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  • iQon

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    iQon last won the day on April 4 2019

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    About iQon

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    1. As Ae main i agree you could reduce Ice duration but removing it completely would be really bad. And Sm`s Are too tanky mu is a weird game where Archer is closest melee character and Wizard is the best tank.
    2. I Got your mail asking me for my opinion on Ice in CC. I think yes its a powerful tool but best thing is just to try and avoid ae`s until monsters are dead , our other skills are so random 9/10 times we fall while shooting If you look at cc Rankings only Supreme is actually doing well for Elves so i if ice was removed what does Ae have left ? But i can understand how the skill can be frustrating for mele characters inside . If admin could rework it and increase AE in some other way i wouldn't be against it but its hard to re-code skills
    3. Match winner: NetherlandsGoal scorer: Van Djik1st goal scorer: DepayMatch result: 2:0Penalty kick in match: noRed card in match: yesUnder or Over 6,5 yellow cards: No
    4. Fucking rats all of them who steal . IP ban every one of them.
    5. This seems kind of weird because who steals only 120creds ? and wiz enhance price is 3s. You say you have 1k credits missing can u show us in history where the rest 780 credit went and how ? because i only see 120 cred scale helm sold to donna where is the rest ?I know admin replied that they stole something but is there concrete proof that they did ? Like IP logs or anything ? This doesn't make any sense.
    6. Yeah LT is pretty full but u can find some spots. In my opinion if you want best xp dont go to losttower but atlans since its a pvp map you gain more experience and also its easy to walk to higher mobs even if you dont have level requirement.
    7. 2nd time today i see you mention my name in random posts why are u so obsessed ?I know for a fact that in the IT u are talking about your guild mate isnt noob and he doesn't have only non exe sphinx set he has been here as long as me Lets get real for a second one of the reasons i left Mameds guild is because the guild cheats in IT you know this as well as i do and i will not sit there wasting my time when one of u have zen set on and other has non exe sphinx in IT 5 throwing the win to other guild members in the opposing team and then i get warned by all 4 of u even though its you who is doing the Anti IT. For future keep my name out of your posts.
    8. And i call tell you that you are wrong. Also stop dragging me into your shit please. Thanks. I couldn't care less what goes in in your guild its not my problem anymore.
    9. Zen set in IT should be considered anti-it in my opinion people wait 12 hours to do this event.If you are in server for few weeks there is no excuse why you dont have minimum +9+l+dd set and 2nd wings on you doesn't even have to be top gear. But i see people with zen sets/non exe sets taking slots for people who actually try to win the Temple.
    10. Agree with this i couldn't make last 2 cs would like it to be on Sunday.
    11. Nope i actually pm admin about it but he is ignoring me . I guess no acc for us ive been to over 10ds and none of my party or guild has got 1 acc item yet.
    12. Chaos drop rate needs to be decreased imo , They went from costing 1b1s to over flooding server and costing nothing. I dont get why if you are orange and someone from your party kills someone you get phono ? Bug maybe not sure. Feathers drop is way to low i played since start haven't got one feather or crest i know people get them but damn people charging 60 jewels for feathers is crazy maybe i am just insanely unlucky. 3d camera lags really hard even though i have a good video card that should run this game in its sleep. Otherwise everything is pretty well done and i like that you fixed a lot of problems from non rr.
    13. Wow you basically told everyone to fuck off in this post and that you dont care what people want you will do whatever you want to make more money. Seriously ?
    14. I actually said this the day they announced phoenix is coming and even though they said some bs about non rr being long term it took 2 weeks and they lost more than half of their people. If their next server - Phoenix wont be long term he will lose the trust of the players so it has to be long term or people wont be able to trust management anymore. I hope admin takes this into account.
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