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    Showing content with the highest reputation since 07/28/2023 in all areas

    1. Hello, On 29.07.2024 (Monday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 45~120 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day after the maintenance, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: ! IMPORTANT UPDATE: We're changing our servers rules (for both Genesis & Inception Sprints) as follows: Rule 2 & 3 (Insults & Racism): 1. Character bans are now removed as part of the punishment(s). Players will no longer get banned on Characters for either Insults or Racism. 1.1. Warns are no longer given for any type of reports, as well as old warns are no longer taken into consideration. 2. Now any type of insults, bad and/or abusive language, direct/indirect racism, etc. towards players will be punished with MUTE on Account(s) + IP from 6 hours up to 120 hours, as long as it is correctly reported. 2.1 The amount of MUTE time will now be decided based on case-by-case scenario and/or gravity (and/or previous history/antecedents) at the sole discretion of the staff. 2.2 Any decided MUTE time is final and can be different compared to similar situations. 2.3 Contesting a MUTE decided by staff in order to create dramas (accusing of giving an either too big or too small MUTE time) can get the involved contestant(s) banned and even HWID+IP banned, without further explanations. 2.4 The "provocation" part of the old rule is now removed. Instead, if the one who reported did also used bad language/insults towards the reported one (even if they were "smaller" or indirect), both the reported one and the one who reported will be MUTED. 2.5 The deadline for reports is 24 hours from the moment the BL/Insults/Racism happened, reports that pass the deadline will not be taken into consideration. Rule 5 (Selling for Real Money): 1. When reporting a seller for real money, no matter what it is involved in the initial offert (be it only an item, multiple items, or the account/character itself), the one that reported will receive the entire account that is banned for the real-money selling. 2. There's now a deadline of 24 hours to report a seller for real money, from the moment the initial sell proof/offert is created that you are presenting to the staff (not counting any ulterior discussions/proofs needed, only the initial one). 2.1 If the deadline of 24 hours is passed, you will no longer receive anything for the report, but if you report it past the deadline, the person & his accounts will still be banned. Rule 7 (Insistent Non-English Messages in /post or Gens Chat): For the players-made reports, the punishment is from 3 hours up to 24 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. For the real-time staff catches in-game, the punishment is from 30 minutes up to 3 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. Changelog: [ADDED] Released 2nd Grand Reset: If you reach 1 GR, 55 resets and level 400 you now unlock the 2nd Grand Reset. In order to do the 2nd Grand Reset you need to type /grandreset. Rewards for 2nd Grand Reset 2x PvP Artifacts & 2x PvM Artifacts. 2 weeks of Golden Fenrir (that can't die). 2x HoF Badges. 50 extra free points for each new Reset after the GR [that are accumulated up until 50 resets, where you'll have 2500 extra stat points compared to 50rr chars with only 1 GR]. 160 extra free points for each new QReset after the GR, between 50 and 55 resets. [so at 1 GR and 55rr you'll have 3300 more points compared to 55rr chars with only 1 GR]. Improved quests rewards when doing them again. Extra +1% Damage for every reset after 50rr. [with a total of +15% at 2 GR and 55RR]. [!] Higher top position. Requirements for 2nd Grand Reset Your character on Server 1 (Normal Maps). Level 400. 1 Grand Reset. 55 Resets. 1.800.000.000 Zen. 2x2 inventory space for Golden Fenrir. Extra info The EXP rate for 0-55 resets is a linear EXP with a 10% rate of the normal (NON-GR) EXP. The Quests are reset, you can start them again at 50 resets & all restrictions/requirements for the Quest System are being kept once you start them again. Note: After reaching 50 resets you must use /qreset again in order to progress to 55 resets. You keep the same amount of bonus % Damage as you had before the 2nd GR (earned from qresets & 1st GR). Each new reset after 2nd GR costs 200.000.000 Zen. [UPDATED] Quests System on 2nd GR: Objectives: Quest 1: Kill 110x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 3x Golden Budges & 5x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 3x Illusion Temple Events Quest 4: Kill 70x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 9x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 4x Death Kings Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 30x BoK+1, 24x BoK+2, 20x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 3x Nightmares Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 and 2x Old Box 3 Quest 10: Kill 16x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 7x Imperial Events in less than 200 seconds Quest 12: Win 5x Chaos Castle Events Quest 13: Kill 65x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 8x Kunduns, 8x Witches, 5x Cursed Dragons Rewards: The first 2 quests from each tier will now reward you with: 25% chance for 1x DD Seed in Sphere. 10% 1x Old Box 5. 32.5% 1x PvP Artifact. 32.5% 1x PvM Artifact. The Quest Skip times on the 2nd GR quests are 4/6/8 days, based on quest tier. [UPDATED] Reduced the Zen cost of Resets between 0 and 50 when having 1 GR from 150kk per reset to 60kk per reset. [UPDATED] Increased the EXP of 0-55 resets & 1 GR by 50%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 0 GR from 1/2/2 days based on quest tier to 1/1/1 days. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 1 GR from 2/3/4 days based on quest tier to 1/2/3 days. [UPDATED] Highly increased the HP & DEF of CC7 monsters. [UPDATED] PvP Artifact from CC7 can now be obtained ONLY by remaining the only character alive (basically it is no longer given as part of the CC win that can happen when time's up, and more than 1 character is still alive). [ADDED] You can now convert PvP Artifacts into PvM Artifacts and vice-versa. You need 2x PvP Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvM Artifact. You need 2x PvM Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvP Artifact. You can use /changeartifact <pvp|pvm> command in order to make the conversion, as long as you meet the requirements. Typing "/changeartifact pvp" will convert 2x PvP Artifacts into 1x PvM Artifact. Typing "/changeartifact pvm" will convert 2x PvM Artifacts into 1x PvP Artifact. This conversion is not meant to be a feasible, easy way to get access to the needed Artifacts, but more of an expensive, desperate way to get the missing Artifacts when you have too many from a specific type. [UPDATED] Increased the Enrage damage of Dark Mammoth & the Soul-Link Enrage damage of Dark Iron Knight. [UPDATED] Now when Dark Mammoth initially spawns, all characters in its 15x15 range are moved to lorencia. [FIXED] Anti-Hack error window getting stucked when trying to open a 3rd instance of the game. [FIXED] Anti-Hack closing the connection after ~3 minutes of reconnect time, it now allows up to 20-40 minutes of reconnect time, before closing the connection. [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 30k instead of 27k. [UPDATED] Chain Drive Strengthener (ML) now also increases Chain Drive range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Reduced the PvP damage received by RF by 20%~40% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Slightly reduced the stuck rate of RF when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield, Sweal & EE buffs (CS) on RF. [UPDATED] Now if a BK has a mace & fenrir equipped, it can no longer damage other players with TS. [UPDATED] Increased the PvP damage received by BK by 10~30% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Reduced BK's PvP damage by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased BK's Combo damage by 33%. [UPDATED] Reduced the stuck rate of BK when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield & EE buffs (CS) on BK. [UPDATED] Cyclone Strengthener (ML - BK only), Slash Strengthener (ML), Falling Slash Strengthener (ML) & Lunge Strengthener (ML) now also increases the weapon skill range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Increased SM's Teleport cooldown from 4 seconds to 5.5 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased SM's PvP damage by 8%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Poison Resistance (ML), Lighting Resistance (ML) & Ice Resistance (ML) increases from 1.2%~9% to 0.38%~2.5%, since the actual resistance increase is way bigger than the % values. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage % inside Chaos Castle by 14%, now matching the Duel % damage. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff max rate from 20% to 25%. At some point in the future (probably winter), there will be new mix(es) for new obtainable items that will also use Artifacts, as well as more ways to obtain Artifacts. Cheers!
      6 points
    2. ImaWhore

      Quick question

      How do you reset you character once you hit 400? Sorry just kind of a dumb whore😅
      4 points
    3. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Website Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): - using the web wallet to store jewels is a really great way to have an accurate overview of your jewel balance, instead of your jewels being scattered all around different wares/characters/alts. The main issue is withdrwaing the jewels, if you're crafting anything it gets very time consuming withdrawing 10 jewels at a time and then waiting out the incredibly long cooldown before you can withdraw 10 more. With many mixes requiring 400-500 jewels, this turns into a huge ordeal. Increasing or better yet fully removing the withdrawal limit (There is already a check in place which prevents withdrawals if you're out of ware space) would completely eliminate this issue and greately improve user experience. How the suggestion can bring value: Improving user experience
      4 points
    4. Hello, On 22.02.2024 (Thursday) at 17:00 GMT+2 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 30~90 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: [ADDED] Custom Socket Set for RF (Tigris). [ADDED] Custom Socket Claws for RF (Devast Claws). [UPDATED] Increased PvP & PvM damage of RF by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of AE by 16%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of SUM by 7%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of MG by 5%. [FIXED] Item Glow of Lilium set & stick. [UPDATED] Increased base EXP by 20%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP for 51-55 RR and 0 GR by 150%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP after GR by 160%. [UPDATED] Released 20 extra Master Levels (up to 250) that have insanely low EXP rate. [UPDATED] Nerfed quests difficulty on 0 GR: Quest 1: Kill 35x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 1x Golden Budge & 2x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 1x Illusion Temple Event Quest 4: Kill 25x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 2x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 1x Death King Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 10x BoK+1, 8x BoK+2, 6x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 1x Nightmare Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 Quest 10: Kill 5x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 2x Imperial Events in less than 300 seconds Quest 12: Win 1x Chaos Castle Event Quest 13: Kill 20x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 3x Kunduns, 2x Witches, 2x Cursed Dragons [UPDATED] Reduced the quest skip times on 0 GR: Quest Tier 1: 1 day Quest Tier 2: 2 days Quest Tier 3: 2 days [UPDATED] You can now sell in Market for up to 2000 credits/item. [UPDATED] Now Market sales in Credits have a 10% tax. [UPDATED] Now Gambles with Credits have a 10% tax. [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Now only TOP3 based on total personal points (of all 3 Team-KotH rounds) are counted as winners of the day/tournament, and are qualified for Last Laugh (instead of entire team that reached last round). [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Old Box 5 chances on weekly rounds: Being eliminated after 1st Team-KotH round - 3% chance for OB5. Being eliminated after 2nd Team-KotH round - 5% chance for OB5. Being eliminated after 3rd Team-KotH round - 8% chance for OB5. Being part of the winning team but not in TOP3 - 12% chance for OB5. Winners of Team-KotH - 50% chance for OB5. [ADDED] New end-game objective: OldSquad Artifacts. There are 2 types of Artifacts: PvM Artifacts - they can be obtained from Selupan, Medusa, Weekly Imperial, Dark Mammoth & Dark Iron Knight: Selupan: 50% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward. Medusa: 50% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward. Weekly Imperial: Having 7~23 Points = 1x Artifact as extra reward. Having 24+ Points = 2x Artifacts as extra reward. Dark Mammoth: 1x Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 10% chance for 1x Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. PvP Artifacts - they can be obtained from CC7, Arena Tournament, Castle Siege NetWorth, Dark Giant & Dark Iron Knight: CS NetWorth: Having 1500~2499 NetWorth = 1x Artifact. Having 2500+ NetWorth = 2x Artifacts. Arena Tournament: 0% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 1st Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 8% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 2nd Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 15% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 3rd Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 25% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are part of the winning team of the 3rd Team-KotH round but not in TOP3 personal points. 1x Artifact as extra reward if you win a weekly event (TOP3 personal points from a winning team). 1x Artifact as extra reward if you survive the 1st round of the Last Laugh from Sunday (LMS round). Bonus +1x Artifact as extra reward for TOP3 winners of Last Laugh. CC7: 25% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward for the winner. Dark Giant: 1x Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 10% chance for 1x Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Artifacts are not tradable/storable/etc. [ADDED] New special Accessories obtained from Artifacts Mix: Old Pendant of Wind (Physical DMG) Old Pendant of Water (Wizardry DMG) Old Ring of Ice Old Ring of Wind These are Excellent Ancient Accessories that have both normal exc. options as well as Ancient Options. If you have 2 different Old Accessories equipped you'll gain +12% EDR. If you have 3 different Old Accessories equipped you'll gain +12% EDR and +6% Double Damage. Note: Having the same Ring equipped twice does not count for 3-Set options. They are obtained ONLY from Artifacts Mix. They can normally be traded & stored, without restrictions. They will always come with level 0, 4 random Exc. options and between 3% and 5% HP Recovery. [ADDED] New Artifacts Mix: Requirements: 6x PvP Artifacts 6x PvM Artifacts 120x Bless (4x Bundle 30x) 120x Soul (4x Bundle 30x) 90x Life (3x Bundle 30x) 60x Creation (2x Bundle 30x) 60x Chaos (2x Bundle 30x) 30x Harmony (1x Bundle 30x) Zen Reward: 1x Old Accessory as follows: 33% chance for Old Ring of Ice. 33% chance for Old Ring of Wind. 20% chance for Old Pendant of Wind. 14% chance for Old Pendant of Water. [UPDATED] Buffed Medusa, Selupan, Balgass & World Bosses. [UPDATED] Test Server with the current Genesis characters formulas & tweaks. You can expect a 2nd GR release somewhere during Summer, that will require at least 1 GR & 54 resets. Cheers!
      4 points
    5. Gion

      extended hydro ban

      Only NPCs cannot read numbers and 💩. I know the competition is hard, never saw you actually shine, some random stats ain't showing anything. Mind your language about our players, as you said you already left so better mind your business on your new thang. It's damn easy for me to delete anything about you that ever existed here. Yikes.
      4 points
    6. Is so funny that everyone claims to want to play cs every week and everyone sceam on post where are the other guilds every sunday. But when we ask to make it lower numbers everyone change the topic . So do you want to play cs every sunday with multiple guilds? or you just want to play afk every single sunday you and you alts with Vpn. I don`t get it. Just be a man and say. We are affraid that we can`t dominate the server at this stage if we go lower the numbers of the guild members and all good. We wait till we can gather more than 20 people for cs so we can compete also. Also nobody stops players to come with ideas here. We talk 2 much nonsense. Reasons are simple. You are affraid to lose. We can`t gather your numbers to compete. Conclusion is also simple. You don`t want to play cs. Fair enough, is not in your best interest to lose, but don`t come here and pretend you can beat us with any numbers when you can`t agree with lower numbers. You only win because of numbers. Strategy and skills not invelved at all. Take care. Enjoy another week of winning cs.
      3 points
    7. Blank

      events and game play.

      You guys suggest lower participants on CS. But before when you were so many which came from Inception. And beat us by numbers. You didn't suggest this? Why so? Because it's in your favor! But now that you have less and less people in your Guild because you guys are toxic in itself. You propose this? Your intentions are clear as day!
      3 points
    8. Garbage

      events and game play.

      Ill try to break it down a bit. 1) While the idea in itself is good for a more interesting PvP content it would still be bad for the players who get to experience CS for the first time. Even if the opponent does not come, it is still good to explore the map and ask guildmates to show you important spots and what to do. Just because people can afk there during a free cs and you now feel envious about it does not mean that it should be changed. 2) Should actual abuse and cheating like macro be considered cheating not people with VPN? I agree when it comes to actual cheating but it needs to be defined better if the VPN accounts are really for farm or someones "brother". 3) I agree on more events in general. 4) Now this happens when good people are being pushed to the limits by antigame and/or verbal abuse and also people with multiple accounts that use full pt to ks(like emperror). Ofc I have to blame here the guild that has tormented many players, new and old, by either doing all the stuff they do themselves or let people do it. People are using the "pvp server" excuse to be dickheads and when someone finally does something against that, fucking cry. How long does it take for some of you to understand that you are to blame. Now start shifting the blame because "insert infinity/bada has monopoly" cry. It seriously pisses me off how HC refuses to see how they are the catalyst. 5) This is a wider topic. Repeating punishments should actually lead to longer mutes/bans because we have people here who are blatant racists and try to trigger people for their own advantage. "its the internet kid" - yeah, fuck off. People deserve to get banned and removed from the game not to inspire half of the guild doing racist remarks. So I agree on the warn parts but this needs better grounds to apply. Some lackluster forum reports that chuku is doing where he is labeling people pedophiles and homophobes while having 0 evidence/or is another attempt to trigger people only to report them but often without any grounds and him pretending or faking a sexuality etc. So any report cant be trusted, etc. I also agree on the zen increase part when posting.
      3 points
    9. Gion


      Tbh I do not feel offended by SuperStar because, or to be more concise, I do not feel offended by any of you, guys, when you are joking, and I know that here, in this case, SuperStar did not mean any harm towards me. I know that this since his /post message was meant for me to see it (right?) and also I had numerous conversations with him, (like I had with the most of you, you can text me on Facebook at OldSquad Community anytime) and I know his intentions. On the other side - the reporter is ...? I suppose it's "pissLord"? 🙃 We can never know from this screenshot. This is not communism so the freedom of speech is granted as long as it is not offending someone. Opposite to my last statement stands MetalBeast's statement in which we can see the intention clearly, statement which will bring him 6 hours of mute since the reporter is not implied in this report. Locked.
      3 points
    10. Gion

      Grand Master Skill Tree

      Some of the attributes in the skill tree are not working as they should (developer problem) so we blocked it in order for you not to lose precious points. I would suggest you to test the master skill tree on the test server before actually completing it.
      3 points
    11. This should not work as we did the tests when we implemented the EE rule. We will check again.
      3 points
    12. Admin, Do something bout this, this past few days i saw players suspiciously killing BQ faster and some new players are like glitching/blinking. They sell this hack for 70$. PLEASE update Admin. Thanks
      3 points
    13. dawi

      Wing lvl 4 - 2 options

      Character name: Lanaya Suggestion type: Server Suggestion content: I propose that we implement a change in wing lvl4 creation as follows- the chance for a 2opt wing is fairly low, yet most people would like to have them. Some get very lucky on first try, some don't get lucky at all. My suggestion would be to implement a change where if one makes for example their 4th wing lvl4 (4-4) to have a guarantee for 2opt given the time, effort and resources spent on creating a new wing. I am sure there may be some resistance from people that got their 2opt from the first try, purely due to the fact that they wouldn't want others to share the same fortune. How the suggestion can bring value: There are people that give up the game due to this very reason - they reached end-game content where every little thing provides an edge especially in PVP. So when they attempt this process for several times only to get the same disappointing result, they quit. Players help keep a server healthy and competition is the main driver. I think this feature would provide players with a sense of security that their efforts will pay off and provide the driver to keep pushing through. In return, more players would farm and battle harder to achieve their desired result. Thank you for your consideration.
      3 points
    14. Hello there. I hope we can make this server a better place to play. I have few suggestions. 1st. I think we should limit the member in the guild for CS purpuse. Last few weeks maybe months were a total desaster. My idea is very simple 10 Members in main guild and 10 in secundary guild. If you can gather 20 each side or even 3 guilds we could have a decent game. Or 15 people in one guild no alliances.We will avoid people with multiple accounts and VPN`s to leave afk every single week (a short check can show you that multiple people have 3-4 accounts connected) 2nd. Every abuse or cheat should be punished more severe. Very hard to try to enjoy an event when multiple people join events with multiple chars and leave afk. 3rd. Maybe @Gion could make again a soccer event once a week and maybe bring back the mountly event so new people can have acces to some rewards also. 4th. DMG on ene+str RF to be reduced. It`s a game breaker to have a char that can 1shot a spot and ks every single spot. Multiple people abusing this build in order to ks (check K7 and kr2) few people with 5-6 maybe even more rf`s leave afk on a spot and you can`t farm anything. Probably a very bad experience for new people also. 5th. Mute system should be changed to warn system/ban system as is 2 much toxicity from everyone. 2 much spam on post. Also an idea will be to increase the zen post .(maybe people will stop spaming..including me). Thanks . I hope for some good feedback not drama and arguing. Only a normal conversantion with arguments can make the server better. Regards Alegz.
      2 points
    15. Maybe you should use translator or help cuz u confusing af
      2 points
    16. Dominic

      events and game play.

      Perhaps Deephouse wanna take some grammar class =) It's been a while since I've seen such a confusing arrangement of words in a sentence. When you refer to a person, even if they are a nobody to you, use Nobody, with a capital letter. Basic English language. (just want to make sure you can insult people properly for no reason)
      2 points
    17. I dont have time to answer you for all u said, but this is a false scenario about my guild. We dont need to be in a discord group to help new ppl. We do it in game when someone ask for. I was never known on this server as a great killer, because every time I was playing to support these players. Helping them I was helping also players outside the guild, like your mate Dominic long time ago, and most of my mates are not greedy ppl. You spent too much time to hate us on forum. Better take a break, its better for your soul.
      2 points
    18. Doink

      events and game play.

      You're being extremely hypocritical and only acting in your self interest, pushing a fake narrative on forums in the hopes of getting an unfair advantage in game. If that's not the case please provide some valid arguments.
      2 points
    19. Blank

      events and game play.

      It's not our fault lots of people quit your guild or stops playing Because you guys are toxic! So should we be the ones to adjust because of that? And like I said before. You guys have ulterior motive which you guys clearly want an advantage.
      2 points
    20. Blank

      events and game play.

      Are you serious right now? Toxicity? BL? You guys are always reported for doing it! Which clearly is the best example! Zaoo, You endo, Chuku, Knightmare. It's like you guys get sick when the day passes without being racist or saying hurtful BL!
      2 points
    21. Dominic

      events and game play.

      Not that Hardcore ever had more ppl at cs than former Private guild etc? Since start u was 25 vs 15? Since when has ever any posted a topic to argue fairness about u having more players? Private/bada/infinity started recruiting and does to this point of game - nowadays mostly to help new ppl and keep server healthy. Many new players dont know how to play CS and if there isnt a spot for them - how will they learn/experience it? having Spark/null 15 best players vs inffinity best players - either guild would not want to take in 1 or more new members to teach or let them experiene the game cuz it will increase the chance to lose against and then be blamed of "noob players, learn to play CS". Im sure there are still some of the ppl playing that have done it and will probably do it in future. (Yes i understand there are those kinds of ppl on boths sides but point remains) But lets not forget that Hardcore was leading CS by skill and number of players for very long time of server. Endorphin u must remember the times? Hardcore/Rampage/Null/Spark - Start recruiting! - keep server healthy. Some of u might wanna retire soon, then what? We change cs to max 10 ppl? Until its gone completely?
      2 points
    22. Doink

      events and game play.

      No logic in your arguments, sadly I must participate in this discussion considering the preferential treatment your guild gets from the game staff and make things clear. Only suggestions you ever make are suggestions that are clearly in your favor which you poorly try to hide with barely thought out points regarding in game events and toxicity rules. Edit: To clarify, I only play on Doink but the Oinks share characters and we all have access to each others accounts. That shouldn't be an issue as that's something currently done by you as well, let me know in the future when it's no longer beneficial for you to share accounts with your friends and guild members, I'll revoke access of Doinks account to other Oinks and the rest of the syndicate will follow suit
      2 points
    23. Bullshit, in frame all can see what SuperStar cant took nothink but Cici got all pots becouse he stay with u in PT
      2 points
    24. how many time u did it before !! how many credits u gain like this ? chat btween you all gion will check it ez
      2 points
    25. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward). Chukundahh Suggestion type (server/website/forum). Server Suggestion content 1st:Add a new map whit new spots and a new boss 2nd:Making artifacts able to stash How the suggestion can bring value. Extra map for ppl to go level + fight for the spot , since the 230-250 ML is hard to reach , this map could increase this exp a bit so the players would fight for a spot in it and not only the exp, but most importantly having a new boss to stop the monotony that currently exists - golden - medusa - selupan , there needs to be something extra too keep ppl interested in being more active and playing, as well this could be a new content to increase the ways of farming late game content Atm , i have 16pvp artifacts and 4 pvm occupying my inventory and its annoiyng, u can apply a restrition like there is on non-exc rings to not let it sell on market
      2 points
    26. dawi

      Skippy - GOD

      You guys make me shed a tear. It is like you failed at everything else in life and came here thinking you will be top dogs, and if anyone is better than you, then they must be cheating. Admin confirmed the elf never worked and the fact that we kept winning Gaion in 4 people proves it even further- you just suck, but need something to blame, or you wont be able to rationalize it within yourselves. It is said a lot in the gaming world: GIT GUD ! You only win when you are twice the numbers and have genuinely got no skill apart from a handful of your players whom I respect even though they are enemies. But you guys, you are literally the sewers of this server. Alexandru, Cunt, try to get pants that actually fit you. Stop shopping in the children's section. Happy new week plebs, dawi-
      2 points
    27. Garbage

      Chukundahh BL

      2 points
    28. The forum direct message is not a part of the game and you can delete a DM and block any user. Locked.
      2 points
    29. Garbage

      Chukundahh racism

      2 points
    30. Garbage


      I think you should be more respectful to the community and not use a character name with offencive words in it.
      2 points
    31. Gion

      Racism VayLay/Cutesugar

      VayLay / Cutesugar - muted for 48 hours. Knightmare - muted for 48 hours. Lanaya - muted for 12 hours. Locked.
      2 points
    32. Gion

      Again daddyChuki racism

      daddyChuki - muted for 48 hours. Locked.
      2 points
    33. Gion


      Bad photo editing skills, don't be upset and re-edit your posts. The decision remains, we do not need such players.
      2 points
    34. OCBEminem, Marius, I don't believe a word from what has been said. I've helped you with items and you talked to me as being the owner of the account with all the information about yourself, your family, your YouTube channel, your LoL "career" etc while trying to scam me at the same time. You had the audacity to school me on behavior for refusing to give you an item for free after the slew of free items I gave you. I don't know if anyone has reported you or not, but here you go: I may have conflict with some of the players here, and that is fine. It is inevitable really. But your kind is something special, something nobody should face, regardless of how shitty they are. That said, there is no place for you here. If you miss MU go make your own server where your clan can scam eachother and see who can be the most creative at it. I bid you adieu dawi-
      2 points
    35. Error

      Quick question

      2 points
    36. Hello! I already did one guide for Vitality Rage Fighter and since then I didn't posted anything. Here I will represent you my vision of "Strenght Magic Gladiator". You all know that this is early game PVP Beast and also high capabilities of PVM. 1. Introduction What does SMG lack? You all know its the AG. Early game you can use 2x One Handed weapons with special options (EDR/2% or both) or just high damage ones (non excellent), or simply you can use the specific SMG weapons who have Powerslash skill. First I will explain you the benefits of both (you can keep them both in your inventory and switch depending on the situation). 1.1 Weapons of choice. 1. Using two weapons will provide you burst at early levels if there isn't good two handed wep at your hands (focus on having EDR++ on each wep). This will give you high damage burst at PVP but keep in mind when you get out of AG - you are history, so don't use this method for PVM. 2. Using two handed weapon with Powerslash (even not excellent one with options) will give you medium damage burst in PVP and high damage burst in PVM. Many people neglect Powerslash but it is proven that it works in Castle Siege as well. It is a good AOE high distance skill which can help you control the Castle. You can literally melt people if you have one EE guarding you back with SD regen. 1.2 Weapon examples You can pick up any Excellent one handed weapon with EDR++ . (Early game PVP) Excellent Rune Blade +Luck+ 2% DMG (Early/Mid game both PVP/PVM) Excellent Sword Dancer +Luck+ 2% DMG (Early/Mid game both PVP/PVM) Excellent Divine Sword of Archangel +L+EDR+2% combined with Rune Bastard Sword (Mid/Late game both PVP/PVM) Rune Bastard Sword with 5 sockets +Luck. (Mid/Late game both PVP/PVM) 2. Armor This is something which will unleash a discussion. My experience proves that in early game you don't need high defense gear. Depending what you really gonna do will make the difference. If you go straight for PVP my suggestion is to head for low tier excellent set or mix of sets. For example you can start with Bronze, Brass, Dragon with Damage Decrease and Reflect. Now here is the trick, you don't have to complete the same set since in early game you are really depend on the options. Luck is needed so you can land more Critical Hits. Late game you start with forging your set to +11 so you can get the bonus and then continue till +15. Damage Decrease as yellow options on the set are needed when you reach this part of the game. If you head for PVM then you head for rare (medals or hearts) set with Additional Defense and luck. Brass Set +Luck+DD+REF (Early/Pre-Mid PVP) Brass Set +Luck+HP+REF (Early/Pre-Mid PVP) Ancient set Gaion Storm Crow (Mid/Pre-Late PVP/PVM) - picking Gaion will make preparations for having Rune Bastard Swords which are the Best in Slot swords for SMG. Ancient set Muren's Storm Crow (Mid/Pre-Late PVP/PVM) - picking Muren's will force you to use Two Handed weapons so you can take the bonus and it is easier to get the set. Volcano Set (Late PVP/PVM) - equipped with two Rune Bastard Swords is kinda the Best in Slot gear you can have in late game. 2.1 Rings Preferred rings by me are 2x DD+REF or mix of DD+REF and REF+HP. At early game you can go with one option rings but prefer to have DD and if your gear doesn't contain Reflect, try to get one from your second ring. 3. Stats Here is the real deal. Since many of you will think "Why you added 130 energy?", the answer is simple - Scroll of Ice - this is probably one of the most important Spells at early game so you can reach long distance people and control the map. 3.1. High STR - with this build you can land huge damage with slower Attack Speed. You can use this build in early/mid game with 2x One Handed weapons for PVP (PVPArena, Castle Siege and etc). This points are calculated for level 400 with additional Fruits and total of 2863 points. 3.2 High AGI - this is something special I've tested few times on live editions and I was doing pretty good with medium but sustained damage. My recommendation is to use either Muren's or Gaion Storm Crow so you can compensate the lack of STR with the Double Damage. 4. Short basic tips about PVP Gameplay. It is not easy to be a SMG. Your most important thing is positioning so you can land proper Fire Slash. As far as I remember the radius of Fire Slash is 1 yard so you have to be careful. That works for invasion/bosses as well. Your play style is simple Single Targets - Ice > Cyclone (if you are equipping One Handed Sword which will allow you to jump on the target easy, also works for focusing the GM in CS if its DL) > Fire Slash Multiple Targets - Try to position yourself and just spam Powerslash if more than 5, if no - you can get closer and use Flamestrike. You can divide your play style on two while in CS: Mostly SD drainer and diversion Focus on killing specific targets - Stampers, clearing the Crown, killing opponents EE's and the GM who wants to take the crown. 5. Some small calculation as always with the following items: 5.1 Some statistics with the damage inputs at level 400(+200ML) and the equipped set. 5.2 Some data on Vulcanus Cruel Blood Assasins and Selupan 6. Master Tree I will post the PVP orientated Master Tree in 3 steps - 0-50 ML; 50-100 ML; 200 ML. My first 50 points should be spended like this: PVP Defense Rate - 10 PVP Attack Rate - 10 SD Increase - 10 PVP Defense/Attack Rate +5 on each SD Regen - 10 (preparation for Increase Defense) 50-100 Points: Divided on two choices you can pick up one of these: Increase Defense - 20 Attack Success Rate - 10 Cyclone - 10 Weapon Mastery - 10 Increase Defense - 20 Increase One Handed Sword - 10 Increase One Handed Sword Mastery (for Attack Speed) - 10 PVP Defense/Attack Rate - +5 on each Final 200/200 Points: So far this is the final build which you head for. It is not easy to farm everything but head for this type of game style. Pretty simple and fun to play Class. If you have any questions regarding this build I will help you with pleasure. I remind you again - this is my play style and it is not official MU WEBZEN build you MUST follow. Regards, Voyager
      2 points
    37. Well, the quote was "that this should not work", it was never officially confirmed yet. We are still conducting tests and checking statistics in order to make sure if it does work or not. This is why it is taking some more time than for an usual report. I have evidence that there are multiple "3rd parties" involved despite the claims, which indicate something in-game might have, indeed, been abused. The case is still ongoing.
      2 points
    38. This logic is beyond me... Also, if anyone has any doubts I have enough education, just to get it out of the way :)) so...I will repeat myself...I don't care if any badabing/infinity gets banned or not, i just want this shit fixed so nobody cand use it, wich i belive its already done since I tested with elf in crywolf and after tp to lorencia not even infinity arrow remains. Secondly, @dawiget your story straight...even if what you claim is true, the story itself is very very suspicious.. We all know crywolf/cs server has different buff formulas/algorithms, so why in the world wold you go buff there when you could buff in any other normal map? Then using your own words, you said you used the buff from EE located in crywolf, and it remained. after that, we have a set of pictures from monkey whit ERF showing very different stats after buffing in crywolf and warping to normal server map. By using a small amount of logic, EE and RF buffs were working on normal server just like in cs server. Sooooo, you telling all these "uneducated" people here that EE and ERF BUFF was useless in gaion...it's just a sad try to justify a stupid thing you and your teammates did. I am sorry if I am being stupid, or if me writing these posts upset u, but I like to play on a server where the competition is based on skill, not on using any means to get ahead. Also, regarding monkey, I have only seen 1 picture posted by him, where the only mention about selling (not even mentioning selling for real money) is that he is thinking about selling it...so if you have any real evidence, pls..post it here so we can all see it. Let's just say I like you both, and would hate to see you banned (BOTH OF YOU), but I am really upset with you right now...
      2 points
    39. I don't know exactly what happened between you but the amount of spam from ferrari is just getting very tiresome for all. It's not like spamming like this is gonna change anything, and not everyone wants to read it. That's not what global chat should be used for. I, and probably most players, would appreciate muting or banning this guy.
      2 points
    40. The max ref is indeed 60%. The screenshot is not 100% accurate in this case since there were multiple people attacking you while you were attacking as well. Please share all the evidence that you have, why would you only keep it for yourself?
      2 points
    41. At least I learned that it is still him without cheking 😅 Warn topic updated, no additional warn added since he just received one. Locked.
      2 points
    42. Gion


      NEGAN - banned for 2 days. Locked.
      2 points
    43. Banana


      I give you my house key it doesn't mean you can take everything. Hoping you guys did not do similar things in your real life. Thieves
      2 points
    44. Relax bro, This rivalry has gotten out of hand. But to answer your taunt, they don't make gaion with full pvm characters, so it's harder for them, and also their choice... (probably because they are not so desperate as you think they are). Anyway since this is taking so long to conclude, I don't think there will be any punishment because if dawi gets banned so should all other caracters+ip's you guys used at gaion for the last 2 months and that means a lot of ppl from your guild would be banned = almost empty server. The claim that he's the only one to blame is paper thin since he didn't play alone all 5 caracters/accounts that make 3/4...n partyes. Also, good on him that he's trying to clear your asses. More than that, you had 2 days to transfer gear to wherever you want since I don't think Gion or any other admin will waste a few days to track all transactions:)) Also, in the future if you plan on doing more of this "testing", maybe ask Gion before using the "test result" so this doesn't happen. So tomorrow, if not earlier, you can go and brag all day on post about how good you are at this game, like a little child who is happy because he escaped his punishment:)))).
      2 points
    45. Gion

      Emperror Harassment

      Skippy / Emperror +1 warn, total of => Muted for 36 hours. Locked.
      2 points
    46. As many of us enjoy more the Phoenix progress more than the inception as well had more playerbase and activity imo and from experiênce on playing those DBs, was pretty good. I suppose many more will agree whit me to not let one of the best season6 configs out there standing by it self whit constant 30reset DB's and ppl getting tired until it comes a time that , as everything , will end. I have a suggestion on opening a new DB of 10resets either Im the name of Phoenix, or other one, same configs same stages. This 10rr DB could Also be Transferable Into Genesis whit some terms and conditions just like inception , só the progress wouldnt be lost , and the new fresh DB surely bring backs some old players and new Also. Its a win-win for both sides, us players and admins for its sucess. I dont know how to Make a poll on here , but whoever feels the same about having a new 10rr DB , Leave Ur comment or likes or create a poll for whoever knows how to do it . Hopefully theres some consideration on this ^^
      2 points
    47. Release date: 10.01.2024 at 16:00 - No restart will be needed (unless something goes wrong). Congrats to Napafkan, Donny and Nephilim for finishing the Stage 3! Note: Everyone that progressed the Stage (having level 300+ and 20rr) can type /stagereward harmony in order to take the reward, after patch is up! Changelog: [UPDATED] You can now continue to reset up to 25 resets. [UPDATED] EXP for Stage 3 (20rr) is now removed. 20th reset does have the same exp table like 19th reset had. [UPDATED] 4th and last Newbies EXP boost added: 0rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-350). 1rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-360). 2rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-370). 3rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-380). 4rr: 600% EXP (constant level 1-390). 5rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400). 6rr: 500% EXP (constant level 1-400). 7rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 8rr: 400% EXP (constant level 1-400). 9rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400). 10rr: 300% EXP (constant level 1-400). 11rr: +200% EXP. 12rr: +200% EXP. 13rr: +160% EXP. 14rr: +120% EXP. 15rr: +80% EXP. 16rr: +40% EXP. [UPDATED] Jewel of Creation added in drop from Monsters level 100+. [UPDATED] Released Seeds NPCs. [UPDATED] Maximum number of points that you can have in a single stat is now 27000. [UPDATED] Maximum ML is now 150. [UPDATED] Released Old Box 5. [UPDATED] Released Medusa. [UPDATED] Released Selupan. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players in guild is now 30. [UPDATED] Maximum number of players at CS is now 30. [UPDATED] Limit of items on market is now 40 items/day. [UPDATED] World Bosses Special Reward can now give Old Box 5 instead of Old Box 4. [UPDATED] World Bosses nerfed to match the current amount of players. [UPDATED] Highest reward from Weekly Imperial rankings is now 10x Jewel of Harmony + 1x TOCA + 1x Old Box 5. [UPDATED] OB5 can now be obtained from IT 4 and IT 5 with a low chance.
      2 points
    48. Rocco

      Account already connected

      I pressed f12 and my client automatically closed, now I'm trying to log back in and it says my account is already logged. I tried several times, it just closes my client after the 3rd attempt. edit: after several hours I was casually reading a post in the forum and learnt that f12 minimizes the game (I didn't even know what it did, I'm a newb). I was then able to understand that my game was open in the task bar lol.
      2 points
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