers like ARF and also Decay-SM (even if blast is better overall, decay is still doing much more dps from range than an AE would ever do from range).
      MDPS are considered those that either doesn't have range skills or their range skills are pretty awful (from PvP point of view), and which are SMG/BK/VRF,EMG, the rest of chars are decent-good from range (but yet, not best, as the longer the distance the lower the risk), but AE is barely touching anyone from range, compared to what true rangers can do from range.

    12. 4 minutes ago, Shuryk said:

      I dont agree with Exilia point of vision but here u wrong, from all what i see her i can position AE on place 3-4 (first BK, second SM), mb u and Gion make a some test for all classes but I think you not taken into account optionary stats build.

      Lttle exemple, u can have 2k agi and 200vit and u best AE on PvM, and in PvP u low, but if u put 1700 agi and 500 vit u remain best from PvM(except AE full agi) and u very stong in PvP.


      here too, for reale on this moment we have 1.5 range characters (summ and 0.5 is DL) only from summ is reason for range fight, rest clases is melee.

      All chars have been done with standard builds of average players (which 70%+ of players are using normally). Nothing special nothing out of bounds (it's your own task to find the best build for each char depending on situation). All builds had at least 250-350 VIT depending on class (PvP purpose).

      I can't agree with you, 300 extra VIT won't change anything at all. Let me tell you something that I always say, the VIT is important only for 2 things (speaking only about 1v1 situations):
      - Survive before SD is 0 (so not dying without having your SD to 0 from bursts of damage).
      - Not getting 1 shotted from bypass.
      Anything EXTRA after this standard values of 250-350 VIT will only make you BETTER on: CS & fights where multiple buffs matters, so extra HP does matter.
      In 1v1 situations, once your SD is down it's a matter of 1-4 extra attacks if you have 400 or 600 extra HP, you'll go down anyway. Ofc, BK is excluded as he depends on VIT more than anyone else, and high amount of VIT is a MUST for them.

      I don't understand the 2nd thing about range, sorry.

    13. 14 minutes ago, Exilia said:

      Yes, the default state was a joke indeed, and you've come a long way to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Also I think the "perfect balance" is something that you can never achieve, but then again, we shouldn't consider the current state to be as close to perfect as it will ever get. I'm fine that no radical changes is going to take place on this edition, but since MU is the only game I keep coming back to year after year, I'd like to encourage the implementation of this project to make the gaming experience even better in the future. The idea of this poll was not to get people to vote on one thing, and then drive changes based on majorities opinion, but rather to see how people view these points themselves, and to give them the opportunity to provide an explanation for why they see things as they do. I should have been more clear with my intentions, that's my bad.

      I do understand the idea of this, but I think it's a little paradoxical with the balancing tweaks that are taking place right now. I'd rather not repeat my self, but take an AE for example; She builds only agility which makes her one of the best PvM class as it's always been, we all know that, and many people choose to play this class since they prefer the PvM play style over PvP one. However, I don't know if it's the class being naturally tanky(due class vs. class damage), the fact that she has basically one build that works for both play styles, the current state of dd options, or combination of all these things, but she seems to be easily top tier choice for both playstyle categories.
      Then comes the SM, it's often viewed as god tier PvP class with so called "class cannon" build, which hits like a truck, but lacks the survivability. This style requires the perfect support party to make it thrive, but without such it's quite easy to counter. The other end is the support build aka. agility SM. That style should be played as a tank, buffer, holder, however you wish to call it, but it does it's job great without relying on others. Then there is something mixed between those two extremity, that could be called the nirvana of SM builds. However, as the state of the game is right now, every SM seems to reach the "nirvana" quite easily, as long as they wear good gear they become almost unstoppable and fit the both categories of tank and damage dealer.

      Some people criticize sMG for being over powered. What I think is that the class is pretty versatile. You can build him to be good in PvM, but that hurts your PvP abilities. Then again if you build him for PvP, that hurts your PvM abilities, a lot. And if you build him for PvP, you are very weak against players with +dd sets so there goes your damage. With the nerfs for AA weapons, being a melee character and current state of other classes and items, I'm not considering MG to be top tier PvP choice at the moment, not even close to top. Sure against anyone who doesn't build defensive stats nor gear, MG is going to hurt like hell, but you're barely scratching any tank right now. But many tanks hurt you for sure.
      Unfortunately I can't give extensive opinion on other classes since I have very little experience on those. People say that DL is weak right now, but I think that with agility build they are going to be top tier in PvP as well. Summoner felt very strong few weeks ago, but I think it's starting to feel more balanced as peoples progress. For Rage Fighters I have literally nothing to say, don't know how the class works nor should work. And for BK, well, it's always the best choice for PvP if you actually know how to build and play it, but it's not easy.

      What I'm trying to say is that there should be more ways to counter each play style. More diversity to build your character to be a tank, class cannon damage dealer, bruiser, support etc. Of course every class has and should have their pros and cons, but the current balancing state doesn't support those diversities, but rather favors the idea that anyone can and should be able to do anything - and in my opinion that is causing some issues. And the major issue in my opinion is that agility based builds, or characters that benefit the most from agility based builds, are heavily favored in both, PvP and PvM, no matter that for what kind of play style they are choosing their character for. To put it simple, agility based speed & defense builds > Strength based high damage builds. Damage decrease sets > Damage sets (ancient). Sure, the defensive option should exist to counter the damage option, but not with such huge marginal that it makes the damage option not worth to build around.



      Still can't completely agree on this one. My point was that AE has ice arrow because she used to be weak PvP class. Now she is top tier PvP class, but the ability to lock down people still exist. I see very little difference with ice arrow being disabled/enabled in Illusion Temple and Chaos Castle. In Illusion Temple, in theory, you could drop down the ball in case you get iced and let your team mates pick it up and continue carrying it. But then the other played would get iced as well and he'd have to repeat the process. That we consider not fun and disturbing of the important event.
      In Chaos Castle, keep in mind that my opinion is based only on the fact that MG is melee class, and we're not able to fight back from range, the ice arrow hurts us the most. Even in a situation where AE wouldn't ice us, we're on a bad spot because she gets to land all her arrows on us from close range gaining equal strength in duel. Other ranged characters can still fight her back in case they get iced, and has the theoretical opportunity to kill her before falling down. Sure, why wouldn't they think that the ice arrow is signature ability and there is no need for change. But I feel like many people fails to look at this from a melee characters perspective. We're just doomed against a one single ability, that basically has no reason to exist in chaos castle, but still does because it was designed by the Webzen, even though the class that was designed for PvM has been changed to become a potent challenger in the field of PvP gaming. As you stated yourself that the default state by Webzen is a joke, I would very much count the ice arrow in chaos castle into this very same category. I have never said in public that ice arrow must be removed from chaos castle, but I stand behind my words that one ability, or a "specific trick", should not have such a huge abusive potential that it completely ruins the event for small group of characters.

      I'm not crying about MG being weak. I'm not crying about AE, SM, soul barrier, ice arrow, damage decrease being OP. Never ever has my intentions been to cry about something. But I'm trying to provide well reasoned opinion on things that I feel like can be adjusted to get us one step closer to the utopia of perfect mu online server.

      Whatever looks perfect for you and your class it doesn't for others, and it's the same loop, there is no perfect state but this is the maximum level that can be touched based on what we can or not do. Some changes can benefit some chars some changes can benefit others. Taking something from a char will be auto given to the rest. But we are doing changes on each edition so that "meta" can be changed from time to time and every char to feel good. 

      You are saying about AE that she benefits to everything from the same build. While it's not completely false, only by watching formulas you can see that everything that AGI gives is very low compared to any other char (defense number, attack speed number, asr, etc). So nothing is not natural or not obtainable by others. 

      Then you say AE is a PvP beast which is totally erronate statement, AE is the worst char at PvP but not as bad as it used to be. And I tell you for sure as we played 2 days class vs class (me and gion) to balance the pvp rates, AE was set to lose 10-0 to any other char with the same skill, amount of points and gear. Any single char from game can beat AE in same conditions. Not even saying that AE PvP power is only in melee range (so being like a half SMG), as on normal range it is non existent.

      You then say that going on the same build is benefiting both PvP and PvM, while it is true for AE it is true for most of other chars (SMG as well). If you say that vit is an imp role I agree, but both AE and SMG for example need VIT for PvP, while SMG have 600 extra points to spend.

      Does going for str-agi benefit both your pvm and pvp as SMG? It does. Then what's the problem that AE is treated the same? 

      You then say that AE is abusing CC with ice vs melee chars, while it is frustrating for sure, it's the only way of winning a CC for an AE, she will never beat a SMG RF or BK in a straight fight. 

      And for the crying thing, I am not referring to you, but general speaking as I read different topics and replies.

    14. I like to see people involved in discussions, but you should know that this things are counted just as feedback.

      We are never touching characters during an ongoing edition.

      Everyone wants its character to be the best, of course, and if possible at any stage of the game. That will never happen and it's not even possible from technical point of view.

      Every character is designed differently, having its own strengths and weaknesses depending on build, gear, stage of the game, event, and even the player itself.

      We are developing and tweaking characters of this game for more than 3 years, adjusting formulas, damages, pvp, class vs class rates, etc. The default state of the characters (Webzen) was just a joke. But again, despite our continuous efforts it will never reach a "perfect state", it's simply not possible. You're expecting too much from such a game, if you want 100% PvP MU is not the game for that, if we think at a larger scale, not even a game like WoW is 100% on PvP (neither PvM), where differences between classes, characters and specs are huge, favoring only some of them at different things. But, just like in WoW where a Hunter (in an easy way) can make almost double DPS at PvM compared to many of other classes, the rest of them brings something different to table on each situation.

      The same idea we brought for MU to have an 'overall balance' apart from class vs class things, where BALANCE doesn't mean a class is not better than the other BUT all classes are more or less equal and BRINGS different things at different moments/situations.

      If we just browse all the existing tops from Phoenix we'll see all classes in the top at most of the things, ofc, some better at some points and it's not an 100% accurate view because most of the tops depends on the player (and how active he is).

      If we look at some (considered by public) good players from our server they can all make their class look OP in different situations, examples can be Zutto for BK, Catarina for SUM, Ganja for AE, Coco for SM, DIEE for SMG, etc.

      Are all characters playable at a decent level? Yes, they are. Are there better chars than others? Yes, they are, at different stages and at different things. Do some characters have specific tricks that can be "abused" by their class? Yes, they have (Ice arrow, Weapon skill for bosses, etc.) Is their right to use them and profit by being smart and knowing their class as it was designed by the Webzen, in the first place, without our direct impact? Yes, it's their right, as long as the impact is purely for their own interest without disturbing important things (IT, for example).

      Apart from doing everything we can to ensure a fair environment to all the characters as much as we consider, we will never rework entire game or all the tricks and things that game does offer just to satisfy different individuals. 

      We are running on the same core since 3 years, many of you played here multiple editions and already knew how most of the things work (or not). Everything we do is well documented pre-launch as well as post-launch. You had all the formulas (and even personal tips) of all the characters available before server launch. You had beta period as well as a permanent test-server pre and post-launch to test all characters and builds you want on any situation and gear/resets/builds. You even had 4 resets to change your class if you didn't like it. Coming here and crying about your own character or other's character is not making you look good, taking into account all the things you had in your asset to choose your character carefully.

      As a conclusion we'll always adjust characters and things we consider that can be improved based on feedback, but never during an ongoing edition (and I'm speaking strictly about individual characters power/assets).


    15. It's pretty clear what the participants want.

      Starting from this weekend, the CS date & hour will be Sunday, 19:00.

      Also, the Bonus System for Saturday & Sunday will be updated to match the new change:
      - Saturday will start at 18:00.
      - Sunday will start at 16:30.


    16. Hello,

      1 month and a half has passed since last CS vote, things changed meanwhile and we mostly have only 2 participants at CS, and as they both proposed a new poll I can do nothing but accept their request, as they're basically the only ones affected by CS hour.

      You can vote in this poll if you want to keep the CS date/hour as it is or if you want it to be on Sunday (with its hours, as a 2nd vote if you vote for Sunday).

      In order for the poll to be accepted and something to be changed there are 2 requirements:

      1. Minimum 40 unique players to take part in the poll.

      2. Minimum 60% of votes for an option (I'll count actual participants vote much more than normal users).

      If any of this 2 rules fails at the end of the poll, nothing will be changed.

      NOTE: If you vote for Sunday, please vote for the hour options as well (if you vote for Saturday, you don't have to vote for hours at all).

      The poll starts from now and will end on Thursday at 23:00. If there will be any changes will be alive starting from this CS.


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