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    Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/28/2022 in all areas

    1. Hello, As initially communicated, starting from this autumn OldSquad will have a big restructure. Phoenix will no longer exist on OldSquad, at the end of the current edition, its section and hall of fame will be the only things left from it. The core from Phoenix will be moved to our new, separate S17 project that we have started preparing its base ground. Genesis - this will be our new, permanent main server. A 150~500x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. Easy early-mid game, prolonged end-game, maybe grand resets and other different end-game activities that will be decided later on. Inception - major changes to how Inception will be operated. It will no longer be a standalone, long-term server. Since most of you quit before or after reaching end-game, Inception will no longer have an end-game. There will be no more wormhole, sockets, wings level 4 or quest system + extra resets. Inception will have only 25 resets under the same stage-system as before (and all the content up to 25 resets). Inception will now run under "Sprints". There will be 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint will last 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters will be moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. There will be the option of either moving 50% of remaining credits to Genesis or 10% of remaining credits to the new Sprint, based on where players do choose to continue. We'll also have a new HoF made for Inception Sprints where people with different, set goals will be shown (first CS winners, all CS winners, first w2 mixed, first w3 mixed, first +15 item, etc). The development of S6 will be cut moving forward. We'll continue to offer support and fixes (where needed), but our focus will no longer be on S6. There may be some improvements/quality of life from time to time, but that's it. Inception will be exactly as it was last edition, only moving the fixes / quality of life we did before and during Phoenix. Since we're no longer interested in its development, if there will be any good suggestions from players (especially before Inception Sprints release, but also during them) that are highly appreciated by more than few players, and that are related strictly to gameplay aspects (not credits/donations/premium functions) we MAY implement them, no questions/arguments asked from our side. Schedule for 2022-2023: 09 September 2022 - Inception Sprint #1 release - ends on 07 January 2023. 11 November 2022 - Genesis release. 07 January 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #1 to Genesis. 13 January 2023 - End of the transfers. 27 January 2023 - Inception Sprint #2 release - ends on 28 May 2023. 28 May 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #2 to Genesis. 04 June 2023 - End of the transfers. 04 June 2023 - September 2023 pause. September 2023 - Inception Sprint #3. OldSquad will remain active on this formula for as long as there will be players left interested in this project and the project will remain feasible business-wise. It may be the last year or it may continue for more years, all based on your interest.
      9 points
    2. Alex.

      A new chapter

      As the title implies, i want to address something that has been discussed before and is probably on everybody's mind. First, i would like to state that i don't think anybody is playing OldSquad for the fact that it is season 6, a season that is known for few bugs. I think everybody that is playing oldsquad, is playing because of the quality of the server that admin was able to create, his ideas, vision and most important because of the community and friends. Secondly, i think that there are no season 17 servers out there that could stand a chance in my opininon to a NewQquad server S17. I'm 100% sure that no changes or fixes to season 6 could ever bring to OldSquad the amount of players a S17 would bring and i honeslty believe that S6, the way it is right now is at its peak, but ofc if admin belives that it can get any better, who am i to say no. I would love to hear ur guys impression about the future of OldSquad and if you would like to move forward, play a new season and of course, play with a lot more ppl that would join.
      8 points
    3. You should all start playing different servers for at least 1 year and then maybe you will finally appreciate our work. But I admit, it was our fault that we gave you too much from start (great gameplay, great features, great support, great stability, great fairness and seriosity) and you got used to it thinking you deserve it and even more than it, trashing every single detail that wasn't perfect for you. The love and hype I had when I've built this project was blind, I never expected that I was building a toxic community. A community that know to respect and talk nicely only when it is in need of info / support OR when everything is "perfect". A community where people are "sweet-talking" with us in the front side while cursing, insulting and disrespecting us in the back side. A community that even with hundreds of real players and guild-limits can't have more than 2-3 guilds, and even those guilds are disbanding on their first real lose or even on their first win. A community that can't take a lose or accept that others are just better and either insult each other, create dramas, accuse of hack, exploit, luck or simply create excuses. A community that literally begged us for unbans of ips/hwids promising that they've changed just to repeat their shits. A community that had multiple opportunities to bring feedback but it was either totally ignored, used for personal benefits or used as a way to complain without adding any value. I can keep going, but it is enough. We had the potential (technical & dedication) to have a great, long term place, but we started wrong, we never thought that the playerbase would be our downfall, we were focused too much on the product. Would have expected a different outcome with mature people aging 25-30+, but it wasn't the case. I started this project when I was 20, spent many of important youth years working with pure passion on this project 18/24 and had BLIND hopes of reaching something...unrecheable. That passion quickly went lower and lower as the years passed and the "community" was being built, and I started to realize what environment I am actually working in. The reason Gion was co-opted was exactly because I was sick of handling people anymore, and decided to focus purely on technical aspects if I wanted to continue the project, passing most of the human-interactions to Gion. Yes, I used to be a GREAT guy towards everyone here (because I am the same in real life), and it only backfired to me and I was fooled again and again (same as in real life). What's left here? A pure business without a soul. Our projects are free to play for everyone, but as WE WANT them to be. Take it or leave it. As long as there will still be some players left and especially enough money to be a feasible business we will still be here. When it will be over, it will be over, no hard feelings, we have nothing more to prove and no time to waste anymore at this age (especially since we limit ourselves to such an old game when we can do way bigger, 2022 things). What's for sure right now is that this Phoenix was the last non-reset type of server on OldSquad, as it was stated before its launch, as a last-shot on non-reset. In terms of Inception, there will also be radical changes on how it will be operated starting from this year. We'll slowly build our own S17 behind the scenes, with a fresh community built from 0, this time made it right. Some of you are clearly welcome there, some of you probably not. Topic is closed now since there won't be any other Phoenix. #WeMadeMUGreatAgain.
      8 points
    4. GetFukt

      Feedback from Players

      Phoenix Semi-Hard x30 Feedback Hope this is at least read and considered. 1. Economy A. I don't believe the hard economy system was successful. The lack of jewels leads to every item being traded with primarily credits (P2W). This transition to P2W is not the OldSquad server we all love and remember. B. With the new Box of Kundun system there is no more incentive to hunt and compete for Box +4/5. With a majority of the drops being complete garbage (Vine gloves + mana from Bok5) you've introduced so much additional RNG to an aspect of the game that is already RNG heavy. This makes the server feel more and more like a mobile phone game where you are gambling 24/7. C. I believe the jewel drop rate needs a buff. There are not enough jewels in the economy for anyone to build cool sets, consistently game on wings, yolo +15 items, etc because the jewel drop rate is abysmal. D. Zen drops - At some stages of the game I was struggling to even buy potions. - I don't think any changes are required, it seems much better now. 2. Blacksmith A. Removing this system would slow progression and let non-donators at least have a chance to compete. I recommend removing the +9 - 12 aspect of the blacksmith but keeping the + Luck option. This paired with VIP purchases should provide enough profit to maintain the server. Ideally I would love to see 1 VIP system introduced, with a price increase of 5 euros, and the only additional credit option would be adding luck. 3. IP Limits A. This is something I agree with. I'd hate to see a server full of alts just farming. Sadly, the IP limit isn't working, the system is still being abused and people are playing 10 - 15 just to increase their chances for jewels and zen (See 1.C). 4. Balancing A. BK - Overpowered monster / Takes a brain to play. - I think this class is fine. It's primary job is to be a killer and it does take a bit of skill to play. B. DL - Level 1 - 350 It's broken, but balances out and falls off as levels progress. - Ignore SD on horse is a bit silly. C. SM - Weak as shit level 1 - 350+ and requires good items. - SM needs a lot of love and investment but they really shine at later stages. - Balanced Well. D. RF - Level 1 - 300 it's pretty shit. requires decent items, falls of late game (ML++). - Needs a few tweaks, shouldn't be able to 1 hit everyone while walking around with 5k++ HP. E. SUM - Late game monster. Takes a while to get going. same as SM, balanced well, requires investment. F. AE - The main PVM class. Ice arrow should have it's duration reduced and should have some sort of diminishing return if you're just holding 1 person in place with Ice arrow. G. MG - What a fucking joke, literally only useful to play as EMG. Low Range - Check, Low Defense - Check, Low Damage - Check. This is quite literally the worst class on the server. More to come soon.
      7 points
    5. Miuku

      Atlans derkons

      Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Miukutin Suggestion type (server/website/forum): server Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): Visual dragons in atlans How the suggestion can bring value: Making pvp more fun for everyone. (Optional) How would you personally implement your suggestion (your vision): I would remove dragons totally. Hey, i find it really annoying that we cant see pretty much anything while there is flying dragons in golden invasion at the atlans, i pmed Gion about that and asked if its possible to reduce amount of those dragons, he said its only possible to totally remove those, what would be even better solution in my opinion, imho those flying dragons couldve removed for any pvp invasion, thought i havent found them problem elsewhere. Thanks for reading and nice day for everyone!
      6 points
    6. Hello OldSquaders & Guests, As you already got used to, autumn brings back our Inception to life! The same, classic OldSquad gameplay will be present, featuring a progressive system and stages across the resets. Inception - Sprint #1 - will be released on 09 September 2022 at 19:00 GMT+3 (Mobs will spawn at 20:00 GMT+3). Public Test Server will be opened for public with 4-5 days before the start! There won't be anything new outside of some quality of life / fixes / improvements that were done during Phoenix. Though there are few important changes related to how Inception will operate from now on: As previously communicated, Inception will no longer be a standalone, long-term server. Since most of you quit before or after reaching end-game, Inception will no longer have an end-game. There will be no more wormhole, sockets, wings level 4 or quest system + extra resets. Inception will have only 25 resets under the same stage-system as before (and all the content up to 25 resets). Inception will now run under "Sprints". There will be 2 Sprints per year, each Sprint will last 4 months (120 days). At the end of the 4 months, characters will be moved to Genesis. Players can choose to either continue the end-game on Genesis (if they want to experiment sockets, w4, quest system, more pvp, etc.) or join the next Sprint from 0 on Inception. There will be the option of either moving 50% of remaining credits to Genesis or 10% of remaining credits to the new Sprint, based on where players do choose to continue. Genesis will be our new, permanent main server, and the location where characters will be transferred from the Inception Sprints. A 150~500x resets server focused mostly on end-game content, a server that will remain online without any editions or wipes for as long as OldSquad will remain online. Easy early-mid game, prolonged end-game, maybe grand resets and other different end-game activities that will be decided later on. Schedule for 2022-2023: 09 September 2022 - Inception Sprint #1 release - ends on 07 January 2023. 11 November 2022 - Genesis release. 07 January 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #1 to Genesis. 13 January 2023 - End of the transfers. 27 January 2023 - Inception Sprint #2 release - ends on 28 May 2023. 28 May 2023 - Transfers start from Inception's Sprint #2 to Genesis. 04 June 2023 - End of the transfers. 04 June 2023 - September 2023 pause. September 2023 - Inception Sprint #3. Cheers.
      5 points
    7. Economy jewel - shit Zen - shit Early mid late drops -shit Golden drops +4 + 5 -shit Balanced classes - shit Thanks for this edition. Above is my feedback on Admin’s new ideas
      5 points
    8. ImaWhore

      Quick question

      How do you reset you character once you hit 400? Sorry just kind of a dumb whore😅
      4 points
    9. Character name that is submitting it (for the potential reward): Doink Suggestion type (server/website/forum): Website Suggestion content (make sure to include enough details so your suggestion is clear enough): - using the web wallet to store jewels is a really great way to have an accurate overview of your jewel balance, instead of your jewels being scattered all around different wares/characters/alts. The main issue is withdrwaing the jewels, if you're crafting anything it gets very time consuming withdrawing 10 jewels at a time and then waiting out the incredibly long cooldown before you can withdraw 10 more. With many mixes requiring 400-500 jewels, this turns into a huge ordeal. Increasing or better yet fully removing the withdrawal limit (There is already a check in place which prevents withdrawals if you're out of ware space) would completely eliminate this issue and greately improve user experience. How the suggestion can bring value: Improving user experience
      4 points
    10. Hello, On 22.02.2024 (Thursday) at 17:00 GMT+2 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 30~90 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: [ADDED] Custom Socket Set for RF (Tigris). [ADDED] Custom Socket Claws for RF (Devast Claws). [UPDATED] Increased PvP & PvM damage of RF by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of AE by 16%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of SUM by 7%. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage of MG by 5%. [FIXED] Item Glow of Lilium set & stick. [UPDATED] Increased base EXP by 20%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP for 51-55 RR and 0 GR by 150%. [UPDATED] Increased EXP after GR by 160%. [UPDATED] Released 20 extra Master Levels (up to 250) that have insanely low EXP rate. [UPDATED] Nerfed quests difficulty on 0 GR: Quest 1: Kill 35x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 1x Golden Budge & 2x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 1x Illusion Temple Event Quest 4: Kill 25x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 2x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 1x Death King Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 10x BoK+1, 8x BoK+2, 6x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 1x Nightmare Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 Quest 10: Kill 5x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 2x Imperial Events in less than 300 seconds Quest 12: Win 1x Chaos Castle Event Quest 13: Kill 20x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 3x Kunduns, 2x Witches, 2x Cursed Dragons [UPDATED] Reduced the quest skip times on 0 GR: Quest Tier 1: 1 day Quest Tier 2: 2 days Quest Tier 3: 2 days [UPDATED] You can now sell in Market for up to 2000 credits/item. [UPDATED] Now Market sales in Credits have a 10% tax. [UPDATED] Now Gambles with Credits have a 10% tax. [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Now only TOP3 based on total personal points (of all 3 Team-KotH rounds) are counted as winners of the day/tournament, and are qualified for Last Laugh (instead of entire team that reached last round). [UPDATED] Arena Tournament - Old Box 5 chances on weekly rounds: Being eliminated after 1st Team-KotH round - 3% chance for OB5. Being eliminated after 2nd Team-KotH round - 5% chance for OB5. Being eliminated after 3rd Team-KotH round - 8% chance for OB5. Being part of the winning team but not in TOP3 - 12% chance for OB5. Winners of Team-KotH - 50% chance for OB5. [ADDED] New end-game objective: OldSquad Artifacts. There are 2 types of Artifacts: PvM Artifacts - they can be obtained from Selupan, Medusa, Weekly Imperial, Dark Mammoth & Dark Iron Knight: Selupan: 50% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward. Medusa: 50% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward. Weekly Imperial: Having 7~23 Points = 1x Artifact as extra reward. Having 24+ Points = 2x Artifacts as extra reward. Dark Mammoth: 1x Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 10% chance for 1x Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. PvP Artifacts - they can be obtained from CC7, Arena Tournament, Castle Siege NetWorth, Dark Giant & Dark Iron Knight: CS NetWorth: Having 1500~2499 NetWorth = 1x Artifact. Having 2500+ NetWorth = 2x Artifacts. Arena Tournament: 0% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 1st Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 8% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 2nd Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 15% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are eliminated after the 3rd Team-KotH round of the weekly events. 25% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward if you are part of the winning team of the 3rd Team-KotH round but not in TOP3 personal points. 1x Artifact as extra reward if you win a weekly event (TOP3 personal points from a winning team). 1x Artifact as extra reward if you survive the 1st round of the Last Laugh from Sunday (LMS round). Bonus +1x Artifact as extra reward for TOP3 winners of Last Laugh. CC7: 25% chance for 1x Artifact as extra reward for the winner. Dark Giant: 1x Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 10% chance for 1x Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Dark Iron Knight: 50% chance for 1x PvP Artifact / 50% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Special Reward. 5% chance for 1x PvP Artifact / 5% chance for 1x PvM Artifact as part of the Participation Reward. Artifacts are not tradable/storable/etc. [ADDED] New special Accessories obtained from Artifacts Mix: Old Pendant of Wind (Physical DMG) Old Pendant of Water (Wizardry DMG) Old Ring of Ice Old Ring of Wind These are Excellent Ancient Accessories that have both normal exc. options as well as Ancient Options. If you have 2 different Old Accessories equipped you'll gain +12% EDR. If you have 3 different Old Accessories equipped you'll gain +12% EDR and +6% Double Damage. Note: Having the same Ring equipped twice does not count for 3-Set options. They are obtained ONLY from Artifacts Mix. They can normally be traded & stored, without restrictions. They will always come with level 0, 4 random Exc. options and between 3% and 5% HP Recovery. [ADDED] New Artifacts Mix: Requirements: 6x PvP Artifacts 6x PvM Artifacts 120x Bless (4x Bundle 30x) 120x Soul (4x Bundle 30x) 90x Life (3x Bundle 30x) 60x Creation (2x Bundle 30x) 60x Chaos (2x Bundle 30x) 30x Harmony (1x Bundle 30x) Zen Reward: 1x Old Accessory as follows: 33% chance for Old Ring of Ice. 33% chance for Old Ring of Wind. 20% chance for Old Pendant of Wind. 14% chance for Old Pendant of Water. [UPDATED] Buffed Medusa, Selupan, Balgass & World Bosses. [UPDATED] Test Server with the current Genesis characters formulas & tweaks. You can expect a 2nd GR release somewhere during Summer, that will require at least 1 GR & 54 resets. Cheers!
      4 points
    11. Gion

      extended hydro ban

      Only NPCs cannot read numbers and 💩. I know the competition is hard, never saw you actually shine, some random stats ain't showing anything. Mind your language about our players, as you said you already left so better mind your business on your new thang. It's damn easy for me to delete anything about you that ever existed here. Yikes.
      4 points
    12. Hello OldSquaders 😉 As you can see on the online counter, the idea of Inception sprints and Genesis probably didn’t go as expected. At the minute we have 200 online on Genesis which actually is almost dead and 230 online on new Inception that freshly started 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, one of two main guilds has left Inception recently, because they couldn’t handle the competition and now there is no competition between players at all. It will probably die very soon as well which in result will force you to carry two dead servers without any competition on any of them. The only way to create a competition now is to encourage new players (or new guild) to join Inception and focus on this project for next couple of weeks. I would suggest organizing some proper speed exp event for new players within 0-5 resets, so that they can make those 5 resets within one week and start competing with the existing players that are already at 5rr. It would also be a good timing for such an event because we are at the 5rr stage now, so the new players could catch up even faster. I think it’s not too late because we are still at early game. Obviously, this kind of event should also be properly advertised to reach as many people as possible. I believe it would also encourage people that are already within OldSquad community and haven’t joined Inception from the start. They might think it’s already too late to join but it actually wouldn’t be, because they will have a chance to catch up with top players very quick (Hardcores I’m talking to you!). Apart from exp boost we can think of any other ideas for new players that will join. We had a conversation within ELITE guild thinking about generating a competition on the server and that would probably be the only way. Otherwise, we will have to split the guild creating two smaller groups and compete between each other which does not make any sense. Inception project has always been quite popular with 600-700 online players after first three weeks, now it’s almost dead only because group of noobs have left after first drama. This is disappointing for us, that’s why we came with this suggestion. If anyone have any other ideas, feel free to add it in this topic. I’m aware that Gion/Admin most likely will not do anything in this matter but it’s always worth trying 😁
      4 points
    13. Chukundah

      Inception - Genesis

      character name - Chukundah suggestion type - server suggetion content - @ADMIN players in genesis soon will have all resets and farm all the avaiable content that in inception wont have ( sockets +seeds ) + will lvl way more the ML before we do in inception , by the time we transfer there in january we have farmed nothing here besides harmonys to save for until then, cause all the ancients we get from erohim cc are literaly no use for them besides those who come whit luck to mix condor, is getting to a point that content here is getting pretty limited as we make more resets and farm pretty much nothing usefull . i think many agree that a faster transfer or same content realease ( sockets+seeds ) would be a good way to keep up the pace whit both servers How the suggestion can bring value - keep up whit both servers in content + activity
      4 points
    14. Hello, On 29.07.2024 (Monday) at 19:00 GMT+3 (Server Time) we'll have a global maintenance on our systems. Genesis will be down for 45~120 minutes. You will also have to either update the client via Launcher (after Maintenance is over) or download the new Genesis client that will be uploaded on that day after the maintenance, in order to continue playing. The following update will be up on Genesis after the Maintenance is over: ! IMPORTANT UPDATE: We're changing our servers rules (for both Genesis & Inception Sprints) as follows: Rule 2 & 3 (Insults & Racism): 1. Character bans are now removed as part of the punishment(s). Players will no longer get banned on Characters for either Insults or Racism. 1.1. Warns are no longer given for any type of reports, as well as old warns are no longer taken into consideration. 2. Now any type of insults, bad and/or abusive language, direct/indirect racism, etc. towards players will be punished with MUTE on Account(s) + IP from 6 hours up to 120 hours, as long as it is correctly reported. 2.1 The amount of MUTE time will now be decided based on case-by-case scenario and/or gravity (and/or previous history/antecedents) at the sole discretion of the staff. 2.2 Any decided MUTE time is final and can be different compared to similar situations. 2.3 Contesting a MUTE decided by staff in order to create dramas (accusing of giving an either too big or too small MUTE time) can get the involved contestant(s) banned and even HWID+IP banned, without further explanations. 2.4 The "provocation" part of the old rule is now removed. Instead, if the one who reported did also used bad language/insults towards the reported one (even if they were "smaller" or indirect), both the reported one and the one who reported will be MUTED. 2.5 The deadline for reports is 24 hours from the moment the BL/Insults/Racism happened, reports that pass the deadline will not be taken into consideration. Rule 5 (Selling for Real Money): 1. When reporting a seller for real money, no matter what it is involved in the initial offert (be it only an item, multiple items, or the account/character itself), the one that reported will receive the entire account that is banned for the real-money selling. 2. There's now a deadline of 24 hours to report a seller for real money, from the moment the initial sell proof/offert is created that you are presenting to the staff (not counting any ulterior discussions/proofs needed, only the initial one). 2.1 If the deadline of 24 hours is passed, you will no longer receive anything for the report, but if you report it past the deadline, the person & his accounts will still be banned. Rule 7 (Insistent Non-English Messages in /post or Gens Chat): For the players-made reports, the punishment is from 3 hours up to 24 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. For the real-time staff catches in-game, the punishment is from 30 minutes up to 3 hours, at the sole discretion of the staff. Changelog: [ADDED] Released 2nd Grand Reset: If you reach 1 GR, 55 resets and level 400 you now unlock the 2nd Grand Reset. In order to do the 2nd Grand Reset you need to type /grandreset. Rewards for 2nd Grand Reset 2x PvP Artifacts & 2x PvM Artifacts. 2 weeks of Golden Fenrir (that can't die). 2x HoF Badges. 50 extra free points for each new Reset after the GR [that are accumulated up until 50 resets, where you'll have 2500 extra stat points compared to 50rr chars with only 1 GR]. 160 extra free points for each new QReset after the GR, between 50 and 55 resets. [so at 1 GR and 55rr you'll have 3300 more points compared to 55rr chars with only 1 GR]. Improved quests rewards when doing them again. Extra +1% Damage for every reset after 50rr. [with a total of +15% at 2 GR and 55RR]. [!] Higher top position. Requirements for 2nd Grand Reset Your character on Server 1 (Normal Maps). Level 400. 1 Grand Reset. 55 Resets. 1.800.000.000 Zen. 2x2 inventory space for Golden Fenrir. Extra info The EXP rate for 0-55 resets is a linear EXP with a 10% rate of the normal (NON-GR) EXP. The Quests are reset, you can start them again at 50 resets & all restrictions/requirements for the Quest System are being kept once you start them again. Note: After reaching 50 resets you must use /qreset again in order to progress to 55 resets. You keep the same amount of bonus % Damage as you had before the 2nd GR (earned from qresets & 1st GR). Each new reset after 2nd GR costs 200.000.000 Zen. [UPDATED] Quests System on 2nd GR: Objectives: Quest 1: Kill 110x Bloody Monsters Quest 2: Kill 3x Golden Budges & 5x White Wizards Quest 3: Win 3x Illusion Temple Events Quest 4: Kill 70x 'little' Rabbits Quest 5: Finish 9x Doppelganger Events Quest 6: Hunt down 4x Death Kings Quest 7: Kill Goldens: 30x BoK+1, 24x BoK+2, 20x BoK+3 Quest 8: Hunt down 3x Nightmares Quest 9: Give David 1x Old Box 2 and 2x Old Box 3 Quest 10: Kill 16x Derkons Quest 11: Finish 7x Imperial Events in less than 200 seconds Quest 12: Win 5x Chaos Castle Events Quest 13: Kill 65x BoK+5 Goldens Quest 14: Hunt down 8x Kunduns, 8x Witches, 5x Cursed Dragons Rewards: The first 2 quests from each tier will now reward you with: 25% chance for 1x DD Seed in Sphere. 10% 1x Old Box 5. 32.5% 1x PvP Artifact. 32.5% 1x PvM Artifact. The Quest Skip times on the 2nd GR quests are 4/6/8 days, based on quest tier. [UPDATED] Reduced the Zen cost of Resets between 0 and 50 when having 1 GR from 150kk per reset to 60kk per reset. [UPDATED] Increased the EXP of 0-55 resets & 1 GR by 50%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 0 GR from 1/2/2 days based on quest tier to 1/1/1 days. [UPDATED] Reduced the Quest Skip times on 1 GR from 2/3/4 days based on quest tier to 1/2/3 days. [UPDATED] Highly increased the HP & DEF of CC7 monsters. [UPDATED] PvP Artifact from CC7 can now be obtained ONLY by remaining the only character alive (basically it is no longer given as part of the CC win that can happen when time's up, and more than 1 character is still alive). [ADDED] You can now convert PvP Artifacts into PvM Artifacts and vice-versa. You need 2x PvP Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvM Artifact. You need 2x PvM Artifacts and 500 Credits to get 1x PvP Artifact. You can use /changeartifact <pvp|pvm> command in order to make the conversion, as long as you meet the requirements. Typing "/changeartifact pvp" will convert 2x PvP Artifacts into 1x PvM Artifact. Typing "/changeartifact pvm" will convert 2x PvM Artifacts into 1x PvP Artifact. This conversion is not meant to be a feasible, easy way to get access to the needed Artifacts, but more of an expensive, desperate way to get the missing Artifacts when you have too many from a specific type. [UPDATED] Increased the Enrage damage of Dark Mammoth & the Soul-Link Enrage damage of Dark Iron Knight. [UPDATED] Now when Dark Mammoth initially spawns, all characters in its 15x15 range are moved to lorencia. [FIXED] Anti-Hack error window getting stucked when trying to open a 3rd instance of the game. [FIXED] Anti-Hack closing the connection after ~3 minutes of reconnect time, it now allows up to 20-40 minutes of reconnect time, before closing the connection. [UPDATED] Maximum points in a single stat is now 30k instead of 27k. [UPDATED] Chain Drive Strengthener (ML) now also increases Chain Drive range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Reduced the PvP damage received by RF by 20%~40% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Slightly reduced the stuck rate of RF when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield, Sweal & EE buffs (CS) on RF. [UPDATED] Now if a BK has a mace & fenrir equipped, it can no longer damage other players with TS. [UPDATED] Increased the PvP damage received by BK by 10~30% based on attacking class. [UPDATED] Reduced BK's PvP damage by 10%. [UPDATED] Increased BK's Combo damage by 33%. [UPDATED] Reduced the stuck rate of BK when taking damage. [UPDATED] Increased the effects-power of Mana Shield & EE buffs (CS) on BK. [UPDATED] Cyclone Strengthener (ML - BK only), Slash Strengthener (ML), Falling Slash Strengthener (ML) & Lunge Strengthener (ML) now also increases the weapon skill range from 2 to 3. [UPDATED] Increased SM's Teleport cooldown from 4 seconds to 5.5 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased SM's PvP damage by 8%. [UPDATED] Reduced the Poison Resistance (ML), Lighting Resistance (ML) & Ice Resistance (ML) increases from 1.2%~9% to 0.38%~2.5%, since the actual resistance increase is way bigger than the % values. [UPDATED] Increased PvP damage % inside Chaos Castle by 14%, now matching the Duel % damage. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds. [UPDATED] Increased Fire Slash debuff max rate from 20% to 25%. At some point in the future (probably winter), there will be new mix(es) for new obtainable items that will also use Artifacts, as well as more ways to obtain Artifacts. Cheers!
      3 points
    15. Gion

      Grand Master Skill Tree

      Some of the attributes in the skill tree are not working as they should (developer problem) so we blocked it in order for you not to lose precious points. I would suggest you to test the master skill tree on the test server before actually completing it.
      3 points
    16. do we see in that picture a picture of hitler and a picture saying "THE GIPSY KILLER" and you report for racism? man really?
      3 points
    17. This should not work as we did the tests when we implemented the EE rule. We will check again.
      3 points
    18. Admin, Do something bout this, this past few days i saw players suspiciously killing BQ faster and some new players are like glitching/blinking. They sell this hack for 70$. PLEASE update Admin. Thanks
      3 points
    19. Gion

      BL Borrowka

      Correction: Borowkaa was provoked as it is clearly seen in the provided screenshot (but apparently I couldn't see it, so the mistake is all on me): Borowkaa's warn is removed and since we cannot unmute in the past we will award Borowkaa 150 credits in order to match the eventual parties/deals/events influenced by the mute.
      3 points
    20. Chukundah

      Psycho anti-semitism

      Legit single digit IQ
      3 points
    21. Chukundah, you made a combo of racism + insults and all of it on /post. And you are very aware of the aftermath of your actions. I think that what matters the most in a player/human being/admin/etc is.. the words. And it seems that you forgot our special agreement of you playing here after what happened in the past. Nobody asked you to be actually respectful, but we, together, agreed that you won't be disrespectful at least on global chat (not even talking about racism oO). It would be foolish of me not maintaining my word. For the 110th time: you can fight on global chat, but do not go as low as publicly discriminating someone or publicly insulting him/them. That makes it 110 times worse because every online player gets to 'taste' these sour comments. Chukundah - banned for 2 days for racism + 2 additional days imposed to the penalty due to our past agreement being broken, repeatedly + other insults on global chat. Alex +1 warn - muted for 12 hours. Locked.
      3 points
    22. https://ibb.co/5h8Nzk5 quoting rules from admin : 3. Any racism will be punished with 2 days ban.
      3 points
    23. mrjohnd

      Rasicm in the post

      In therse picture you posted i dont seen anyone bein racist to anyone or insulting anyone directly, sorry that we have a friend name called adolpf, what? u want us to post his ID card here too for you? Or wanting to buy oven? As u seen he wanted to cook his nuggets. stop bringing this whole thing to racism i think you want to start racism. i vote for Stormie to get a few day ban tbh
      3 points
    24. Chukundah


      outdated screenshots
      3 points
    25. Gion

      Raxist Toxic Ppls here

      The final decision will come later on, but until then: NiggerMan, you are required to change your Nickname as we cannot accept derogatory racial nicknames (this will result in a continuous 2 days ban according to the rules). An in-game mail was sent to NiggerMan.
      3 points
    26. All i have to say for him is i did it for free bro XoXo, AlexMG
      3 points
    27. dawi

      Wing lvl 4 - 2 options

      Character name: Lanaya Suggestion type: Server Suggestion content: I propose that we implement a change in wing lvl4 creation as follows- the chance for a 2opt wing is fairly low, yet most people would like to have them. Some get very lucky on first try, some don't get lucky at all. My suggestion would be to implement a change where if one makes for example their 4th wing lvl4 (4-4) to have a guarantee for 2opt given the time, effort and resources spent on creating a new wing. I am sure there may be some resistance from people that got their 2opt from the first try, purely due to the fact that they wouldn't want others to share the same fortune. How the suggestion can bring value: There are people that give up the game due to this very reason - they reached end-game content where every little thing provides an edge especially in PVP. So when they attempt this process for several times only to get the same disappointing result, they quit. Players help keep a server healthy and competition is the main driver. I think this feature would provide players with a sense of security that their efforts will pay off and provide the driver to keep pushing through. In return, more players would farm and battle harder to achieve their desired result. Thank you for your consideration.
      3 points
    28. Hello, We're releasing our special Grand Reset system for Genesis tomorrow (Friday), 12.05.2023 at 21:10. No server restart will be needed unless something goes wrong. If you reach at least 54 resets and level 400 you now unlock the Grand Reset. By doing a Grand Reset, your resets become 0 and you can grind once again up to 55 resets. What's nice about our Grand Reset is that there's no draw-back of doing it, instead, it is just a natural progression. Basically, you keep your points as they were before the Grand Reset, so each time you reach level 400, your character will have the same power as it had without the GR. In order to do a Grand Reset you need to type /grandreset. Rewards for Grand Reset 2500 Credits. 2 weeks of Golden Fenrir (that can't die). 2x HoF Badges. 60 extra free points for each new Reset after the GR [that are accumulated up until 50 resets, where you'll have 3000 extra stat points compared to 50rr chars without GR]. 200 extra free points for each new QReset after the GR, between 50 and 55 resets. [so at 1 GR and 55rr you'll have 4000 more points compared to 55 chars without GR]. Improved quests rewards when doing them again. Extra +1% Damage for every reset after 50rr. [with a total of +10% at 1 GR and 55RR]. [!] Higher top position. Requirements for Grand Reset Your character on Server 1 (Normal Maps). Level 400. 54 or 55 Resets. 1.500.000.000 Zen. 2x2 inventory space for Golden Fenrir. Extra info The EXP rate for 0-55 resets is a linear EXP with a 40% rate of the normal (NON-GR) EXP. The Quests are reset, you can start them again at 50 resets & all restrictions/requirements for the Quest System are being kept once you start them again. Note: After reaching 50 resets you must use /qreset again in order to progress to 55 resets. After starting the Quests again, the first 2 quests from each tier will now reward you with: 15% chance for 1x DD Seed in Sphere, 35% 1x Old Box 5, 50% 1x Old Box 4. You can no longer reset with the usual command (/reset), you must type /mreset in order to reset. You gain the same amount of points as you had before the GR (as free points) MINUS the points gained by going from level 1 to 400. Note: If you do the GR at 54 resets you'll still gain the missing points (800 or 900) that the 55 resets chars get. Note2: After each new reset you gain the same amount of points PLUS the extra points gained for each new reset. You keep the same amount of bonus % Damage as you had before the GR (earned from qresets). Note: If you do the GR at 54 resets you'll still gain the missing 1% Damage that the 55 resets chars get. Each new reset after GR costs 150.000.000 Zen. If you have a Grand Reset, the other systems from game will consider you as having 55 resets.
      3 points
    29. BetleyKOX

      Inception - Genesis

      IMO we are get fucked a bit , beacuse in the inception we can't no do the progress like ppl on the Genesis ok we known it from the since , but how the dog is that working , we are playing 73 day overhere , we are 17 reset to the genesise they are doubled well thats 34 , Ppl in the 10 day are 46 =))))))) WHERE they did normaly 23 reset , they jumped our stage , they are doing medusas , they are doing selupan , they got almost sets socket done , how thats work in the Inception ,400 online 20 char in w3 wings ;DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD , When the fussion going to be end , the inception char going be like Subs xDDDDD for those char from genesis , not fair a bit :)))))) In my opinion Genesis started 30 day too early , there is too much exp , They are progressing like on the 99999 exp server , @Admin U should to unluck the bosses NOW... Give to do the socket for us , open the full gameplay , if u dont u going to destroy the inception , next one will be not 600online there will be 200 , beacuse pointless to play the server where u can only to do w3 and exe set , where ppl are almost done with sockets Weapons ;)))) GL Enjoy the gameplay still , beacuse all from us just know that gonna stay like is , beacuse no1 can destroy the admin vision like in the pheonix when 1 bk was killing alone around 13 char in the boss , BECAUSE THE BK IS ONLY PVP CHAR !!!!! Kisses greetings from rain Poland
      3 points
    30. Character name: Doesn't matter I'm not after reward Suggestion Type: Server Suggestion Content: I'd love to get the possiblity to "pass" party leader to another member in party. This will create opportunity to pass party lead to someone else in case of AFK or other time related reasons.
      3 points
    31. EnkEgg

      Icarus issue

      I Would rather see a time llmit per character in Icarus. So the same people can't farm it from server start till end every time. I don't even bother going for the first few weeks because all the nojob players there on their computers 24/7 holding all spots. I put an alt in icarus 24hours ago, and already the same nojobs's trying to hold all spots have pked me 4 times. It is frustrating, but they are not breaking the current rules, so nothing to be done. However, I do see sombraX's point. I think it needs to be pointed out that he is saying limiting things to be like BC/DS might stop the people who log 2 chars, go offatack change IP and log 2 more, so on and so forth. They could potentially then log 10 characters and have 1 in each party picking up feather/crests. Repeating this process every 5 hours to keep them online. Compared to as Gaion pointed out, the limit would only half the amount of characters someone with multiple devices could have in icarus, though that still sounds like it would help? Regards, Enk
      3 points
    32. 3 points
    33. Error

      Quick question

      2 points
    34. The max ref is indeed 60%. The screenshot is not 100% accurate in this case since there were multiple people attacking you while you were attacking as well. Please share all the evidence that you have, why would you only keep it for yourself?
      2 points
    35. Gion


      NEGAN - banned for 2 days. Locked.
      2 points
    36. Banana


      I give you my house key it doesn't mean you can take everything. Hoping you guys did not do similar things in your real life. Thieves
      2 points
    37. it is not your nickname anymore, since you and tokyo opened a bakery or pizzeria with Oven + 999heat.
      2 points
    38. xDoseD

      Psycho anti-semitism

      if u guys luagh on such matter as the holocaust maybe u guys areant humans like u said u getting called by other form of life but humans i bet it has something to do with ur sick sense of humor
      2 points
    39. Chrollo

      Psycho anti-semitism

      What does selling oven have to do with Nazis using gas chambers to kill Israeli?
      2 points
    40. According to rules any racism results in automatic 2 day ban. Its time to show that actions have consequences, and teach some accountability. This boy needs a break from the game to reflect on his revolting antics and hurtful remarks. #respect4all #justice
      2 points
    41. there were gaschambers, hitler existed, adolf was his name it was his birthday on the 20th of april. these are all stated facts, if no one can talk about facts then we might as well all be muted for saying anything. again, i am not in guild with chukundah. i don't even know him lmao. you were deliberately racist towards mexicans and that is a bannable offense. stop trying to justify your racism through victimization. shalom tapuach
      2 points
    42. jewishboss

      Rasicm in the post

      i do think your iq is low. dunno anything about adolph's dream. dont call me names or i will report you!!(stormie voice)
      2 points
    43. Hi, You tried very hard for the past few years and I bet many ppl are great full for that, we know you spend many hours and used a lot of resources to keep the server on going even when sometimes you and community had lets say diffident ideas about maaaaaaany stuff, and all this ppl who are/was addicted to this game (even this basement virgin few posts above ) had here a lot of fun but i think genesis idea was not a good path even from bussines point of view and it was dedicated to a very few ppl who somehow enjoy "late game". Most enjoying part of the game I think I can say it, for most of the ppl are when all need items, all needs wings, all want to be stronger and also willing to pay more for creds to upgrade items, later on the amount of purchases of creds slowing down cause most of ppl got +13/+15 items wings W3 and at the "End Game" i bet for good bottle of whiskey not a lot are investing cause all who have left got creds... I am not sure is there a way to reborn this edition but maby as Pershing mentioned new ppl will join when you make some kind of exp boost who can reach top players RRs in a week or two. Also idea about sprints is very good but every sprint should last 120 days and thats it no more, END, BYE nice hall of fame, ss of best players this season, maby some kind of reward for some dunno 1% more exp next edition dunno just a free thought. We know you concentrating on a new s18 but there are still ppl willing to play s6 with settings you made (maby only nerf bk) and keep the s6 as it is and shutdown genesis, say it was not a good idea, we all make mistakes... and how its written "Make Mu Great Again? Consider the EXP BOOST or start from 5 rr, after stage, items will fast come and maby some real competition show up not flying away cause of 1st problem Thank you
      2 points
    44. Hi, I would suggest changing a bit the current drops from OldBoxes to make them more relevant and satisfying. Right now some of the OBs have drops that are almost useless at the stage the boxes are released or they completely lose relevance later in game. A few examples: OB1 - Kalima ticket - almost completely useless at every stage of the game. OB3 - 10b / 10s - not really relevant at the stage where people have 10rr + OB3 - crest / feather - with the current changes, and feather / crest dropping in karutan1, by the time OB3 is released crest/feather would be almost worthless. OB4 - ancient tier1 - it's a fine drop but probably better for OB3. OB4 is hard to get and ancients quickly lose relevance on the server, because they are accessible from many other sources. OB5 - feather of condor - by the time OB5 is realesed feather can be crafted easily and most people already have w3, so it is no longer a relevant reward from a box that is so hard to get. Condor Feather would be a better drop for OB4. Changes I would propose: OB1 - Ring Exc (higher % for 2 opts than in Star and some small % for 3 opts introduced after stage1) / Wings lvl1 (0-9) (no change here) / Demon / low % for Magic Backpack OB2 - Pend Exc (higher % for 2 opts than in Star and some small % for 3 opts introduced after stage1) / 10 entry DS or BC ticket / Jewel Bundle (10b or 10s) / low % for ancient box or just random ancient item OB3 - Jewel Bundle (10c or 10 crea) / PoH / low % for Wings lvl2 +L + chance for opt / Ancient tier1 OB4 - Jewel Bundle (20crea / 20gems / 20c) / TOCa / Flame of Condor / Feather of Condor / low % for Old Jewel OB5 - Best seeds in sphere / 30 harmony / Broken Horn / higher chance for Old Jewel / low % for 380 exc weapon +1 / 2 opt
      2 points
    45. Ok, this is about to be the longest post I’ve ever done it my life. So, buckle up. Now that I’ve played a few editions on this server I think I can provide some feedback that might make the game fairer. I’d like to start by pointing out some things that I think make players quit sooner than expected. (Made me and all of my friends at one point.) Basically, this server is runned by 2 main guilds. (Same people every edition, some players leave 1 to join the other). Maybe this wouldn’t be a problem if the server had more guilds to choose from. But right now, these 2 guilds make the game unplayable and unfun for everybody else. They found ways to ruin every single event, so not only u have to deal with them being way higher level (because they know all the tricks and secrets), u also have to deal with them win trading and ruining events so they can get more items for their guild. I joined both of these guilds on past edition to try and fix this problem and it made my experience worst. They are both extremely toxic. So, you are left with 2 choices. 1. Either you are “lucky” enough to join them as soon as server starts, which is pretty much impossible because they all know each other from prior years and make same guilds over and over again. Or 2. You create your own but don’t expect to win any events. If a player can’t do any event. The game is not fun. If you are not able to compete for anything, then u just quit and find a new game, which is what happens mainly in my opinion. My solution for this would be: make guilds smaller. You don’t need 25 people bullying new players out of the game every single edition. They are ruthless and will bully new comers until they no longer want to play. It’d be better if guilds were smaller so at least they have to compete with each other, because right now there is no real competition. I’m talking about 10 players per guild, maybe even 5 if possible. So instead of 25 players killing newbies until they quit, u would have a bunch of smaller guilds actually trying to compete and get items. Players on those 2 old guilds don’t even have to be active to get good items. They just sit AFK all day and wait for their guild to get good items for them, because they basically have rules that nothing gets sold outside. Only they benefit from this, new players never have a chance and market never get good items. Chaos Castle: 2 main guilds ruin this event as well. They group in corners and gangbang new players to get best items for their guild. This is just pointless. I’ve seen them group in CC1 so they can then share a pair of berseker boots? Like bruh… come on. Play this event as it’s supposed to be played. My solution for this would be: either make everybody inside cc have the same character model or remove the weapon completely so everybody is just a character with armor. Yes, people can still team up but at least it’s harder to know who is who. Blood Castle: Make party damage count. I don’t know if it’s like that right now but it feels like it’s not. Right now, it’s just 1 pro player getting the statue every time while the rest of his party is AFK. 5 active players around same RR should be able to beat 1 player. Hard to tell if it works because 1 player always win. Same should be for all other events GGD, BQ, etc. Gold Invasions: Enable the kill restriction (gap) on PVP invasion for newbies. up until maybe box +3? I see so many pros from these 2 guilds killing every newbie for items they don’t even need. They find new players killing Gold Knights or Tantalos and instead of helping them finish it they kill them and then bully them by whispering all kinds of things. That was my warm welcome when I started playing on this server, still remember how unfun that was and made me quit right away. I know there are non-pvp invasions but sometimes pvp ones are the ones u catch. I feel like if a newbie has a golden almost dead to like 10%. A 50RR MAX LVL FO SET player shouldn’t be able to kill him and just steal his item. It does nothing to pro players but new players just want to quit if they can’t get any item. Box +4 +5 then yes you probably have to fight for those. Kanturu Event/Nightmare: Make it 1 ip every 2 days? Last inception it was just the same player doing that event over and over again. Getting all the items for him/alts then all guild members. So, they didn’t even had to try. They get rewarded just for being on that guild. No chance for new players and no room for competition. Either that or make item inside knightmare non-tradeable. so, it forces players to do the event if they want good items, not the same player doing all the work for his entire guild. Medusa and Selupan: Medusa and Selupan are fine but maybe make 1 non-pvp. Otherwise, the strong ones will always dominate. One of them should be non-pvp maybe once a week. random time and random day. Crywolf: Should give a bonus loot. Right now, killing it does nothing. I did more dmg once and felt like I wasted my time. Maybe make the killer (Most dmg) get 1 piece of horn. Killing the bigger boss on CW should be rewarding. Last but not least, toxicness and rudeness on this server it’s too much and it should not be allowed. People are given too many chances to be toxic and curse at every person on this server. 1 Racist comment should be = banned forever. You don’t want to build a community around these types of people. And all it takes it’s 1 bad comment for somebody to quit the game. While I’m well aware that these types of players are probably the ones keeping the server alive by joining every edition to do the same guilds/fights, I’m confident they are also the ones keeping the game from progressing any further or getting new players. It’s hard to recommend this game to a friend when u know they will just not have a good experience mainly because of player base. Even I find it hard logging on some days and seeing /post full of racist and crazy remarks. And while the things said are not directed to me, nobody wants to be on a place full of people saying that kind of stuff. That’s all I can think off. I think this server has the potential to be great. Only need to get rid of a few bad apples and maybe new players will come and join the fun.
      2 points
    46. Gion

      Bad Language.

      Ok, looks like this goes back and forth with both of you actively contributing to its escalation. kooky will have the warn from here revoked, so only 1 warn remaining for kooky and it's the one from yesterday, but taking into account the "history" from yesterday, the 36 hours mute is still active in order to make an example out of this situation: this is not how you treat something like this, especially not on long term, and we would rather not have these at all. On the other side, kooky's warn will be reassigned to KonY for obvious reasons => KonY muted for 12 hours. The Warning Area list updated accordingly. Locked.
      2 points
    47. Character Name: Kar98k (doesnt matter really, not after reward) Suggestion Type: Genesis Server Suggestion Content + Value: Suggestion is simple. Reset fruit's are absolutely useless on Genesis right now due to stat's beeing wiped/reskillable each reset anyways. I'd love to see the reset fruits completely gone since it fucks with the drop %age of actual valuable rabbit drops like jewels/zen. Right now there is no use at all for Reset Fruits compared to Inception. Please remove the possibility to drop those or put something else (e.g. 3kk zen as additional drop compared to the existing 2,5kk with lower %age)
      2 points
    48. sombraX

      Icarus issue

      Seems that the Admins dont wanna make any changes...Sad..
      2 points
    49. the jewel economy atm is pretty horrible , it was really good in early and mid game to keep the teamfights on ww's early cc's etc where the jewels would be shared , but now that late game is coming is becoming realy frustating to get 1 jwl , 48h on spot 0 jewels , basicly being forced to skip "real life" to stay active to do events to get jewels / items to sell to have for w3 mix or our +++ on sets or just simple donate 10€ to buy bless that costs 120 credits .. it was indeed very good as i mentioned , in early-mid game , but for now imo there should be a increasing drop rate of bless/soul ( mostly bless) in higher maps such as kar2 vulcanos swamp raklion too keep up the w3 mixes and fails on +13 whit tocas whitout having too be forced being active all day for events to even get 2-4 jwls because not every party wins BC or every players win a cc and not every rabbit / orc drop jwl or even have the time to be on for them The zen drop / amount also is not matching the costs for making fruits and every mixes ds bc w3 ++ set along whit buying potions after all this as well
      2 points
    50. OldSquadMU - Genesis - Info ⇓ Basic Info Gameplay Info Old Box System & Rare Items Events Info Spots Info Drop Info & Economy System Chaos Machine Info Wings Level 4 System Special / HOT Features that you should KNOW! PvP System - All details & features Medals, Excellent (BoKs) & Ancient Tiers Castle Siege System (Unique System) Arena Tournament V3 - Most Complex PvP Event Extra Info Topics: Server RULES: Click Me Info about CREDITS: Click Me Everything about Characters Builds, Info & Buffs Formulas: Click Me + Many, many, many other things! Let's bring MU Online to the next level!
      2 points
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