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  • Pershing

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    Pershing last won the day on March 3 2023

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    1. About your comments of being a loser in real life all I can say is “barking dogs never bites” and “great talkers are little doers”. Please use translator to understand 😊 how’s basement btw?
    2. We know, the question is why did you cheat on her?
    3. You still texting your ex-girlfriend to come back to you? She didn’t like the basement I’m sure 💘
    4. You know it best so why you asking?
    5. As you can see, there is interest in introducing something to attract new/old players to join current Inception and to create a competition here. We as a leading team completely don’t mind accepting a proper exp boost, a proper starter pack for newcomers or even an idea where every player starts with 3 resets and some basic set+dsr for example. Just few rough ideas from our end and I’m pretty sure you would be able to come up with something as well. Anything that would attract new players to join and to have one more competitive guild would be a win. Even if it includes the basement virgin from above - that’s exactly what we would need If you leave it as it is, in two weeks’ time there will be no one to attend CS and server will simply die just after 5 weeks from the start still at early game stage. Is this really something you want? If not, please react now before it’s too late.
    6. Fantastic but it didn’t answer anything that was mentioned here
    7. Hello OldSquaders 😉 As you can see on the online counter, the idea of Inception sprints and Genesis probably didn’t go as expected. At the minute we have 200 online on Genesis which actually is almost dead and 230 online on new Inception that freshly started 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, one of two main guilds has left Inception recently, because they couldn’t handle the competition and now there is no competition between players at all. It will probably die very soon as well which in result will force you to carry two dead servers without any competition on any of them. The only way to create a competition now is to encourage new players (or new guild) to join Inception and focus on this project for next couple of weeks. I would suggest organizing some proper speed exp event for new players within 0-5 resets, so that they can make those 5 resets within one week and start competing with the existing players that are already at 5rr. It would also be a good timing for such an event because we are at the 5rr stage now, so the new players could catch up even faster. I think it’s not too late because we are still at early game. Obviously, this kind of event should also be properly advertised to reach as many people as possible. I believe it would also encourage people that are already within OldSquad community and haven’t joined Inception from the start. They might think it’s already too late to join but it actually wouldn’t be, because they will have a chance to catch up with top players very quick (Hardcores I’m talking to you!). Apart from exp boost we can think of any other ideas for new players that will join. We had a conversation within ELITE guild thinking about generating a competition on the server and that would probably be the only way. Otherwise, we will have to split the guild creating two smaller groups and compete between each other which does not make any sense. Inception project has always been quite popular with 600-700 online players after first three weeks, now it’s almost dead only because group of noobs have left after first drama. This is disappointing for us, that’s why we came with this suggestion. If anyone have any other ideas, feel free to add it in this topic. I’m aware that Gion/Admin most likely will not do anything in this matter but it’s always worth trying 😁
    8. Still better that losing with 2k points advantage and only two guilds participating
    9. Everyone who says to remove pentagram system please provide some arguments first
    10. You will never change. You trash talked about the community actually having one of the best community in the business - very competitive, very active and very stable even though some smaller or bigger issues around. Before you talked about toxic community you should look at the mirror and ask yourself a question. Why people don’t like me? Maybe it’s because of the way you talk to people and how arrogant you are? Maybe it’s because you think you are the smartest guy in the world? Maybe it’s because you think you are always right? Maybe it’s because you ignore what people talk to you and listen to “your” people only? Etc etc. I have never seen you admitting your own mistakes
    11. Economy jewel - shit Zen - shit Early mid late drops -shit Golden drops +4 + 5 -shit Balanced classes - shit Thanks for this edition. Above is my feedback on Admin’s new ideas
    12. What is wrong with my feedback that you didn't honor us with your reply? DL complaining about PVP - this is a joke I agree tho 💩
    13. There are two most stupid and unnecessary changes you implemented: 1. Removal of teleport in Dungeon - you still didn’t explain the purpose of this after my feedback in other topic 2. Box of kundun drop change - constantly dropping vine zen mana from k5 is really annoying :) Generally, I think you tried to change something just to show that you really want to improve but in reality some changes were simply not needed.
    14. Teleport / Teleport Ally is a natural SM advantage over other classes and it always was. You have already changed genuine Teleport settings by implementing cool down and now you are trying even harder. Maybe remove Teleport from the game permanently, so that it doesn’t cause any more confusion? Following this line of reasoning, you should also block DL’s horse and all other pets during invasions, so that everyone moves around the map with the same speed. I’m not even mentioning, that Teleport is useful only in Dung1 to move from warp to middle map zone (leaving start of the map for other classes to hunt anyway) and start of Dung2 to move between walls. All other parts of Dungeon are the same for all classes. Completely useless and stupid idea without reasonable arguments.
    15. One question - what’s the purpose of deleting teleport in Dungeon map? 🧐
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